My recent series on IS administration in Ninawa province focused on education, public services and religious life using numerous specimen IS administrative documents from that province. This post aims to provide an archive of similar translated IS documents in other provinces, and will be continually updated.
(Note: if you find that some of the original documents are missing, consult here for spare copies).
Specimen A: Childbirth Operations in Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
State of the Caliphate
Wilayat al-Kheir
Medical Administration
In view of what the land is going through from difficult circumstances including the debilitation of souls from the exploitation of their Muslim brothers, in order to assist the believers from the sons of Islam who are working in the medical corps to support their brothers from the poor and others besides them from the Muslim populace, and with the desire to keep the course of medical work removed from arbitrary whim, the Diwan al-Siha [health administration/department], after consideration and examination of medical work in the field concerning women [gynaecology etc.] has decided on the following:
1. Fixing of the price of Caesarean childbirth operations to 15000 Syrian pounds (8000 for the hospital, 7000 for the doctor).
2. Fixing of the price of normal childbirth operations to 10500 Syrian pounds (3500 for the hospital, 7000 for the doctor).
3. This includes keeping the child in the hospital for 12 hours after birth only.
Note: This is to be considered as tantamount to a written order and all who contravene it will be held accountable in the Dar al-Qaḍa [IS judiciary] with attendant consquence.
2 Muharram 1436 AH
26 October 2014
General Medical Official
Specimen B: Landline Telephone Subscriptions in Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Islamic Administration for Public Services
Phone connection: Number 035
Date: 14/11 [14 November 2014].
The sum receipt has been completed: 400 Syrian pounds [per month]*
And that is to meet support for connections' services.
Name of subscriber: ...
Subscriber's number: ...
Register's number
[Signatures]: Office official; Service official
NB: For comparison, landline subscriptions according to Northern Storm's spokesman [Azaz area] cost $2 a month (around 365 Syrian pounds). The landline subscription generally only works for local landline connections.
Specimen C: Fishing Regulations (Agricultural Department): Deir az-Zor Province
As a result of the lack of oversight over the abundance of fish, paucity of awareness, and the greed and ambition of some of the fishermen and their audacity in carrying out fishing in ways that are illegal and harmful to the life of the people, the fish and the river environment.
The Islamic State has decided on the following:
1. The use of electric current in hunting fish is forbidden because it leads to extermination of many river/water creatures as well as congenital disfigurement for small fish and other river creatures.
2. No fishing with use of explosive materials, dynamite and the like.
3. No fishing with use of toxins and other chemical substances because that leads to the death of all the creatures of fish and others besides them, as well as poisoning people who obtain food from them.
4. No fishing at a time of proliferation of the fish and river/water creatures because that leads to the prevention of the proliferation of the fish and the killing of their eggs, which constitutes a threat to the abundance of fish.
We ask all who come upon this decision to be bound by it for it is in the interest of the Islamic State and the Muslims in the totality.
Specimen D: Regulations for Pharmacies in Deir az-Zor Province (only preserved in indirect testimony)
Da3esh [IS] insists that all pharmacies operating in Deir az-Zor province must provide the medical administration in the province (Wilayat al-Kheir) with a number of statements including the provision of a degree for the pharmacist; further, it is required that anyone who works in the pharmacy must have a degree of a medical/health institute (pharmacy division) and he is responsible for any mistake that happens in the pharmacy with no provision of anaesthetics, menstrual drugs or prohibited medications except by doctor's prescription.
Further, it has been imposed on pharmacy owners that their profits cannot exceed 20%. They must also bring a document from the Diwan al-Zakat to indicate that payment has been fulfilled. Whoever does not possess those statements will have his pharmacy shut for a period of a month from the date of the decision. Whosoever contravenes will be held accountable in the Dar al-Qaḍa al-Shari'i with attendant consequence.
[5 November 2014]
Specimen E: Prayer Times in Deir az-Zor City (Diwan al-Awqaf wa al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
City area
(Diwan al-Awqaf wa al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid)
We remind the Muslims under the shadow of the Islamic State that the time standard authorized for the call to prayer, prayer and the rest of the proceedings is the old time standard ('summer') so please observe this directive by order of the general committee for the Islamic State.
[statement emerged in late November 2014].
Specimen F: Announcement of Acceptance of Students for School (Diwan al-Ta'aleem: Raqqa Province)- late January 2015
"In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:
The Almighty has said: "Say: Are those who know and those who don't know equal?" [Qur'an 39:9].
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces the acceptance of the sons of the Muslims in the schools of the city within the school activity in the wilaya [province].
Our children are the buds/blossoms of Islam."
Specimen G: Educational Plans of Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Raqqa Province (indirect testimony: via local pro-IS Raqqa Islamic News Network [RNN])
For general distribution and benefit:
Details of the educational plan in Raqqa:
9 years of study: in two divisions. 5 primary, 4 secondary. After the 9 years, selection for colleges or institutes. As for teachers who have not previously had an education qualification (graduate with no prior teaching experience), there is subjection for 10 months to the Institute for the Preparing of Teachers. And after that there is direct entry to teaching. As for those who have previously had a teaching qualification, they must undergo a Shari'a session lasting 2 months, and they sign a document calling for repentance. As for those who have been previously studying in the universities but have not yet graduated and would like to teach, they are subjected to a Shari'a session lasting 15 days and they must pass a test with a score over 70% that the person may be allowed to enter the Institute for the Preparing of Teachers for a period of 10 months, after which the person may teach.
NB: According to RNN, IS' Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Raqqa is in what used to be the education college
Specimen H: Announcement of Beginning of School Term with List of Schools (Raqqa Province)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces the acceptance of the sons of the Muslims in the following schools:
Girls' Schools | Boys' Schools |
Aisha Mother of the Believers | Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi |
Fatima the Daughter of Muhammad | Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqas |
Umm Amara | Ahmad |
Hind bint Utba | Al-Farouq |
Al-Qadisiya | Uqba ibn Nafi |
Thabit ibn Qais | Abdullah ibn Mas'ud |
Juwariyya bint al-Harith | Khalid ibn al-Waleed |
Arwah bint Abd al-Mutallab | Ubada ibn as-Samit |
Dhat al-Nataqain [Asma bint Abi Bakr: sister of Aisha] | Osama ibn Munqidh (Sword of the State) |
Julaybib | Hatin |
Abu Dhar al-Ghifari | Umm Habiba |
Umm Salamah | Abu Bakr al-Sadiq (al-Wazi) |
Within the plan of the realization of the schools derived from the Diwan al-Ta'aleem according to the decided stages. Term in schools begins on Saturday 26/3/1436 AH (17 January 2015).
NB: It will be noted that the schools practice gender segregation according to IS regulations, and most of the schools are named after figures from the time of the Prophet and the immediate era after him, most notably in the girls' section a number of Muhammad's wives. Note also the naming of a school after Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi: hardly a surprise.
Specimen I: Qur'an Memorization Competition (Raqqa Province)- September 2014
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Awqaf wa al-Masajid
Committee for Affairs of the Teaching of the Noble Qur'an
The Committee for Affairs of the Teaching of the Noble Qur'an announces a competition for memorization of the Noble Qur'an.
Details of the Competition:
Level One: Memorization of 5 parts with correct rules of recitation and memorization.
Level Two: Memorization of 3 parts with correct rules of recitation and memorization.
Session begins on 26 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1435 AH on a daily basis except Friday. Session lasts for a whole month.
Conditions of application for the competition:
1. The applicant's age for the competition should be between 18 and 40 years old.
2. Must attend and cannot be absent except for a legitimate excuse [according to Shari'a]
3. Applicant must have memorized at least 3 parts.
Notice: All those who pass the test in this competition will be appointed as teachers for the Noble Qur'an if they so wish and there will be granted an accredited qualification from IS. Monetary and real prizes will be distributed according to the levels, with precious prizes for those who excel.
Place and time: al-Nawwi mosque after afternoon prayer
To register head to the office for the affairs of teaching the Noble Qur'an in the HQ of the Diwan al-Awqaf. Registration begins Monday 20 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1435 AH.
Specimen J: Employment Opportunities with the Diwan al-Zakat in Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Diwan al-Zakat
Centre of Wilayat al-Raqqa
The Diwan al-Zakat- cenre of Wilayat al-Raqqa- announces the holding of a hiring campaign for those with the following qualifications in 'Ilm [knowledge]:
1. Qualification in Shari'a sciences
2. Qualification in economics- specialty (accountancy, management, computer and information system)
3. Secondary business institute
4. Secondary education in business
5. General secondary education in its two divisions of sciences and humanities
6. Preparatory education
And that is to appoint them as employees according to their specialties in the Zakat Centre in Wilayat al-Raqqa and the division offices affiliated with it. Those who wish to apply for the campaign should go and register with the Zakat Centre- City Office- within the ten days from this date.
Wednesday 11 Safr 1436 AH
3 December 2014
Official of the Diwan al-Zakat: Wilayat al-Raqqa
Specimen K: Employment Opportunities with Diwan al-Hisbah, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Hisbah Centre
Oversight and Inspections Office
The Hisbah Centre- Oversight and Inspections Office- announces its need to appoint civilian employees according to the following specialties:
1. Veterinary doctor
2. Assistant veterinary doctor
3. Office administration
4. Accountant
5. Guard
6. Health inspector
7. Butcher for cutting the throat (dhibah)
8. Butcher
9. Cleaning work
Those who wish to be appointed as employees should go and register with the Oversight and Inspections Office...Registration begins on Tuesday, 4 November 2014, and ends on Tuesday, 11 November 2014.
Oversight and Inspections Office
Specimen L: Shari'a Session for Teachers, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem: Wilayat al-Raqqa
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces a Shari'a session for all directors and teachers of the schools, male and female. That will take place on Saturday, 5 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1435 AH corresponding to 30 August 2014. Duration of the session: one week. Place of the session: for males, auditorium of the College of Education and Literature, at 4 p.m. For females: in the A'isha Mother of the Believers- may God be pleased with her- Institute (previously the Cultural Centre) at 9 a.m.
Note: No male or female teacher inside or outside the proprietors will be allowed to teach in the schools of the province except after being subjected to the session. Otherwise, there will be inquiry according to Shari'a.
Specimen M: On Movement of Women and the Garages: Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisbah
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Statement for distribution on the matter of Travelling Women and the Garages [area of Raqqa]
Indeed it is from the door of cooperation on the basis of piety and awareness of God and by which God has ordered us to safeguard the safety of the religion of the women and cultivate their religious and worldy interests, and it is for the abundance of inquiries about some of the reprehensible acts and manner of dealing with them especially on the issue of women travelling without a mahrim [close male relativ], and after the holding of a meeting by the supervisor of Hisbah in the centre for the city with the amir of Hisbah in Wilayat al-Raqqa and with the Shari'a supervisor and by the agreement of the amir of the city, especially on some of the reprehensible acts on the issue of women travelling without a mahrim, we publicize the following:
- Women may not leave the province without a mahrim unless they have a transit document from Hisbah and an ID photo with seal of approval from the Hisbah office in Karajat.
- It is absolutely forbidden for women to travel to the land of kufr [disbelief]- except for serious medical conditions and by decision of the general hospital with seal of approval from the amir of the hospital.
- Women aged 50 and above are allowed to travel to the lands of the Islamic State without a mahrim.
- Women younger than 50 are allowed to travel to the lands of the Islamic State with a mahrim.
- Elderly women are not pressured on the issue of the hijab.
- If the travelling woman has her son with her, of competent, distinguished mind, he can be considered a mahrim for her.
- Every Muslim who does not have ID proof must go to the centres of the Islamic police to be given the document of ID proof.
- To all checkpoints and offices of the garages, the populace of the Muslims are not to be allowed to pass except after bringing forth the document of personal ID proof from the centres of the Islamic police for those who don't have family IDs/cards or something to prove their identities.
- Buses- coaches- must not allow passengers to get on or off outside the garage for whatever reason.
Anyone who contravenes these instructions from coaches, offices and passengers will subject himself to the necessary consequence and inquiry.
Hisbah supervisor in Raqqa city.
Abu Talha the Kuwaiti.
Islamic State
Hisbah Admin
Raqqa Centre.
Specimen N: Obligation of Fasting in Ramadan: Raqqa Province (Indirect testimony: June 2014)
The Diwan al-Hisbah affiliated with the organization of the Islamic State has distributed a statement under the title- 'Consequence of Abandoning the Prayer' [sic: confusion: 'fasting' is meant]- in which it cited verses from the Noble Qur'an making clear the obligation of fasting in this month. It also cited prophetic hadiths the threat of God for abandoning the fast in Ramadan, as well as citing the words of the Ahl al-'Ilm in classifying abandoning the fast as one of the great sins. The statement also asked whoever cannot fast in this month for legitimate reason according to Shari'a to inform the Diwan al-Hisbah and prove it before the people, and whoever does not fulfill the conditions is to face the punishments of the law on the subject of lack of fasting during this month.
Specimen O: IS Birth Certificate (Aleppo Province): January 2015
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha [Health Department]
Wilayat Halab
Birth Certificate
Name of child:
Father's name:
Mother's name:
Place and date of birth:
Date of granting [of birth certificate]:
Medical official in Wilayat Halab
Wilayat Halab
Medical official in al-Bab and its countryside
Specimen P: Affirmation of faith (al-Bab: Aleppo Province): May 2014
Diwan Khidamat al-Muslimeen in al-Bab, Aleppo province.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham [preceding Caliphate announcement]
Wilayat Halab: al-Bab Area
Diwan Khidamat al-Muslimeen *Diwan al-Awqaf
God- Almighty and Exalted is He- has said: "An example of merit has been for you in Ibrahim and those with him when they said to their people: 'We disavow you and what you worship besides God, we have declare you to be disbelievers and thus have enmity and hatred begun between us and you forever until you believe in God alone."
And the one upon whom be prayers and peace has said: "Whoever has said there is no deity but God and has declared to be disbelief what is worshipped besides God, his property and blood have been made sacrosanct, and his reckoning is upon God"- narrated by [Sahih] Muslim.
I affirm and so with all power of my mind and definitive belief without any pressure or compulsion:
1. I disavow to God every religion that contravenes the religion of Islam
2. I disavow to God every guidance that contravenes the guidance of the Prophet- may prayers and peace be upon him.
3. I reject every idolatrous tyrant that is worshipped beside God and at the head of these idolatrous tyrants Bashar 'al-Assad' and those like him from the idolatrous tyrants of the Arabs and non-Arabs as well as their soldiers and those who are loyal to them.
4. I disavow to God the Sufis and their beliefs as well as their imams, at the head of whom are Ibn Araby, al-Sha'arani and al-Nabahani.
5. I affirm that I embrace what the Prophet (PBUH) adopted per the understanding of the Companions- may God be pleased with them.
6. I affirm that the foundation of this religion is in 'a Book [Qur'an] guides and a sword gives victory.'
7. I affirm embrace of the clear guidance of the Prophet from the obligation of the beard and not letting the clothes drop [below the ankles].
8. I affirm that I bear the result of any contravention of the above from the consequences according to Shari'a.
And God is witness to what I say.
I the affirmer:
First witness:
Second witness:
Official for the Diwan al-Awqaf
Specimen Q: Day of Ashura and Month of Muharram Pamphlet: Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Diwan al-Awqaf wa al-Masajid
Wilayat Halab Division
The Day of Ashura:
The day on which God rescued Musa- peace be upon him- from Pharaoh and his soldiers, so Musa fasted in thanks to God Almighty. And so the Messenger of God (PBUH) also fasted in thanks to God Almighty.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "As for fasting on the day of Ashura, I hope that God will accept it as an expiation for sins committed in the preceding year."- narrated by [Sahih] Muslim.
Fasting on the ninth day along with the day of Ashura is deemed desirable in opposition to the Jews [who only fast on Ashura- 10 Muharram- because that is Yom Kippur]: On the authority of Ibn Abbas- may God be pleased with them both: the Messenger of God said: "Indeed should I remain capable, I should fast on the ninth" [...]
Extending the fast in the month of Muharram is deemed desirable: On the authority of Abu Huraira- may God be pleased with him: The Messenger of God said: "The most preferable fast after Ramadan is the month of God: Muharram. And the most preferable prayer after the obligatory ones is the night prayer." Narrated by [Sahih] Muslim.
Specimen R: Call for Submission of Complaints: Aleppo Province (December 2014)
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
General/Public Call for the Citizens of the Islamic State
On the matter of raising misdeeds with the Diwan al-Qaḍa wa al-Maẓalim for all who have been exposed to wrong-doing or infringment on himself or his property whether by the soldiers of the Islamic State or its amirs.
Thanks be to God who says: "We have sent our Messengers with clear affirmations and We have sent down with them the book and the balance so that the people may establish fairness."
And prayers and peace be upon the one who says: "Support your brother: oppressor or oppressed. It was said: 'Oh Messenger of God, I have supported him when he is oppressed, but how can I support him as oppressor?' He said: 'You stop him from oppression, so that is your support for him.'" Bukhari put it out in al-Maẓalim 198/5 and Muslim in Piety and Connection no. 2584.
As for what follows: Undertaking the obligation to support the oppressed and restore rights to its people, and in our effort to track and catch infringments on the part of the amirs and soldiers of the Islamic State, as well as the necessity of the accountability of its people, and victory for the oppressed of the Muslims: so if anyone catches one of our soldiers or amirs engaging in wrong-doing, infringement or offense at hand, we renew our call to all the citizens of the Islamic State- whether from the Muslims and the Ahl al-Dhimma [dhimmis: Jews/Christians]- to head to the Islamic courts affiliated with the Diwan al-Qaḍa wa al-Maẓalim, and ask them to raise the issue of those misdeeds to seek the restoration of their rights and demand justice from whosoever has wronged them- whoever he may be. And we bear witness to God and the rest of the Muslims that we will not be content with him or keep silent about him. And we will hold the people in this matter to account and we will work to restore right to its people and support them as we can, when that matter has reached us.
In this context we also advise our brothers from the soldiers and amirs of the Islamic State to be aware of God in private and public, and beware of oppression and aggression against any of the citizens, and we warn them of the consequences of that in this world and the Hereafter. So be aware of the call of the oppressed, for there is no veil between it and God.
Wali [governor] of Wilayat Halab
Specimen S: Ultimatum for the Christians of Mosul
Islamic State
Diwan al-Qaḍa
19 Ramadan 1435 AH
17 July 2014
God Almighty says: "And when a community of them said: 'Why do you warn a people whom God is going to destroy or punish severely?' They said: 'To be absolved before your Lord and perhaps they will beware of Him."- Qur'an 7:164.
After informing the heads of the Christians and their followers of the appointment for a meeting to affirm their status in the shadow of the state of the Caliphate in Wilayat Ninawa, they avoided it and failed to attend on the intended appointment...and it had been decided that we offer them one of these three choices:
1. Islam
2. Dhimmi pact (and it is taking the jizya from them)- [cf. Qur'an 9:29]
3. If they refuse that, only the sword for them.
But The Commander of the Believers- Caliph Ibrahim- may God make him mighty- has given them the blessing of allowing them to get themselves out of the borders of the state of the Caliphate at the latest by Saturday 21 Ramadan 1435 AH at noon. After this, there is only the sword between us and them.
Diwan al-Qaḍa
Wilayat Ninawa
Specimen T: Islamic State-Issued Exam Timetable for Pharmacology College, Mosul University (2014)
Specimen U: Notification on Supplementary Exams for Mosul University (Various Colleges)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
After resumption of regular time in the Diwan al-Ta'aleem: Mosul University and the technical, engineering and agricultural institutes and colleges, it has been decided to set the supplementary exams for the first setting beginning from Saturday in Muharram 1436 AH corresponding to 1 November 2014, and as is made clear from the accompanying timetable, it is thus obligatory on all the educational, administrative and technical proprietors to embrace the regular time from 24 Dhu al-Hijja 1435 AH- 18 October 2014- and this statement for distribution is considered binding and the one who contravenes it will be held accountable.
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
NB: See this for explanation of 'supplementary exams'.
Specimen V: Barring of Entry into Schools Except by Permission: Ninawa Province (December 2014)
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Wilayat Ninawa
Statement for Distribution
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God...and what follows:
It has been decided not to allow any person to enter the schools at risk of being held accountable except by written permission from the Diwan al-Ta'aleem. But the Diwan al-Hisbah is exempt from this regulation. The one who violates will be held accountable. And God is the one behind the intent.
Wilayat Ninawa Centre
Amir Diwan al-Ta'aleem
16 Safr 1436 AH
Specimen W: General Notification: Opening of Factory for Synthetic Body Parts
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
General Supervisory Committee
16 October 2014
To all the Diwans and Wilayats.
Statement for distribution.
We would like to inform you of the opening of a factory to make synthetic body parts in Wilayat Ninawa. So we ask the brothers who need a synthetic body part to go and register with the Diwan al-Siha in order for them to send for the desired part by writing to the factory.
May God reward you best.
Notice: please do not send any ill person to Turkey for the making of a part.
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
Abu Muslim
Specimen X: General Notification: Ban on GPS and Apple devices
Islamic State
General [Supervisory] Committee
No. 17
21/2/1436 AH [c. 14 December 2014]
Statement for distribution
To all the wilayats, diwans, committees and central joints in the Islamic State:
In accordance with the demands of the public interest and to protect the souls of the soldiers of the Islamic State and their possessions in the shadow of the fierce Crusader campaign against the state of the Caliphate, and in order to shut one of the doors of penetration the enemy uses to attain its goals and strike with exactness by means of its war and remote-guided aircraft, it has been decided to forbid the use of any electronic device or a system that has access to service to enable precise location of positions (GPS).
Technician brothers have been appointed in every wilaya to block this service and remove it from mobiles and tablet computers completely, so we ask the soldiers of the Islamic State to take the initiative to remove it from their devices with a deadline of one month from the publication of this statement for distribution in the provinces, and after that any electronic device with access to GPS will be confiscated, and the owner will be questioned as to his lack of obeying order and exposing his brothers to veritable danger.
Let it be known that this statement for distribution does not include connection devices that are products of the Apple network, since the use of devices of this network- from phones and tablet computers- will be completely banned on account of the risks they create.
General Supervisory Committee
Specimen Y: Educational Regulations for Deir az-Zor Province (late January 2015)
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:
Thanks be to God, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace upon the Lord of those who were sent [Muhammad]. As for what follows:
The Almighty has said: "Say: Are those who know and those who don't know equal?"
For knowledge ['Ilm] is the only path to know Truth from Falsehood, for knowledge is what encourages the communities and guides them to the centres.
The Islamic State in Wilayat al-Kheir [Deir az-Zor province] has decided to open the schools and introduce new educational programs for them to contribute to the lifting of ignorance from our sons. We will eradicate the illiteracy that has spread among them and the Islamic State has organized the operation to be comprehensive and devoid of gaps, thus:
- Students from first to ninth grade [ergo, up to age 15/16: same as prior school leaving age] must go to the schools according to the regular hours, class period and their organization according to the timetable.
- Uniform is not compulsory for students but it suffices that the clothing meet Islamic modesty standards and be clean.
- No introduction or teaching of any regime book is allowed except in special [private] institutes and schools.
- Students are not to stand to line on the entry of the teacher and no prior slogans are to be repeated [i.e. from the era of the Syrian Arab Republic].
- All days of the week are regular hours for school except Friday and the use of the bell in the school is absolutely forbidden.
- The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes. After every two lessons is a 15-minute break. The number of lessons is 4 per day.
- The regular schedule of the first group [primary school] is [begins at] 8'o'clock and for the second [secondary school] 12'o'clock according to Islamic State time.
- Prayer is to be observed at its time, the call is to be raised for it, a place is to be designated for prayer, and students who wish to pray in the mosque and undertake the remaining duties can do so.
- Noon prayer is established after the end of the first lesson so the regular schedule is thus:
12:00-12:45 p.m.: Lesson
12:45-1:00 p.m.: Noon prayer
1:00-1:45 p.m.: Lesson
1:45-2:00 p.m.: Break
2:00-3:30 p.m.: Two lessons together.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Specimen Z: Call for Repentance of Teachers (Ninawa Province: December 2014)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
28 Safr 1436 AH
Statement for distribution: No. 09
Indeed the educational system is considered among the most important centres that states establish and cultivate, and through this system is made clear the ideology/creed of the state, its program, its consideration of the situation, as well as the nature of its relations with internal society and its classes, and external society in its varying directions and cultures.
And Satan has not found a greater entrance than the entrance of ignorance and arbitrary whim, and this has been among the most important causes of misdeeds and rebellion.
For knowledge has been a condition of tawheed...and among the qualities of the Prophet (PBUH) that the Qur'an mentioned about him was the quality of teaching this Ummah, as the Almighty said in describing him: "Who may teach them the Book and Wisdom and to purify them" [Qur'an 2:129]. And the One whose affairs are exalted said: "Who may teach you the Book and Wisdom."
And Islam has warned about the influence of those who take charge of education for themselves because they are the ones responsible for tampering with the inborn-nature of tawheed that God has endowed as related in a hadith of the Prophet [PBUH]: "Every child is born with true faith. It is the parents who make him Jewish, Christian or Magian."- Bukhari 1358.
After God Almighty enabled the Islamic State and it announced the Caliphate, it has directed attention towards the programs of the ministries of education affiliated with the kafir and apostate governments that have been reckoned to be programs attempting to separate religion from state, so the current educational system has been found to be...a decadent program establishing the call to kufr [disbelief] and establishing the principles of secularism, nationalism and Ba'athism in its various forms- something that calls for disavowal of it and the realization of the call for repentance from those working in it on the legal level.
Thus the Diwan al-Ta'aleem has decided to adopt the following measures:
1. Putting a stop to the current educational committee for now:
a) Ceasing the preparation of the new educational programs bound by the restrictions of our Hanif law.
b) Stopping the work of all prior teachers until the fulfillment of the call for their repentance.
2. None of the old educational programs are to be taught in the areas of the state of the Caliphate, whether public or private schools or lessons.
3. Citizens of the Islamic State are not allowed to attend schools outside its borders and which establish principles of disbelief.
4. Whoever wishes to work in the educational foundations: after his repentance, and definition of his stance before the special Shari'a committee, must record his affirmations in the education centres, so as to undertake developmental and qualifiying Shari'a sessions. After that the educational qualifications of each according to his speciality will be completed.
5. The one who contravenes this statement for distribution will be subject to judicial inquiry with the coming down of deterrent consequences according to Shari'a for him.
Note: The authority of this statement is the result of an investigation prepared by the al-Eftaa and Buhuth Committee [NB: the same that issued rulings justifying the treatment of Yezidis, burning the Jordanian pilot etc.] under the title: "Clarification Message on the Statement of Judgment on the Education System in the Nusayri government."
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know it.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Dhu al-Qarnain
NB: Some sources (e.g. Noman Benotman) have claimed this is a statement specifically for IS' foothold [supposed 'emirate'] in Derna, Libya, but that notion is inaccurate. The signature of 'Dhu al-Qarnain' here is to be linked with a report by Iraq's Sumaria News (put out around the same time as this statement emerged), which cites a "local source in Ninawa province" on the suspension of regular classes in Ninawa province's schools by Dhu al-Qarnain- the official in charge of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem- on the grounds educational programs were contravening IS ideals, despite curriculum regulations that had been issued months before. Besides a call for repentance from teachers and subjecting them to training sessions, plans were also reportedly made to print new books and introduce new programs, and only then would regular class times be resumed. Dhu al-Qarnain is said to be of Egyptian nationality with a German passport, having been part of IS' original predecessor, Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's Jamaat al-Tawhid wa al-Jihad.
Dhu al-Qarnain earlier emerged in a report by Sumaria News in October of that year (with a photo of his distinct signature), barring students in areas of Iraq's provinces under IS control in Ninawa, Salah ad-Din, Kirkuk (i.e. mostly south-west of the province) and Anbar from going to Kirkuk city or the Kurdistan region to complete special baccalaureate exams at the preparatory sixth [i.e. age 17/18] and secondary third [i.e. age 14] levels, issuing the orders from his base in Ninawa province.
Specimen 1A: Call for Recruitment: Euphrates Province (February 2015)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Wilayat al-Furat
Military/Training Camps' Administration
The Almighty has said: "Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and souls in the cause of God. That is better for you, if you truly know"- [Qur'an 9:41].
The Messenger of God said: "And when you are called on to fight, go forth"- narrated by Bukhari.
In obedience of the command of God Almighty, and thus the command of the Noble Messenger, the Islamic State calls on the youth of Islam in Wilayat al-Furat to fight and calls on them to join the convoy of their mujahideen brothers in obedience to God and in support of His religion, so oh you who love what is best and desire jihad, get up, hasten and prepare the forearm of earnestness, perhaps you will be a just brick in the building of this blessed structure.
NB: 'Euphrates Province' is one of the new IS provinces that encompasses both sides of the Syria-Iraq border along the Euphrates, including al-Qa'im in Iraq and Albukamal in Syria.
Specimen 1B: Invitation to Repentance: Euphrates Province (January 2015)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
17 Rabi' al-Awal 1436 AH
8 January 2015 In the name of God.
Thanks be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, and all his companions. As for what follows:
Working on the basis of the instructions of the Amir al-Mu'mineen [Commander of the Believers: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] whom God has granted success and whose line He has directed, the door of repentance is opened to the factions that have fought the Islamic State, and thus included with them are their families. And so the opening of the door of repentance is announced in the town of Albukamal for the following factions:
1. Factions of the Free Army
2. The so-called Islamic Front
3. The Jowlani Front [Jabhat al-Nusra]
4. Soldiers of the Nusayri regime (from the Ahl al-Sunna)
And repentance is embraced on the following conditions:
1. The person acknowledges his apostasy
2. Submitting to a Shari'a session
3. Heading to the military/training camps and from there to the fighting fronts
4. Presentation of all information he has
5. Handing over all arms he has
So whoever wants to repent according to the aforementioned conditions will have protection from us: what is for us will be for him and what is upon us will be upon him. Let it be known that this chance for repentance includes whoever was fighting and whoever was sitting and whoever did not repent with the Islamic State but absolutely does not include the leaders of the factions
Specimen 1C: List of hudud punishments (Aleppo Province)
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Statement of hudud
The Lord- Almighty and Exalted is He- has said: "For no, by your Lord, they will not believe until you judge the dispute between them and they find in themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and willingly submit." [Qur'an 4:65].
The Exalted has also said: "Whoever does not judge by what God has sent down, they are the disbelievers." [Qur'an 5:44]
The Exalted has also said: "So is it the ruling of the age of ignorance [before Islam] they desire? And who is better than God in judgement for a people certain in faith?" [Qur'an 5:50]
The Exalted has also said: "That is the judgment of God between you: and God is all-knowing, all-wise" [Qur'an 60:10, though slight misquotation here as the words يحكم بينكم are missing before 'and God is all-knowing...'].
Oh Muslims, indeed the one who ponders these verses will find in them great meaning far removed from much of the minds of the people in this time and among these meanings are:
- Denial of faith of those who do not submit to Islamic Shari'a judgement.
- The necessity of being led by and submitting to Shari'a rulings without discomfort in the soul.
- The one who does not judge by what God has sent down is a kafir [disbeliever] and God forbid, even if he fasts, prays and asserts he is Muslim.
- There exists no better ruling than the ruling of God and all other rulings are ones of ignorance.
- When God- Almighty and Exalted is He- has judged between His servants, He has ruled between them and He is all-knowing, all-wise and there is no one more knowing or wiser than He- the Exalted.
Therefore, the Islamic State, believing in God- Almighty and Exalted is He- who has sent down the Book, and rejecting the nations united to wage war on the Lord of the Lords, and rejecting the judgements/rulings put in place by those created from the soil, pledges to God- Almighty and Exalted is He- to rule by His Shari'a in His land among His servants even if the disbelievers hate it. Thus we would like to make clear to the people the hudud of God- Almighty and Exalted is He- as a warning and deterrent.
Blasphemy against God: Almighty and Exalted is He | Death |
Blasphemy against the Messenger [PBUH] | Death even if he repents |
Blasphemy against the religion | Death |
Adultery | 1. Stoning to death for the chaste [muhsan] 2. 100 lashes & banishment for a year for the unchaste |
Homosexuality | Death for the penetrator and receiver |
Theft | Cutting off the hand |
Drinking wine [alcohol] | 80 lashes |
Calumny | 80 lashes |
Spying for the interests of the disbelievers | Death |
Apostasy from Islam | Death |
Highway criminality | 1. Killing and taking wealth: death and crucifixion 2. Killing: death for sure 3. Taking wealth: Cut off the right hand and left foot 4. Terrorizing the people: banishment.from the land |
And indeed we make the people fear their Lord and call them to enter into His mercy by embracing His commands and adhering to His prohibition orders for that is is the best outcome in that and there is nothing good in the one judged if he does not submit to the law of his Lord and there is nothing good in the one who judges if he does not judge/rule his servants by the ruling of God. And indeed the Islamic State will not compromise on this great intention for whose sake it has offered hundreds of martyrs from its pious and pure sons, but rather it has established the law of God among its soldiers, and the rulings have even reached the point of the death penalty for more than one of them.
And God is predominant in His affair but most people don't know it [Qur'an 12:21].
Specimen 1D: Introduction of death penalty for blasphemy [Jarabulus area: September 2013]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab: Jarabulus Area
Important Warning
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God as well as his family and companions.
God has said: "Those who abuse God and His Messenger, God has cursed them in this world [dunya] and the Hereafter [akhira] and has prepared for them a painful torment"- Surat al-Ahzab, 57 [Qur'an 33:57].
Then He has mentioned regarding the munafiqeen [hypocrites etc.]: "Accursed wherever they are found, seized and massacred completely" [Qur'an 33:61].
The Sheikh of Islam [Ibn Taymiyya] has said: "This must include seizure and massacre among the effects of the curse that they promised."
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces the application of the Shari'a punishment that is:
1. Whoever blasphemes against God- blessed and Almighty is He- belittles His exaltedness or says something of Him not befitting Him.
2. Whoever blasphemes the Prophet- prayers and peace be upon him- belittles his place or says something of him not befitting him.
This is so and the punishment will be implemented on the one proven guilty of that by judicial means in the Square of the Martyr (as reckon him) Abu al-Sa'ad al-Maghrebi at the Cultural Centre.
NB: This statement comes from the pre-Caliphate era at a time when ISIS was aiming to expand in Syria without wider infighting with rebels and only controlled a few northern border towns as strongholds, being only one of many groups in the vast majority of places where it had a presence. For this reason, the degree and speed of implementation of Shari'a was slower back then. Indeed, Jarabulus had been controlled as an 'emirate' by ISIS (an important designation as a predecessor to the Caliphate) for around 3 months before this statement introducing death penalty for blasphemy emerged. Compare with the ISIS 'emirate' of Azaz, where smoking was only rebuked by word, whereas it is punished now in Islamic State territories by flogging.
Abu al-Sa'ad al-Maghrebi was an ISIS fighter whose death was first announced in late July 2013. He reportedly died fighting for the 'cleansing' of Jarabulus from ISIS opponents, which either refers to the local Family of Jadir that was subjugated in June of that year, or the vanquishing of the small Kurdish PYD presence in the town in late July (previously tolerated by ISIS and it exercised no governing authority) after wider infighting broke out between ISIS and the PYD in that month following the expulsion of ISIS from Ras al-Ayn town.
Specimen 1E: Diwan al-Amn al-Aam [Public Security Department]: Reward for Killing/Wounding Jordanian Pilots
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
The Almighty has said: "Fight them: God will torment them at your hands, cut them down, give you victory over them and heal the chests of the believing people, and the fury in their hearts will vanish. God forgives whom He wishes to forgive. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise"- Qur'an 9:14-5.
By the agreement of the Majlis Shura [consultation council] of the Islamic State, a financial reward has been set for all who kill a Jordanian pilot or wound him such as to prevent him from flying or working within the Crusader alliance that targets the Muslims in the Islamic State. And the Diwan has set the reward at 100 gold dinars that the one who deserves the sum can receive it in currency of the Islamic State or any other currency of his choice that suits him. And the Islamic State will be obligated to send the sum to the place that he chooses by God's permission after verification of his deserving to be payed by any means of verification possible.
And in what follows is a list of the names of the Jordanian pilots, their ranks and their titles as well as the information whose extraction is facilitated after completion of verification with the captive pilot of the Islamic State (Muadh Safi al-Kassasbeh), and it does not escape us...that we seek to give support to our Muslim brothers in Jordan of al-Sham and urge them to target these criminals who have engaged in spilling the blood of the Muslims by any means possible or publish any information that will facilitate our reaching them. The Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, fight those of the kuffar [disbelievers], and may they find in you harshness. And know God is with the righteous."- Qur'an 9:123.
NB: This statement confirms that IS regards Jordan as part of al-Sham which was in its geographic coincidence as ISIS.
Specimen 1F: Diwan al-Hisbah (Derna: Cyrenaica Province, Libya) on women's clothing (October 2014)
Islamic State
Wilayat Barqa: Derna
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions and whoever is close to him. As for what follows:
Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu al-Hayaj al-Asadi- may God be pleased with him: he said: "Ali- may God be pleased with him- said to me: 'Do I not induce you to what the Messenger of God [PBUH] induced me? Do not allow a statue to stand unless you have obliterated it or a grave raised unless you have levelled it.'"
My brother in God:
This is an order from the Prophet (PBUH) to demolish statues- and this order is to prevent the step towards idolatry- for thus in the statues is resemblance to God's creation.
And there is another order of warning:
It is regarding the display of revealing women's clothes, and it is one of the things by which many people have been enticed...we offer this [warning] as sincere and affectionate advice for you, for the believers are sincere [?], while the munafiqeen [hypocrites/lukewarm] are swindlers.
Your brothers the men of al-Hisbah for virtue and vice
Diwan al-Hisbah
Specimen 1G: Warning against certain customs on Eid al-Adha: Hasakah Province (October 2014)
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisbah
Wilayat al-Baraka
Centre: al-Shaddadi
Statement number: 5
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Known condemned practices and innovations on Eid al-Adha
Thanks be to God, the Lord of the Worlds, and may God bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
Muslim brother: we congratulate you on the beginning of the arrival of the blessed Eid al-Adha, and we ask you to accept this message from us in which we have put together some of the innovations and condemnd practices that take place during the day of Eid: and we ask God for this to be useful to you and all the Muslims.
1. People visiting the tombs during the day of Eid: this contravenes the guidance of the Prophet (PBUH) who forbade 'taking up tombs on festivals' [lit. meaning, most broadly encompasses any act of worship etc. at tombs], and visiting them in fixed times and festivals is among the meanings of 'taking up tombs on festivals.' Making this day one of sadness contravenes the truth of the festival that must be an occasion of joy and happiness just as the law has ordered, and thus we warn the people not to commit this condemned act and all who contravene this order will be held accountable [emphasis in original]
2. People killing the sacrificial victim for their dead, thus when someone says: "Oh God, I have sacrificed for so-and-so," this is condemned by the consensus of the four imams. Thus Imam Shafi'i- may God have mercy on him- said: "One's sacrifice does not benefit a dead person," but rather the Sunna is: "Oh God, I have sacrificed for myself and my family."
3. Some believe in the legitimacy of celebrating the night of Eid, but there is no prescription in marking out the night of Eid from the rest of the days for special customs.
4. Selling some of the parts of the sacrificial victim: whether its skin, foot, or head, or giving a part of it as a fee for the butcher. All of this is legally forbidden.
5. Killing the sacrificial victim before Eid prayer: the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever commits the slaughter before the Eid prayer, he has slaughtered it just for himself, but whoever commits it after the prayer has completed his sacrifice and followed the Sunna of the Muslims"- thus following on that.
6. Mixing of women with men: note the words of the Prophet (PBUH): "A man and woman are not to be left together unless she also has her mahrim with her." In the same way the abundance of women wearing perfume who go out on this day, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "When a woman seeks to apply perfume to herself and thus goes out among the people so they may find in her such and such," of any whore/adulterer. And women shaking hands with men especially what happens among relatives among the sons of the general populace, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever touches the palm of a woman and is not from her is on the path of placing on his palm the ember of the Day of Judgment."
May God reward you best.
8 Dhu al-Hijjah. Thursday
Specimen 1H: Notice to truck/lorry drivers (Ninawa Province)
Warning to all lorry/truck drivers not to give a lift to soldiers of the Islamic State, by order of the Islamic State
Specimen 1I: Restrictions on women's clothing, Tel Abyad, Raqqa province (December 2013)
Islamic Court
Statement: 1
1434 AH [sic: 1435]/2013 CE
Beginning from next Saturday- 11 Safr 1435 AH/14 December 2013, there will be a complete ban on unveiling, as well as the wearing of tight trousers and cloaks, and the adorning of oneself and imitation of kafir [disbelieving] women. And any woman who contravenes this statement for distribution will expose herself to the severest consequences.
May God reward you best.
Virtue and Vice Committee
Islamic Court in Tel Abyad
Leadership of the Court
The judge [signature]
NB: This statement dates from before the town came under the sole control of the Islamic State (note too this is the pre-Caliphate era) in the following month on account of the infighting with Tel Abyad's other factions (including Ahrar al-Sham battalions) that culminated in their expulsion from the town. ISIS' presence in Tel Abyad dates back to the late spring of 2013 following the defection of the local Jabhat al-Nusra contingent to ISIS on account of Baghdadi's call for merging under ISIS. The concept of the 'virtue and vice committee' is also important to note here as a predecessor to the Diwan al-Hisbah and Diwan al-Qaḍa bodies that developed in areas under the sole control of the Islamic State for the enforcement of Islamic morality. For comparison, when Fallujah first fell out of government control, ISIS was not the sole faction involved, and still having to deal with the fact other groups were in the town, ISIS set up a 'virtue and vice committee' (see specimen 1N).
Specimen 1J: New rent regulations, Hīt, Anbar province (early December 2014)
Islamic State
Diwan al-Qaḍa wa al-Maẓalim
Wilayat al-Anbar
Hīt district
To property owners and owners of real estate offices
Thanks be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets, as well as his family and esteemed, fortunate companions. And for what follows:
The Blessed and Almighty Truth says: "And if someone is in hardship, let there be postponement until ease, but if you give charity, it is better for you, if you knew" [Qur'an 2:280].
On the authority of Abu Huraira: he said: the Messenger of God said: Whoever relieves a believer of one of the worries of the material world [dunya], God will relieve him of one of the worries of the day of Judgment, and whoever provides ease for one in hardship, God will provide him ease in this world and the Hereafter, and whoever protects a Muslim, God will protect him in this world and the Hereafter, and God in helping His servant is such as His servant has been in helping his brother [narrated in Sahih Muslim].
On this basis we call on all owners of residential and business real estate to show mutual understanding and deference to the circumstances of those renting [tenants] in such a situation as this, and we urge that the rent for residential and business real estate be thus:
Take the rent at a starting point of 100,000 dinars [around $84 at current exchange] and what has been added to that should be halved. So e.g., if the prior rent is 300,000 dinars, take the starting point sum as 100,000 dinars and so with the remaining sum of that at 200,000 dinars, divide that sum in half and one gets 100,000 dinars. Therefore, add this half to the original sum and the new rent is 200,000 dinars- fair and just among all.
Notice: Accountability begins from the beginning of the upcoming month [month of Safr], and if the one seeking to let out for rent [the owner of the real estate] refuses to apply this special decision on rents, the tenant must go to the Islamic court to take up the necessary decision.
And God is the one behind the intention.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Qaḍa wa al-Maẓalim
Wilayat al-Anbar/Judge for Hīt court
NB: On a related note, it is worth noting the following prices from a Hīt news page for commodities in IS-controlled Hīt [February 2015]. Though units of measurement are not given in the original, comparison with prices elsewhere in Iraq points to the probable unit in each case:
Potato [1kg]: 500-750 dinars
Cucumber [1kg]: 750 dinars
Tomato [1kg]: 500-750 dinars
Lettuce [1 head]: 350-500 dinars
Satsuma [1kg]: 750 dinars
Orange [1kg]: 500 dinars
Sheep meat [1kg]: 7000-8000 dinars
Eggs [dozen]: 3500-4000 dinars
Sack of Flour: 20000-25000 dinars
Dahina [kind of sweet]: 3000 dinars
Gas: 25000 dinars
Petrol (Syrian:1 litre): 1000 dinars.
Shortage of Iraqi petrol.
Canned goods and sweets are said to have decreased in price on account of import from Syria (no specifics given).
Specimen 1K: Daily Coach Journeys in Islamic State Territory [December 2014]
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Connections Administration
(The Garages)
The Connections Administration in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces the starting up of daily journeys to al-Shaddadi [in Hasakah Province]- al-Qa'im [in Anbar province, on border with Syria, part of 'Euphrates Province']- Tel Afar [in Ninawa province, Iraq]- Sinjar- Mosul, as well as daily journeys from Raqqa to the town of al-Bab [Aleppo province]. Place to reserve tickets: Albu Laman garage.
Official for connections.
Specimen 1L: Vaccinations Card for Children, Aleppo Province (September 2014)
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
Wilayat Halab
Health Centre:
Centre's Phone Number:
Child's Vaccinations Card
Name and kunya:
Father's name:
Mother's name:
Date of birth:
Specimen 1M: Vaccinations Table for Child (as with Specimen 1L)
Dear mother:
The benefits of God upon His servants are numerous, and the pinnacle of those is the excellence of the sons/children. Observe the appointments for visits and be sure after the birth of the child to give it vaccinations according to the following timetable:
Visit | Child's age | Vaccinations that will be given during the visit |
1 | From birth | BCG (tuberculosis) and hepatitis |
2 | Beginning of third month | 5-in-1 (tetramune& hepatitis) and poliomyelitis |
3 | Beginning of fifth month | Tetramune and poliomyelitis |
4 | Beginning of seventh month | 5-in-1 (tetramune & hepatitis) and oral polio vaccine |
5 | 1 year | MMR & oral polio vaccine & Vitamin A [supplement in vaccine] |
6 | 1.5 years | Tetramune & oral polio vaccine & MMR & Vitamin A: supplement |
7 | 1st grade [school: around 7 years old] | DT vaccine & oral polio vaccine & meningitis |
8 | 6th grade | DT vaccine |
Tetramune: Diphtheria, pertussis [whooping cough], tetanus, haemophilus influenza type B
MMR: measles, mumps, rubella
NB: This system of vaccinations for children represents virtually no change from that in Assad regime-held areas: cf. this Syrian government website page on vaccinations.
Specimen 1N: Establishment of Virtue and Vice Committee (Islamic Court) in Fallujah, January 2014
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Anbar
Statement no.: 11
14 Rabi al-Awal 1435 AH
15 January 2014
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God as well as his family, companions and whosoever is loyal/close to him. As for what follows:
The Almighty has said: "Those We have enabled in the land have established prayer, given zakat and commanded what is right and forbidden what is wrong. And to God belongs the outcome in the matters" [al-Hajj 41: Qur'an 22:41]. And on the authority of Hudaiqa- may God be pleased with him- on the authority of the Prophet [PBUH]: he said: "By the One in whose hand is my soul [God], you must command what is right and forbid what is wrong or God- Almighty and Exalted is He- may well send a torment against you from His power and then you may implore Him but He will not heed you." Al-Tirmidhi narrated this and deemed it reliable. From the aforementioned ayah [verse of the Qur'an] and hadith, the obligation and importance of commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong are apparent to us.
Therefore we have decided to form a Virtue and Vice Committee that will undertake its role in doing away with conflict and separation among the Muslims, working according to the book of God [Qur'an] and the Sunna of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him), guiding them to the best on the program of the Prophets. It will also undertake to receive the complaints of the Muslims to address injustices and support the oppressed. So whoever wants to bring complaints with evidence against anyone even if he is one of the Islamic State members, let him hand in the complaints to the nearest known place for the Islamic State and they should be written down.
For know, oh Muslims, that we only want from this matter to satisfy God- Almighty and Exalted is He- implement the ruling of His Shari'a, and provide salvation for the oppressed believers in the land.
So oh our noble people in Fallujah, we say to you just as the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) said to the Ansar: "Blood is blood, and what is sacred is what is sacred , you are from us and we are from you, we wage war on those you have waged war on, and we are at peace with those you have been at peace with." So we have only come to remove oppression from you, defend your honour and the honour of all the Muslims for this is our program and this is our creed (a book guides and a sword gives victory). And it has sufficed for your Lord as guiding and supporting. God's peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, his family and companions.
Specimen 1O: Directions for Prayer on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha: Fallujah (2014: after IS-takeover of the city: here and here for originals)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Fallujah
Mosques Centre (Markaz al-Masajid)
Prayers of the Two Eids
Thanks be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon on His Trusted Prophet and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
Wisdom from the legitimacy of the two Eids: every people has a day in which they adorn themselves and go out from their homes with their adornment. On the authority of Anas ibn Malik: "The people of Jahiliyya [age of ignorance before Islam] used to have two days every year in which they would celebrate with play, but when the Prophet came to Madina, he said: "You used to have two days in which you would celebrate with play, but God has exchanged those two for two things better for you: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha." Narrated by Ahmad and al-Nisa'i.
Indeed the day of fitr and slaughter are legitimized by God and He chose them for His creation because the two constitute two great pillars of the pillars of Islam- 'fasting and hajj [pilgrimage]'- and in these two God forgives sins and spreads His mercy on His obedient servants. As for the festivals- Nawruz, Flag Day and National Day- and other such occasions, they are by the choice of the rulers of this time and what a difference between the two choices: one in which sins are forgiven and the gates of heaven are opened, the other a choice of error and in which the gates of hellfire are opened, between the joy of the Merciful [God] and the joy of Satan, so consider God has shown you the clear difference.
Ruling of the Prayers of the Two Eids:
The people of 'Ilm [Islamic knowledge] have differed in the ruling of the prayers of the two eids on three expressed views:
1. That it is obligatory on the notables: the school of thought of Abu Hanifa [founder of Hanafi school of jurisprudence], one of two expressed views of the Shafi'i and a narration on the authority of Ahmad followed by Ibn Taymiyya and the expressed opinion of some of the Maliki jurists followed by al-Shukani.
("Innovations, Ibn Abedain, Fairness, Collection of Fatwas, The Dragging Stream") [These are references for the citations].
2. That it is obligatory on the collective: were some of them to undertake it, it would escape the rest, and this is the opinion of the Hanbali school of jurisprudence and some of the Shafi'i (al-Mughni, Collection).
3. It is an affirmed Sunna and it is not obligatory: of the school of thought of Malik and al-Shafi'i and most of the companions of the two (Jawahir al-Aktheel, Collection).
Its timing: The time of Eid prayers is after the rising of the Sun (i.e. visible to the onlooker/after the passing of the time of loathsomeness) and ends with the disappearance of the Sun and in this regard the collection have spoken (Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali):- Ibn Abedein, Beginning of the One Who Engages in Ijtihad, al-Mughni.
The most preferable in al-Adha prayer is that you pray at the first of its time [as soon as possible] so that the Muslims can be free after it to slaughter their victims, but it is preferable for it to be slightly delayed on Eid al-Fitr to allow for the people to bring out zakat al-fitr.
Place to carry it out: on th authority of Abu Sa'id al-Hadari: he said: "The Messenger of God was going out on the day of al-Fitr and al-Adha to the place for prayer, for the first thing he used to do was pray..." Sahih Bukhari. And the Sunna is that you pray in "open country or a wide space" unless there is a legitimate excuse "like rain, or fear of an enemy, or illness" and others besides these so there is no impediment for you to pray in the mosque.
Customs of going out to Eid prayers:
1. It is desirable to wash before going out.
2. Adorning oneself and wearing best clothes.
3. Crying 'Allahu akbar' [takbir] from going out till prayers.
4. Women and youth go out to pray.
5. Contrast the path to the place of prayer.
6. Go to the place of prayer early.
Manner of Takbir
There is no reliable raised hadith from the Prophet on the manner of takbir but ascertainment on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud: that he used to say: "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la illah ill Allah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillah al-hamd." Ibn Abu Shayba brought this out with reliable isnad.
Use [of the takbir]:
- In al-Fitr prayers: from last sunset of Ramadan to the entry of the Imam into the mosque for prayers.
- In al-Adha: one should cry the takbir from the dawn of the day of Arafa until the last day of the days of Tashreeq, and this is the consensus view of the predecessors, jurists and imams: Collection of Fatwas.
- There is no Sunna before or after the prayers: On the authority of Ibn Abbas: "The Prophet prayed on the day of Fitr two rak'ah and did not pray before or after it..." Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Nisa'i and Ibn Maja.
- There is no call to prayer for Eid and no establishment of the call for it: On the authority of Jaber ibn Samurah, he said: "I prayed with the Messenger of God on the two Eids, more than once or twice, without call to prayer or establishment for call to it."- narrated by Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nisa'i.
Manner of prayer for Eid: Eid prayer has two rak'ah, thus by hadith of Omar: he said: "Prayer of Safr is two rak'ah, Friday prayer and Eid two rak'ah, complete without shortening" on the tongue of Muhammad. Ahmad and Ibn Maja [hadith collectors] brought this out.
Prayer is thus:
1. Takbirat l-Ihram like the rest of the prayers [see here for video demonstration].
2. Then one says the takbir seven other times before recital [of the Qur'an]. There has been no reliable hadith from the Prophet with fixed mention of his silence between the takbirs but Ibn Mas'ud said: "Between every two takbirs [he said:] thanks to God and praise for Him." Brought out by al-Bayhaqi with sound transmission.
3. It is desirable to recite after the Fatiha (Sura Qaf, by the Glorious Qur'an) in the first Rak'ah, and in the second, "The hour has drawn near and the moon has rent asunder," just as ascertained from the Prophet: brought out by Muslim and Tirmidhi. Or he recites, "Recite the name of Your Lord on High," and "Has there reached you report of the Overwhelming Event?" Narrated by Muslim.
4. Five takbirs in the second rak'ah up to what has come forth in the first rak'ah.
5. Prayer is completed.
This method of prayer for Eid is the expressed opinion of most of the Ahl al-'Ilm in accordance with what was narrated on the authority of A'isha and Abdullah ibn Amro.
Eid sermon after prayer: And the Sunnah is that the imam gives a sermon after prayer standing on the ground, not on the pulpit, just as the Messenger of God and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs from after him did. The sermon is like other sermons but opens with the takbir.
Condemned practices on Eid:
1. Shaving beard.
2. Shaking hands with foreign women [i.e. not your relatives].
3. Following the kuffar in dress and shaving.
4. Gender mixing.
5. Women's adornment.
6. Designating a visit for the tombs on Eid.
7. Spreading use of stringed instruments.
8. Listening to songs.
9. Squandering on something useless.
Specimen 1P: Regulations Imposed by Public Services Committee: Raqqa Province (December 2014)
System for dealing with violations, issued from the Municipal Office
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Public Services Committee
1. The sale of combustibles and gas cylinders in populated places is absolutely forbidden.
2. Displays in the public streets and their sidewalks are forbidden.
3. Store owners must embrace store regulations and must not display their goods outside the store.
4. Store owners must embrace cleanliness standards.
The consequences for violating any of the aforementioned clauses (1,2,3,4) will be as follows:
First: Written warning for a period of 4 days [i.e. 4 days to stop violating the clause(s)].
Consequence no. 1: Fine of 10000 Syrian pounds w/ removal of the display, as well as making the owner clean the place.
Consequence no. 2: Fine set by the committee w/ prison sentence and removal of the display. [i.e. if violation continues despite first and consequence no. 1].
5. Small displays and sales wagons in the public streets are forbidden.
6. Displays that impede the movement of traffic and pedestrians are forbidden.
7. Owners of displays that are around/in the vicinity of the mosques must nor raise their voices.
8. Owners of displays and sales wagons must embrace cleanliness standards.
The consequences for violating any of the aforementioned clauses (5,6,7,8) will be as follows:
First: Written warning for a period of 4 days.
Consequence no. 1: Fine of 5000 Syrian pounds w/ removal of the display, as well cleaning the place.
Consequence no. 2: Fine set by the committee and prison sentence.
9. Merchants in the al-Khadra market must leave a distance of 3m for the passage of pedestrians.
10. Merchants in the al-Sham market must leave a distance of 4m for the passage of pedestrians.
11. Merchants in the al-Khadra and al-Sham markets must embrace cleanliness standards.
The consequences for violating any of the aforementioned clauses (9,10,11) will be as follows:
First: Written warning for a period of 4 days.
Consequence no. 1: Fine of 10000 Syrian pounds w/ removal of the display, as well as cleaning the place.
Consequence no. 2: Fine set by the committee w/ prison sentence and removal of the display for anyone who has violated one of the clauses.
12. People must dispose of rubbish from 6 pm to 6 am in the specially designated places and the one who contravenes is to pay a fine of 500 Syrian pounds.
Specimen 1Q: Friday sermon for Ninawa Province Mosques: February 2015
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophethood/Prophets
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
Wilayat Ninawa Centre
Statement no. 128
Unified sermon: rulings of the abode
Sermon of need: with which the Prophet would begin
Indeed the message of the Prophet came for all mankind but he- may my father and mother be sacrificed for him- was sent for two weighty things, calling to God and warning of Satan and his loyalists. And indeed our hanif Shari'a has made clear to us that the dwellings of creation should be in the Hereafter after accounting in the first two abodes: the dwellings of the people of Islam and they constitute the abode of comfort, happiness, security, guarantee, excellence and satisfaction in which there is no concern, affliction, fear, anxiety, but rather it is the abode of eternity, the abode of those who fear/are aware of God, the abode of comfort, the Paradise of the Lord of the Worlds. The Almighty has said: "Those who do good in this world, for them is good. And indeed the abode of the Hereafter is better; and how great is the abode of those who fear/are aware of God"- (al-Nahl 30: Qur'an 16:30).
Second: the dwellings of the people of kufr [disbelief] and they constitute the abode of torment, sadness, fear, loss, concern, affliction and anxiety. Indeed it is the abode of perdition, the abode of sadness and fire, in which there is no security or tranquillity. Indeed it is the hellfire that has been prepared for the disbelievers. The Almighty has said: "Have you not considered those who exchanged the blessing of God for disbelief and settled their people in the abode of perdition?"- (Ibrahim 28: Qur'an 14:28).
So just as creation's abode in the Hereafter is divided into an abode of peace and an abode of torment- so similarly in this world- just so there are two abodes: the abode of Islam and the abode of disbelief. Every abode has its rulings, in which on combination there are obligations that have been brought by our Hanif law. And we must recognize when the abode will be an abode of Islam and when it will be an abode of disbelief. The Ahl al-'Ilm [people of Islamic knowledge] have said: "The abode depends on what rulings reign supreme in it: if it's the rule of God and His Shari'a, it is the abode of Islam even if its people are predominantly disbelievers. But if the ruling of idolatrous tyranny [taghut], secularism and man-made laws of the moment, it is the abode of kufr, even if its people are predominantly Muslims for there is no mutual attachment between the rule of the abode and the rule of members just as in Mecca before the hijra and Medina after the hijra, Khaybar, Andalus and other places besides those.
The consensus of the Ahl al-'Ilm- among them the four imams- on the fact that the world consists of two abodes: the abode of Islam and the abode of kufr.
The abode of Islam: it is where the rule of God is truly supreme and not merely in superficial form, truth in reality and not mere talk in analogies. Al-Shafi'i (may God have mercy on him): "The abode of Islam is all land in which the rulings of Islam appear and no trace of disbelief has appeared from declaring the Prophet or Book of God to be false, or disdain or atheism/apostasy." And when the enemies of Islam have seen this Caliphate which rules in this good land by the ruling of God alone, look how quickly they marshalled against it from everywhere, striking at it from one bow, from their east and west, Arabs and non-Arabs. All have agreed on waging war on the Islamic State because the Islamic State rules by the Shari'a of God, and because the religion of Islam is a comprehensive religion and program for life, for it is a whole not to be divided and it is not as the Al al-Salul [House of Saud] and others besides them from the lands of apostasy claim when they assert the rule of the Shari'a and believe in a part but declare another part to be disbelief. For they apply what does not conflict with their interests and the interests of America and others besides them from the states of disbelief so they are close to/assist the enemies of God against those close to God for the sake of pleasing the Crusader alliance.
As for the abode of disbelief: where the rule of idolatrous tyranny and not that of God Almighty is supreme. So it is the abode of disbelief even if most of its people and inhabitants are Muslims like the lands in which the idolatrous tyrants rule now, so it is the abode of disbelief and apostasy as the rule of the abode has no link with the rule of the members just as the Ahl al-'Ilm have specified. The abode of disbelief is divided into two divisions: the abode of original disbelief like America, Europe, Greece and other lands besides them from the land of original disbelief. And the abode of incidental disbelief: disbelief of apostasy after Islam like the Arab states now and others besides them from those who claim Islam when they are apostates waging war on the law of God Almighty.
And it is ambiguous for many of the people today that the Arab lands are the abode of Islam and in reality they are the abode of disbelief and apostasy despite the fact that many of their people are Muslims because the rule of idolatrous tyranny is supreme over them and so immigration and travel to them are forbidden. Al-Baghawi (may God have mercy on him) said: "Whoever has become Muslim in the abode of disbelief, he must leave that abode and go out from among them to the abode of Islam." And on this basis the Ahl al-'Ilm have made clear the obligation of emigrate from the abode of disbelief to the abode of Islam.
Second sermon: Thanks be to God the Powerful, the Strong, and may God's peace and blessings be upon the one sent by the sword as a mercy to the worlds. As for what follows:
The Almighty and Exalted says: "Indeed, those whom the angels take while they wrong themselves, will say to them: 'In what condition were you in?' They will say: 'We were oppressed in the land.' They will say, 'Was not the earth wide for you to make emigration in it?' For them is the destination of Hell, and it is evil a destination." [Nisa 97: Qur'an 4:97]. The interpreters have agreed on this ayah, stipulating the obligation of emigration from the abode of disbelief to the abode of Islam. Those who excused their emigration because they were oppressed, the angels responded to them that God's Earth is wide and there is no excuse for them to abandon emigration. And today, o servants of God, there is scarcely any land ruled by the Shari'a of God except the land of the Caliphate, on which the Islamic State has spread the authority of God and established in it His Shari'a so what is the sense for people abandoning the abode of Islam and fleeing to the abode of disbelief, atheism, secularism and subordination to the Jews, Christians and Rafidites [Shi'a]. [?] The Messenger of God said: "Whoever joins with the mushrik [polytheist/idolator] and dwells with him, he is like him"- (Sound). The One on whom be Prayers and Peace said: "I disavow every Muslim living among the mushrikeen." They said: Oh Messenger of God, why? He said: "Their two fires should not appear together" [reliable]. So be sure oh servants of God not to fall into what your Lord has forbidden you from in His book [Qur'an] and on the tongue of His Prophet. The Ahl al-'Ilm have said: "That is, the Muslim does not stay in the place whose fire the mushrik sees when he has lit it but he stays with the Muslims in their abode, because the mushrik has no treaty and guarantee." They have also said: "The Muslim is not characterized by the feature of the mushrik and does not imitate/follow him in his direction or form and does not adopt his manners." And the Prophet has said: "Whoever imitates/follows a people is from among them." (sound).
May God make mighty Islam and the Muslims.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
Wilayat Ninawa Centre.
Specimen 1R: Friday sermon for Ninawa Province Mosques
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
No.: 134
Date: 17 February 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Unified sermon (Faith)
Sermon of need: with which the Prophet would begin
Introduction: The one who observes affairs of life and the matters of the servants [of God] will find groups of people living in various types of trouble and distress, and their chests exhale various types of dissatisfaction and complaints- distress that is stormy in the tranquillity and calm of life. They are missing repose and happiness, and they lack contentment and tranquillity. And why shouldn't it be so since their souls are immersed in their resentment, hatred, misery and egoism? And the observer returns again in his view to see groups of people who have been blessed in the calm of life, noble to their souls, noble to the people, noble to God, good at heart, peaceful at heart, free of concerns. What is the difference between these two groups? What has distinguished the two camps? It is faith and tranquillity of the soul. The Prophet said: "May he who has been content with God as a Lord, Islam as a religion and Muhammad as a Messenger taste the nourishment of faith"- Sahih Muslim). And similarly the truth-teller to be believed- peace and prayers be upon him- said: "Three conditions will lead to the sweetness of faith: that God and His Messenger should be most beloved to him, above all besides the two; that he should love a person for God's sake alone; that he should hate to return to the disbelief from which God has saved him just as he should hate to be thrown into the fire (muttafiq alayhi- i.e. transmitted by Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim).
So what is faith oh servants of God?
Faith is just as it is known oh servants of God: word and deed that are magnified by obedience to God and diminished by insubordination and sins, and completely taken away by disbelief and apostasy. Al-Bukhari said: "I have recognized 1000 of those who preceded this Ummah saying faith is word and deed."
And mankind will not be unified until their deeds give credibility to their words. The Almighty has said: "Great has become the hatred in God's sight when you say what you do not do"- al-Saff 3 [Qur'an 61:3]. Thus God has equated word with deed, and this is the truth nature of what is called faith among the Ahl al-Sunna, and it is the word of truth/righteousness that we have been ordered to call for and fight for. The Prophet said: "I have been ordered to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and they establish prayer and give zakat. If they do those things, they have guarantee from me for their blood and property except with respect to Islam. And their reckoning is upon God"- muttafiq alayhi.
So our faith- we of the Ahl al-Sunna- is in the middle between the negligence of the people of irja and the excess of the khawarij. For the people of irja have said: "Nothing conflicts with faith." While the khawarij have declared people to be disbelievers for sins, and this is great falsehood and distortion.
For whoever has testified that there is no deity but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, prays in the direction of our qibla [i.e. towards Mecca], and does not fall into principles denied by tawheed, we bear witness of his adherence to Islam outwardly and entrust the issue of conscience to God. And we do not declare him to be a disbeliever unless God and His Messenger declare him to be thus, such as if he mocks the religion of God Almighty or any part of it. To illustrate this, the speech of the Almighty: "Say: Is it God, His verses and His Messenger you were mocking? Make no excuse: you have disbelieved after your belief"- Tawba 65-5: Qur'an 9:65-6]. Just as it happened in the Tabuk raid, when a man in the council said: "I have not seen the likes of these readers, more covetous on the inside, or more lying in tongues, and more cowardly on encountering them. So a man in the mosque said: "You have lied, but you are a munafiq, thus I should inform the Messenger of God." So that reached the Messenger of God, and he revealed the [verses of the] Qur'an. Abdullah ibn Omar said: "And I saw him clinging to the baggage of the she-camel of the Messenger of God...and saying: "Oh Messenger of God, we were only conversing and playing." And the Messenger of God was saying: "Is it God, His verses and His Messenger you were mocking? Make no excuse: you have disbelieved after your belief." [i.e. this whole story is the 'reason/occasion for revelation' of Qur'an 9:65-6].
And religion has levels as the Prophet clarified in the long hadith of Gabriel (muttafiq alayhi) when he asked him: "Tell me about Islam, tell me about faith, tell me about al-ihsan..."
The second sermon: Thanks be to God, the Powerful, the Firm, and prayers and peace be upon the one sent by the sword as a mercy to the worlds, and on his good family, and may God be pleased with his companions and followers- the Ibrahimiya salat- and as for what follows:
Oh brothers of faith: Just as we brought forth that faith is word and deed and we stipulated that word must conform with deed. Similarly, faith is magnified by obedience and diminished by rebellion. So whenever mankind increases in obedience to God Almighty, the mercy of their Lord covers them, their faith increases and God Almighty loves them just as the Prophet informed: "Indeed God Almighty said: Whoever shows hostility to a friend of mine, I have declared war on him. My servant does not grow closer to me through anything more beloved to me than the duties I have imposed on him. My servant continues to draw near me with extra works until I love him. When I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hands with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask something from me, I would surely give it to him. If he were to ask me for refuge, I would surely grant it to him. I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death and I hate to disappoint him."- narrated by Bukhari.
The Prophet has made clear: "We have the path of faith and the method by which we ascend in its levels. And we have warned against falling into rebellion and sins which diminish man's faith just as he said: The adulterer is not a believer when he fornicated, and the drinker is not a believer when he drinks wine when he drinks , and the thief is not a believer when he steals. And the robber is not a believer when he robs and the people look on at him"- muttafiq alayhi).
And it has been made clear on the authority of Ibn Abbas- may God be pleased with him- that he was calling to his youths, and said: 'Am i not to marry you off?' It is not for man to commit adultery unless God has taken away the light of faith from him'. And Akrima asked him: 'How is faith taken away from him?' He said: 'Like this'- and he clasped his fingers and brought them out- 'and if he repents it returns to him like this'- and he clasped his fingers.
So beware oh servants of God that death should come to you and you are without the faith the Prophet brought because it is the rope of salvation and the path of happiness in the two abodes. The Prophet said: "You are to follow my Sunna and the Sunna of the rightly-guided, leading successors [caliphs]. Hold onto them and clasp them with your teeth."
. To those established in the mosques, please follow these instructions:
1. Remove the word 'shaheed' from the names of the mosques.
2. No beggars in the mosques, because there is the Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat to give zakat and sadaqat to those who deserve it.
3. No abandoning of the Dua Qunut al-Nawazil in the five prayers. Brothers who have abandoned the Dua Qunut must return to continue it.
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
Amir al-Markaz
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
Markaz Wilayat Ninawa: Amir
Specimen 1S: Advertisement of Services for Umm al-Mu'mineen A'isha Hospital, Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Umm al-Mu'mineen A'isha Hospital
Diwan al-Siha
Wilayat Halab
Medical service day and night.
. [Services for] Children and nursemaids of premature babies and breast-feeding infants
. Women and childbirth operations
. Surgical operations in all specialties
General-Bone-Urinary Tract-Nervous System
. Outpatient clinics for all specialties.
Specimen 1T: Book on First Aid: Diwan al-Siha (Aleppo Province)
"First Aid in Armed Conflicts and other situations of violence." Reportedly the second publication from this Diwan al-Siha.
Specimen 1U: Abu Omar al-Baghdadi Hospital Sign, Jarabulus [Aleppo province]. Diwan al-Siha publication: Guide to Nursing the Sick
Specimen 1V: Call for repentance of teachers in IS-controlled parts of Syria: February 2015
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Statement for distribution: 11- for the wilayat [provinces] of al-Sham only.
Date: 25 Rabi' al-Thani 1436 AH
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Important announcement from the Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
God Almighty has said: "Say: oh my servants who have transgresed against themselves, do not despair of God's mercy. Indeed God forgives all sins. Indeed He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. And return to your Lord and submit to Him before the torment comes upon you. Then you will not be helped. And follow the best of what has come down to you from your Lord before the torment suddenly comes upon you and you do not realize it."- Zumr 53-55 (Qur'an 39:53-55).
The Almighty has also said: "Whoever does not repent, those are among the wrong-doers/oppressors."- Hujurat 11 (Qur'an 49:11).
By the permission of God and His success, a special committee will undertake the placing of programs of required repentance for those belonging to the educational organization affiliated with the disbelieving Nusayri government.
And that will take place on the first Friday of Jumada al-Awwal 1436 AH corresponding with 20 February 2015.
The repentance will be carried out in the following mosques:
1. Al-Alu Mosque [in Raqqa]
2. Martyrs Mosque [also in Raqqa]
3. Al-Nur Mosque [also in Raqqa]
4. The Great Mosque [also in Raqqa etc.]
5. Zain al-Abadeen Mosque
6. Zaid bin Haritha Mosque
7. Abdullah bin Mas'ud Mosque
All the male teachers must attend the Friday prayers and sermon in the aforementioned mosques for their required repentance to be completed after the prayers. Whoever can't attend for a legitimate excuse should head to the educational centre (formerly the education college) to complete the repentance proceedings within 2 weeks at the latest from the date of notification of the requirement for repentance. And whoever does not attend for required repentance, it will be considered evidence of his apostasy and the necessary judicial proceedings will be applied against him.
As for female teachers, their required repentance will take place on Tuesday, 4 Jumada al-Awwal 1436 AH corresponding with 23 February 2015 in the Dhat al-Nataqain centre (formerly the Literature College [in Raqqa city]) at 10 a.m.
We urge all to embrace attendance and not to delay, and whoever contravenes the ruling of this statement will expose himself to inquiry.
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know it.
Dhu al-Qarnain
Amir of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Specimen 1W: Opening of Schools in Raqqa for Children of English-Speaking Foreign Fighters
Specimen 1Y: Fatwa on Women's Travel: Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa no.: 45
Date: 25/2/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on a woman travelling without a mahrim (and her mahrim is present with her and does not go out with her)?
Answer: A woman may not travel without a mahrim because Bukhari narrated from a hadith on the authority of Ibn Abbas (may God be pleased with him): "He said: The Prophet [PBUH] said: 'The woman is not to travel without the mahrim.'" And is the mahrim compelled to go out? In this there is disagreement and the right response: He is not compelled and God knows best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
Specimen 1Z: Fatwa on Playing Billiards
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa no.: 49
Date: 6/3/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on playing billiards?
Answer: It is permitted to play billiards on these conditions:
1. It should be devoid of gambling and included in that definition is having the loser pay to hire the game. The Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, indeed wine, al-Maysar, stone altars and divination by arrows [an Arab pre-Islamic practice] are filth of Satan's handiwork. Avoid them that you may have success"- al-Ma'ida 90 [Qur'an 5:90]. Ibn Abbas and Ibn Omar- may God be pleased with them both- said: 'Al-Maysar is gambling.' [Tafsir Ibn Katheer- 3/178].
2. That it should not be a barrier to obligatory mention of God's name, or any obligatory act of obedience, and when you have become distracted from what is obligatory externally or internally, it is forbidden by the agreement of the 'ulama, just as the Sheikh of Islam [Ibn Taymiyya] affirmed in the exposition of his discussion on chess and this discussion also applies to billiards and whatever else corrupts the two from among contemporary games.
3. In it there should not be blasphemy, cursing, scorn, resentment, hatred, according to what Bukhari narrated from a hadith of Ibn Mas'ud from the Prophet [PBUH]. He said: "Vituperating the Muslim, committing injustice against him or fighting him is disbelief."
And one must also drawn attention to this: it is not proper for the mujahideen servants of God to occupy their leisure time with these sorts of things that render no benefit on them but rather constitute a waste of time. The Prophet said: "There are two blessings in which most people are deceived: health and leisure." And among this is the harshness of the heart of which God knows and thus the Sunnah has come not to encourage increasing the number of permissible deeds [i.e. through speculative theology- 'talk'/kalam]. Thus came in the Sunan of Tirmidhi on the authority of Ibn Omar: that the Prophet said: "Don't increase talk without mention of God, for abundance of talk without mention of God is harshness for the heart. And indeed the furthest of people from God are those with harsh heart." And God knows best. God bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
NB: This interesting fatwa, which does not outlaw billiards but recommends IS fighters in particular against playing it, is to be compared with a ruling from Jabhat al-Nusra's judicial body- the Dar al-Qaḍa- that ordered all shops with billiards in Hureitan, Aleppo province, to close. Below also is a photo from over a year ago of then ISIS members playing billiards in a café in Raqqa.
Specimen 2A: Fatwa on Playing Table Football
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa no.: 50
Date: 6/3/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on playing table football?
Answer: It is permitted to play table football on these conditions:
1. It should be devoid of gambling and included in that definition is having the loser pay to hire the game. The Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, indeed wine, al-Maysar, stone altars and divination by arrows [an Arab pre-Islamic practice] are filth of Satan's handiwork. Avoid them that you may have success"- al-Ma'ida 90 [Qur'an 5:90]. Ibn Abbas and Ibn Omar- may God be pleased with them both- said: 'Al-Maysar is gambling.' [Tafsir Ibn Katheer- 3/178].
2. That it should be devoid of statues and portraits in accordance with the strong prohibition against that. And that means that the head is cut off from the original part of the game [i.e. the head is cut off from the figurines so they don't look like statues].
3. In it there should not be blasphemy, cursing, scorn, resentment, hatred, according to what Bukhari narrated from a hadith of Ibn Mas'ud from the Prophet [PBUH]. He said: "Vituperating the Muslim, committing injustice against him or fighting him is disbelief."
4. That it should not be a barrier to obligatory mention of God's name, or any obligatory act of obedience, and when you have become distracted from what is obligatory externally or internally, it is forbidden by the agreement of the 'ulama, just as the Sheikh of Islam [Ibn Taymiyya] affirmed in the exposition of his discussion on chess and this discussion also applies to table football and whatever else corrupts the two from among contemporary games.
We warn as we warned in the ruling on playing billiards about the dimension of these matters that do not render the Muslim benefit, especially the mujahid in the path of God and what is in these things regarding wasting time and harshness of the heart. And God knows best. God bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
NB: Compare again with the Jabhat al-Nusra Dar al-Qaḍa ruling that ordered the closing of shops with table football in Hureitan, Aleppo province.
Specimen 2B: Fatwa on Selling Passports
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa no.: 48
Date: 28/2/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on selling passports to the Muslim populace?
Answer: If the travel is to the land of kufr for the purpose of a temporary undertaking out of need/necessity, whether for business or some other permissible purposes/goals, it is conditional on the ability to show disavowal of the disbelievers and hatred of idolatry, disbelief and its people with a hatred that has no affection in it, and not to take them as friends/helpers.
Similarly it is conditional on guarantee over the religion, and the ability to display the rituals of Islam perfectly without fear or opposition, and not to imitate their features, and not to share with them in their disbelieving customs and their nationalist, idolatrous occasions of joy, and not to congratulate them for these occasions. You are also not to glorify them and in that regard, in short: you are not to concord with them inwardly or outwardly.
Thus there is no doubt that it is without gain for anyone who wants to travel to the land of disbelief. Thus it is not permitted to have the citizens of the Islamic State realize travelling to the land of disbelief, and they are to be prevented from doing that. Thus it is not permitted to sell the passport that is tantamount to the identity that makes it possible for its owner to travel to that land, and to the means apply the rulings of intentions.*
And the knowledge is with God Almighty, and lastly we affirm thanks to God the Lord of the Worlds, and may God's peace and deliverance be upon Muhammad, his family, companions and brothers till the Day of Judgment.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
NB: Compare with the unified Friday sermon for Ninawa Province mosques (Specimen 1Q) on the necessity of migrating to the Dar al-Islam [abode of Islam] and abandon the Dar al-Kufr [abode of disbelief], and also with the general notification of Specimen W urging for people not to be sent to Turkey to seek synthetic body parts. The overall tone of all this is the same: to discourage any potential migration out of IS territory. The phrase 'and to the means apply the ruling of intentions' (al-wasa'il laha ahkam al-maqasid) marked with an asterisk is employed in fatwas as the following line of reasoning: if I have to do/need X to accomplish Y, where Y is a forbidden act, then X is forbidden. So e.g. if I want a passport to go to a place to commit theft, then it is forbidden for me to obtain that passport or for someone to sell it to me.
Specimen 2C: Fatwa on Replicating Global Brands for Sale
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa No.: 51
Date: 14/3/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on imitating some of the global brands and displaying them in the market with the same brand name?
Answer: Among the types of deception forbidden by the law is displaying the product before the buyer without its true appearance. This is clearly forbidden by the Legislator [Muhammad]. On the authority of Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him): that the Messenger of God came upon a pile of food, put his hand inside it, and his fingers felt wetness. So he said: "What is this, oh owner of the food?" He said: "The sky has hit it [i.e. rain ruined it], oh Messenger of God." He said: "Why did you not put it on top so that people should see it? Whoever deceives is not one of us"- narrated by Muslim.
And this goes to the heart of his words: "Whoever deceives is not one of us." Selling the imitation product with the same name of the original brand without making that clear constitutes deception and swindling the buyer, for the buyer will purchase it thinking that it is from such-and-such company which he knows about on account of the excellence of its product. But when it then becomes apparent that the opposite is true after the purchase, this is forbidden deception not allowed by the law. Rather it is obligatory on the merchants of the Muslims to fear/be aware of God in their selling and buying for blessing is fulfilled in sale by honesty, while it is ruined by lying. The Prophet says: "The two types of sale are thus distinguished: if by honesty and clarity, the two [buyer and seller] are blessed in their transaction, if by falsehood and deceptively keeping silent [about details etc.], the blessing of their transaction is ruined."- narrated by Bukhari & Muslim.
If the merchant insists on writing the name of the brand on the imitation product, he must fear God and observe the following:
1. He must write around the name of the brand with the same point- i.e. size of writing- 'imitation' so that the buyer is not deceived in the product.
2. The price of the imitation product should be lower than the price of the original product.
And God Almighty knows best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
Specimen 2D: Fatwa on Ransom for the Apostate Prisoner
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa No.: 52
Date: 22/3/1436 AH
Ruling on ransom for the apostate prisoner
Question: Is it allowed to have the apostate prisoner ransomed for wealth or men?
Answer: It is not allowed to have the apostate ransomed prisoner or show him benevolence. On this matter is the evidence of the book [Qur'an] and the Sunna, and the consensus of the imams. And that holds that the apostate is not to be established in his religion in any state.
God Almighty has said: "Say to those left behind of the desert Arabs: 'You will be called to fight a militarily mighty people: you can fight them, or they will submit." [Qur'an 48:16].
And these are the apostates because He has said: "You can fight them, or they will submit." And there has been no mention of jizya [i.e. by contrast, the option of jizya is offered to Jews and Christians- cf. Qur'an 9:29].
The Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, may God have mercy on him, said: "...The Banu Hanifa on the Day of Yamama and they were companions of Musaylima the Liar. Al-Zuhri said it, Ibn al-Sa'ib said it, and Muqatil said it. Muqatil said: 'The Caliphate of Abu Bakr: in this is clear evidence.' And Rafi' ibn Khadij said: "We were reading this verse [Qur'an 48:16] and did not know who they were until Abu Bakr was called to fight the Banu Hanifa, so he taught us that they were the people referenced."
And some of the Ahl al-'Ilm have said: This verse may only be applied to the Arabs, on account of His words: "You can fight them, or they will submit," whereas the Persians and Romans are to be fought until they submit [i.e. convert to Islam] or offer forth the jizya. A group of the 'ulama had pointed to the soundness of the imamate of Abu Bakr and Omar with this verse."- Zada al-Masir- 4/131
And on the authority of Ibn Abbas may God be pleased with him: he said: The Prophet [PBUH] said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him." [Bukhari].
And when the Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Sharif al-Nawawi (died: 676 [AH- all subsequent dates are AH]) on the subject of the program of students and leadership of the muftis: 1/309: "If women of the kuffar and their youths are taken prisoner, they are to be pitied, and likewise the slave. But the Imam issues a ruling for the entirely free ones, and the most appropriate course of action is to be implemented: the Muslims have the right to kill, to show benevolence, to ransom for prisoners and wealth, and to enslave."
Shams ad-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Sharbayni (died: 977) in his commentary on the expressions of al-Nawawi: "The Imam makes a judgement"= or the Amir al-Mu'mineen [Caliph] on the kuffar by origin [i.e. not apostates] prisoners- "the entirely free ones"- and they are the mature males of sound mind..." To that he said: "It has come about in our speech: 'Kuffar by origin'; the apostates..." [Mughanni al-Muhtaj ila ma'arafat alfaẓ ma'ani al-manhaj- 6/39].- [i.e. a distinction is drawn here between people who are born as disbelievers and apostates].
And Sheikh Abu Bakr Othman al-Dumayati (died: 1310): "In this the concept of original kufr [disbelief] has come about so it is not called apostasy [ridda], and this leads to distinctions between the two in matters, among them that the apostate is not to be established in his apostasy and so only Islam is to be accepted from him. He is to embrace our rulings for his embrace of them in Islam; his marriage is not be validated, his sacrifice is to be forbidden, he may not have property, he is not to be held captive, ransomed or shown benevolence. He is not to inherit or to pass on inheritance. This contrasts with the original disbeliever in all of that." ['I'anat ul-Talibayn 'ala hal alfaẓ fath al-mua'yyan- 4/150].
And the Imam Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi said (died:884)- may God have mercy on him- the judgement of the apostate: "'Whoever changes his religion, kill him'- so it is not allowed to take a ransom for him, because his disbelief is cruder." [al-Bid' Shirh al-Muqni'- 7/482].
And the Imam Musa al-Hajjawi (died: 968)- may God have mercy on him- said on the ruling of the apostate: "...Only the Imam or his deputy may kill him, whether the apostate is a free man or a slave, and it is not allowed to take ransom for him. If someone else kills him without his permission, he has done badly and is to be reprimanded as it has not been insured whether he killed him before the demand for repentance."- [al-Iqna fi Fiqh al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal- 4/301].
And Sheikh Mansur al-Buhuti (died: 1051)- may God have mercy on him- said in his book Kashaf al-Qina' 'an Matn al-Iqna' 6/175: "'And it is not allowed to take ransom for him'- this means the apostate: rather he is to be killed."
Indeed the question of killing the apostate and not ransoming him or showing him benevolence is agreed by consensus among the Ahl al-'Ilm. The Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya (died: 728)- may God have mercy on him- said regarding the apostate sects: "These are greater criminals in the eyes of God, His Messenger, and the believers than the original kafir of many faces. Indeed these people must be killed without question if they do not return to what they have left. They may not be granted a dhimma pact, a hudna [temporary truce], a guarantee, and their prisoner may not be released or ransomed with wealth or men. Their sacrifices may not be eaten, their women are not to be married and they are not to be enslaved, so long as they remain in apostasy by agreement."- (Collection of Fatwas: 28/414).
Thus the point is that the Ahl al-'Ilm are agreed by consensus on killing the apostate and not having him ransomed or showing benevolence towards him, though it may also be said: This ruling is like the rest of rulings that make the forbidden action permissible in the circumstance of necessity. So in this case, he may be ransomed for some of the leaders of the Muslims from the amir and 'ulama whose release is in the general/public interest. And God knows best.
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Islamic State
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa'
NB: A substantial number of theologians, jurists and figures from Islamic history are mentioned in this fatwa. Some are listed here for context:
Ibn al-Jawzi: Hanbali jurist of the medieval period.
Musaylima the Liar: prophet pretender and rival to Muhammad with influence among the Banu Hanifa. He was subsequently done away with by Abu Bakr.
Al-Zuhri: An early hadith authority.
Muqatil: an 8th century interpreter of the Qur'an.
Rafi' ibn Khadij: contemporary of the Prophet.
Imam al-Nawawi: of Syrian origin, a prominent Shafi'i jurist who compiled the famous 40 Hadiths collection of traditions considered fundamental to Islam.
Shams ad-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Sharbayni: a Shafi'i jurist.
Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi: a Hanbali jurist.
Musa al-Hajjawi: a Hanbali jurist.
Mansur al-Buhuti: a Hanbali jurist.
Specimen 2E: End of Year Exam Timetables: Ninawa Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
End of School Year 2014-2015 Exams Timetable (First Setting)
For Sixth Grade Primary School
Day | Date | Subject |
Wednesday | 20/5/2015 | Islamic education |
Thursday | 21/5/2015 | Arabic language |
Saturday | 23/5/2015 | English language |
Sunday | 24/5/2015 | Mathematics |
Monday | 25/5/2015 | Sciences |
End of School Year 2014-2015 Exams Timetable (Second Setting)
For Sixth Grade Primary School
Day | Date | Subject |
Saturday | 15/6/2015 | Islamic education |
Sunday | 16/6/2015 | Arabic language |
Monday | 17/6/2015 | English language |
Tuesday | 18/6/2015 | Mathematics |
Wednesday | 19/6/2015 | Sciences |
1. The exams take place at 9 a.m.
2. In the event of coincidence of vacation on the day of the exam. The exam will take place on the following day.
Specimen 2F: Instructions on Dates for End of Year Exams- Ninawa Province (1)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Final exams for finishing grades for school year 2014-2015
1. Primary level (sixth primary grade)
1. Final exams (first setting) begin for the final grades- the sixth primary grade- on Wednesday 20/5/2015 and end on Monday 25/5/2015
2. Final exams (second setting) begin for the final grades- the sixth primary grade- on Wednesday 12/8/2015 [12 August 2015] and end on Monday 17/8/2015.
2. Secondary level (third secondary grade)- [i.e. grade 9/First Baccalaureate]
1. Final exams (first setting) begin for the final grades- the third secondary grade- on Tuesday 2/6/2015 [2 June 2015] and end on Thursday 18/6/2015.
2. Final exams (second setting) begin for the final grades- the third secondary grade- on Wednesday 12/8/2015 [12 August 2015] and end on Thursday 20/8/2015.
3. Preparatory level (science-humanities-Islamic-vocational)
1. Final exams (first setting) begin for the final grades of preparatory level study in its divisions (Science-Humanities-Islamic-Vocational) on Sunday 3/6/2015 [sic: Wednesday] and end on Thursday 19/6/2015 [sic: Friday?].
2. Final exams (second setting) begin for the final grades of preparatory level study in its divisions (Science-Humanities-Islamic-Vocational) on Wednesday 12/8/2015 and end on Saturday 22/8/2015.
The first school day for the school year 2015-2016 begins on Tuesday 1/9/2015 [1 September 2015].
Specimen 2G: Instructions on Dates for End of Year Exams- Ninawa Province (2)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Final exams for non-finishing grades for school year 2014-2015
1. Primary level
1. Final oral exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for primary level study on Saturday 2/5/2015 [2nd May 2015] and finish on Thursday 7/5/2015 and will take place during lessons on these days.
2. Final written exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for primary level study on Saturday 9/5/2015 and finish on Sunday 17/5/2015.
3. Final written and oral exams (second setting) begin for non-finishing grades for primary level study on Saturday 22/8/2015 [22nd August 2015] and finish on Thursday 27/8/2015.
2. Secondary level
1. Final oral exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for secondary level study on Saturday 9/5/2015 and finish on Thursday 14/5/2015 and will take place during lessons on these days.
2. Final written exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for secondary level study on Saturday 16/5/2015 and finish on Sunday 24/5/2015.
3. Final written and oral exams (second setting) begin for non-finishing grades for secondary level study on Saturday 22/8/2015 and finish on Saturday 29/8/2015.
3. Preparatory level
1. Final oral exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for preparatory level study in its divisions (Science-Humanities-Islamic-Vocational) on Saturday 9/5/2015 and finish on Thursday 14/5/2015 and will take place during lessons on these days.
2. Final written exams (first setting) begin for non-finishing grades for preparatory level study in its divisions (Science-Humanities-Islamic-Vocational) on Saturday 16/5/2015 and finish on Sunday 24/5/2015.
3. Final oral and written exams (second setting) begin for non-finishing grades for preparatory level study in its divisions (Science-Humanities-Islamic-Vocational) on Saturday 22/8/2015 and finish on Thursday 27/8/2015.
Specimen 2H: Car Parking Ticket, Mosul
Wilayat Ninawa
Mosul Area/Left Side [i.e. east Mosul]
Car Parking Ticket (for entry to the car park): Fee Rate of 750 dinars
Vehicle number | |
Vehicle type | |
Date | 21/10/2014 |
Specimen 2I: Prayer of the Congregation: Fallujah Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Fallujah
Al-Hisbah Center
Date: 27 Safr 1436 AH/19 December 2014
Thanks be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his companions and whoever is close to/loyal to him. As for what follows:
Prayer of the Congregation
Indeed the preponderance of the discourse of the Ahl al-'Ilm is that the prayer of the congregation in the mosque is obligatory on the able man who hears the call and he should undertake this prayer at its time which God Almighty made obligatory according to the Almighty's words: "Indeed prayer has been decreed for the believers- a decree for specific times"- al-Nisa' [Qur'an 4:103]. And on the authority of Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him):"By the One in whose hand my soul is: I had in mind to order for firewood to be collected, then to order for the Prayer and thus the call for it, then to order for a man to lead the people, then to go up behind certain men and burn their houses upon them." [muttafiq alayhi]. As long as man can hear the call, he must respond provided the Prophet (PBUH) did not authorize [an exemption].
The blind man is to pray in his home: since he said: 'Do you hear the call to prayer?' He [the blind man] said: 'Yes.' He said: 'So respond.' Narrated by Muslim. Whoever refrains without legitimate excuse, this is a sin and if he insists on that, he is in grave peril and must repent to God Almighty from his possessing some of the qualities of the munafiqeen [hypocrites]. And the excuses that permit refraining from the prayer of the congregation are according to the hadith in which the Prophet [PBUH] said: "Whoever hears the call, no excuse prevents him from following it." They said: "And what is the excuse, oh Messenger of God?" He said: "Fear [i.e. of being targeted by enemy] or illness. [In which case], the prayer he has prayed has not been accepted from him."- narrated by Abu Dawud.
Among the qualities of the hypocrites is putting off prayer, as the Almighty says: "Woe to those who pray but are neglectful of their prayers." [al-Ma'un 4-5: Qur'an 107:4-5]. And on possessing laziness/negligence in standing to prayer, God Almighty described the hypocrites thus in His words: "Indeed the hypocrites think to deceive God but God is deceiving them, and when they stand to prayer, they stand showing negligence/laziness, showing to the people and only remembering God a little." (Nisa 142: Qur'an 4:142).
Reminder: The brothers in the al-Hisbah Center will hold accountable those who refrain from Friday prayers and prayers of the congregation whether they are in the shops or the streets and similarly whoever is engaging in trade during the time of the call to Friday prayer will be held accountable. "Oh you who believe, when there is the call to Friday prayer, strive to remember God and leave trade. That is better for you, if you knew." [Jum'ah 9: Qur'an 62:9].
And God is the one who grants success and guides for the balance of the path.
NB: this document was obtained by the Shi'a militia Liwa al-Shabab al-Risali (Sadrist and claiming Najaf's Ayatollah Yaqoubi as spiritual leader), which operates in the al-Karma area to the east of Fallujah as part of an ongoing government offensive. Al-Karma is defined by IS as part of 'Fallujah Province' since September 2014, having driven out Jaysh al-Mujahideen from al-Karma town in late August 2014. In parts of al-Karma countryside, non-IS insurgents can be found such as the General Military Council for Iraq's Revolutionaries, but no evidence suggests coordination with IS.
Specimen 2J: Permission slip for travel to Kuwait
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Date: 25/10/2014 (1 Muharram 1435 [sic: 1436] AH)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Permission is requested for the passing of [so-and-so: illegible] to go to the lands of disbelief (Kuwait). And may God reward you best.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Amir al-Hisbah
Specimen 2K: Permission for Sha'itat tribe members to return home, Deir az-Zor province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Almighty has said: "And fulfill the covenant of God"- al-'Anam 152 [Qur'an 6:152].
Date: / /1436 AH
To the brothers- the sons of the state of the Islamic Caliphate- we would like to inform you that the owner of this home is of the tribe/clan of the Muslim Sha'itat and permission has been granted for him to return to his home and that is by the order of the wali [governor] of al-Kheir.
Signature of the repentance official:
Note: This document is for possession in the home and not for carrying around.
Specimen 2L: Fatwa on Nurses with Doctors
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa No.: 42
Date: 25/2/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on the presence of the nurse with a doctor in the same clinic without a mahrim in the town and some of the villages?
Answer: It is forbidden for a woman to be left alone with the man who is a stranger [i.e. not a close relative] by agreement of the jurists according to what al-Bukhari narrated from a hadith of Ibn Abbas from the Prophet [PBUH] who said: "A man is not to be left with a woman except with a mahrim as well." Further there is what came in Sunan al-Tirmidhi from a hadith of Omar ibn al-Khattab from the Prophet [PBUH] who said: "Man is not to be left with a woman unless their third is Satan." Thus if you excuse the presence of the mahrim, let there be with her a group of women to avert what fitna [temptation] may arise, but if you excuse the presence of the group of women, the nurse's presence is forbidden. And God knows best.
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Specimen 2M: Fatwa on revealing of women's eyes
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa No.: 40
Date: 25/2/1436 AH
Question: What is the ruling on revealing the women's eyes whereby some of its side/cheek appears?
Answer: The Almighty has said: "Oh Prophet, tell your wives, daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves some of their outer garments. That is more suitable so that they will be known and not abused. And God is forgiving, merciful."- Ahzab 59 [Qur'an 33:59].
Ibn Abbas- may God be pleased with him- said: "Women are to cover their faces from above their heads with the jilbabs, leaving only one eye showing."
And Muhammad ibn Sirin* said: "I asked Obeida al-Suleimani about the words of God- 'to bring down over themselves some of their outer garments'- so he covered his face and head and exposed his left eye."
And it is not concealed that revealing of the two eyes contains a particular source of fitna if the edges of the eyelids are covered with kohl. The same applies when part of its side/cheek appears. So it is necessary for her to cover her two eyes even if with something delicate, far removed from fitna.
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
*- Interpreter of dreams of Iraqi origin. Lived in the 8th century CE.
Specimen 2N: Fatwa on Apostates' Agricultural Enterprises and Zakat
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
Fatwa No.: 36
Date: 19/2/1436 AH
Question: Does zakat apply to agricultural enterprises that belonged to the apostates?
Answer: If this apostate is captured in the realm of Islam under its rule and we knew of the obligation of zakat in the time of his acceptance of Islam, it is not cancelled through his apostasy as an offences penalty and thus have affirmed the Shafi'is and Hanbalis. Thus it said in the Gift of the One in Need: "As for when it [zakat] is obligatory and then he apostasises, it is still taken from his wealth/property without exception." [12/284]*
That is because zakat is the right of the poor and the deserving so it is not cancelled through apostasy as expenditures and penalties and the rest of his wealth/property will be in treasury of the Muslims because the apostate does not pass on inheritance.
But if there was no knowledge of the time of the obligation of zakat upon him, we return to the original principle which is that his wealth/property will be war booty for the Muslims and it will be spent in their interests.
But if this apostate has fled to the abode of disbelief and the Muslims seize his wealth/property which is in the realm of Islam, it becomes war booty for the Muslims, because it is wealth/property of a disbeliever the Muslims have seized without treading on it with horse or riding camels. The Almighty has said: "And He has granted for you to inherit their land, abode and wealth/property." [Ahzab 27: Qur'an 33:27]. And that is the case for the apostates who have fled and abandoned their wealth/property and their agricultural enterprises. And God knows best.
God's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.
Islamic State
Al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa' Committee
*- A work by Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, a 16th century CE Shafi'i jurist of Egyptian origin.
Specimen 2O: Islamic State Diwan al-Ta'aleem Primary School Level One Textbook (Grades 1-3) on Creed and Jurisprudence
Specimen 2P: Shari'a Committee for Observation of New Moons (Setting up New Calendar)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
General Committee
Shari'a Committee for the Observation of New Moons
Statement no. 1
26/2/1436 AH
Statement for distribution no. 1
Thanks be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, on his family, companions and whoever is close to/loyal to him.
The Almighty has said: "They ask you about the new moons. Say: they are measurements of time for the people and the Hajj." [Baqara 189: Qur'an 2:189].
And Ahmad [ibn Hanbal] brought out in his chain of transmission that the Prophet [PBUH] said: "Indeed we are an illiterate Ummah as we neither write nor reckon accounts. The month is thus, thus and thus"- And he held down the thumb the third time- "And the month is thus, thus and thus." Meaning the completion of thirty days.
To the brothers who are the governors (walis) and the amirs in all the wilayats [provinces] and areas, salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu.
As for what follows:
We ask you to show your noble side in forming committees of just, trustworthy people and among them those with knowledge of observation of the new moons in your areas. And that is in the framework of cooperation with us in this field until the Islamic State should be independent in its calendar and observation for the new moons from all the states of tawagheet [idolatrous tyranny] who have subsumed this issue for their personal and political whims and aims.
And we ask you to take charge of these committees in announcing their work beginning from the coming new moon- that is before the 29th sunset of the current month of Safr and you inform us of the results of the operation of observation via the media brothers or the available methods of connection before evening prayer on the same day.
Similarly we ask you to make us aware of your knowledge of this statement for distribution immediately after its arrival via the media brothers or the following accounts:
Skype: rassd_ahillah
Twitter: @rassd_ahillah
We ask God to write your remuneration and bless your efforts. May God reward you best.
Islamic State
Shari'a Committee for the Observation of New Moons
Specimen 2Q: Sample Calendar ("Calendar of the Realm of the Caliphate") from Shari'a Committee for the Observation of New Moons: Jumada al-Awal 1436 AH
Specimen 2R: Notice to Shop Owners, Manbij, Aleppo Province (February 2015)
Islamic State
Public Services Centre
Manbij Area
Date: / /1436 AH
Statement for Distribution
To the brothers who own merchant and industrial shops, shacks and exposition stands (vegetables-fruits-fuels-clothes etc.), observe the following:
1. It is absolutely forbidden to place an exposition stand on the sidewalk or street without heading to the Public Services Centre to obtain a license within defined conditions.
2. It is forbidden to bring out and place goods- whether food or manufactured- in front of the shop on the sidewalk or street, and in the event of exceeding the width of the sidewalk (1m) the owner of the shop must head to the Public Services Centre to obtain a license to occupy the sidewalk.
3. Whoever sets up an exposition stand or room from a block within the public property of the municipality must obtain a license and pay rent or remove it within 3 days. If it is not removed, the municipality will remove it by force.
Manbij Services Official
Specimen 2S: Shops and Cleaning Services, Manbij (September 2014)
Brothers, owners of merchant shops (and those investing in them), please head to and register with the tax office- Public Services Committee to pay a sum of 1000 Syrian pounds in exchange for cleaning services for the four months (September, October, November, December) for the current year. Registrations begin reckoning from 16/11/1435 corresponding to 10/9/2014 (10 September 2014) and for a period of 20 days beginning from this state (10am to 3pm). Any delay will require the Shari'a inquiry.
Public services official.
Abu al-Ihsan.
Specimen 2T: Local regulations in Manbij (pre-Caliphate era)
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Statement for distribution from the municipality of Manbij
Thanks be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the lord of those who have been for what follows:
To all the noble inhabitants of the town of Manbij we inform you that the municipality of Manbij has obtained agreement from the Islamic court on the following:
1. Every person who places waste outside the designated containers for him in addition to the violation on the part of every shop owner in front of whose shop is waste will be fined. The municipality has decided that the financial fine should be a sum of 2000 Syrian pounds and if the violation be repeated, the person responsible will be brought to the Islamic court.
2. The municipal office will gather from all the owners of the merchant shops in their various types a services tax of 250 Syrian pounds a month, and the collection will be at one time every three months which means 750 Syrian pounds every three months.
Specimen 2U: On Zakat al-Fitr, Aleppo Province
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Zakat al-Fitr
Definition of terms:
- Zakat as a word: addition and growth
- As convention: An obligatory right and special wealth/property for a designated group at a designated time.
- Zakat al-Fitr: It is the zakat whose reason is the occasion of fitr from Ramadan [i.e. Eid al-Fitr after the period of fasting]
The ruling on it:
An obligation whose evidence is a hadith of Ibn Omar- may God be pleased with him- that the one on whom God's peace and blessings may be imposed as zakat al-fitr from Ramadan a saa' [unit of measure] of dates and a cubic measure of barley on every free man or slave, male or female from among the Muslims.
Its benefit:
On the authority of Ibn Abbas- may God be pleased with him: he said: "The Messenger of God- may God's peace and blessings be upon him- imposed zakat al-fitr as cleansing from null and obscenity for the one fasting and to feed the poor."
On whom it is obligatory:
It is obligatory on every Muslim (free or slave, male or female, young or old) in addition to the one whose day, night and dependants are nourished, and whoever one provides from the Muslims.
Its extent:
A saa' of whatever predominates the nourishment of the people of the land (dates, wheat, rice, raisins, cottage cheese, barley).
Its timing:
1. Time of the obligation: onset of the night of Eid
2. Time to bring out [the zakat]: preferably a) from the beginning of the dawn of the day of Eid until the time of the Eid prayer; time it is permitted b): before Eid by a day or two days.
Its beneficiaries:
The beneficiaries of the regular zakat: the poor, needy, those employed to collect it, to bring their hearts together, for freeing [captives/slaves], those in debt, for the cause of God, and the stranded sojourner- an obligation of God.
Table of the sums of the zakat al-fitr for some of the types of food:
Type of food | Value of a saa' (grams) |
Rice | 2300 |
Raisins | 1640 |
Dates | 1800 |
Wheat | 2040 |
Lentil | 2100 |
Hummus | 2000 |
Semolina | 2000 |
Flour | 1400 |
Beans | 2060 |
Peas | 2240 |
Couscous | 1800 |
Coffee roasting | 2000 |
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Shari'a Administration
Specimen 2V: Medical Analysis Form, A'isha Umm al'Mu'mineen Hospital, Manbij Area, Aleppo Province
Specimen 2W: Opening of Kindergarten Centre, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Within the project of opening kindergarten centres,
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces the opening of the second kindergarten centre:
Dawn of the Caliphate Kindergarten Centre for Boys
Address: opposite the Sword of the State clinic
Inquiry and registration: Islamic school for the Excellent: 239017
Notice: there is a bus service for students
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Deputy official of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Abu Muawiya al-Salafi
Diwan al-Ta'aleem: al-Raqqa
Town office official
Abu Muhib al-Qurashi
4 April 2015 (15 Jumada al-Akhira 1436 AH: cf. IS calendar here)
Specimen 2X: Jizya Payment Receipt in Raqqa [see here for context]
Islamic State
Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim
The Islamic Court in Raqqa
Receipt no. 1391
8 December 2014
Sum given: 27000 Syrian pounds
That to meet: payment of jizya
Recipient's signature
Giver's signature
Specimen 2Y: Registering children in IS-Run Schools in Deir az-Zor city
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir: City Area
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Important Statement
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Kheir- City Area the beginning of registration for the year 1436 AH in schools affiliated with the Diwan. Let it be known that education from grades 1 to 9 is compulsory and the one who does not send his child to school will be subjected to inquiry and consequence.
The period of registration begins from 5 Jumada al-Thani until 11 Jumada al-Thani 1436 AH from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Registration centres
1. Imam Nawawi School (previously Ghafran al-Madad)- al-Ommal neighbourhood.
2. Imam Qurtubi School (previously Sati al-Hasri)- al-Ommal central
3. Imam Dhahbi School (previously Shadi Rabah)- al-Hamidiya neighbourhood by the pilots union
4. Imam Ibn Katheer al-Dimashqi School (previously Mustafa Amin)- Tawheed Street
5. Imam al-Bukhari School (previously Sham lil-Baneen)- Kinamat neighbourhood
6. Tariq ibn Zayid School- al-Matar al-Qadim neighbourhood
Official for the Diwan al-Ta'aleem, City Area
Specimen 2Z: On selling prohibited garments, Ninawa province
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa
al-Hisbah Centre
19 July 2014
Statement for distribution on the issue of selling prohibited garments
Thanks be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and those for what follows:
To those who sell garments:
Peace be upon you as well as the mercy of God and His blessings.
God- Exalted is He- has blessed us with supremacy, and He is the one who says in His exaltedness: "Those We have made supreme in the land have established prayer, have given zakat, and have commanded what is right and forbidden what is wrong, and God has the outcome in all matters"- Surat al-Hajj [Qur'an 22:41].
Among the things that have been witnessed and observed on the part of some of the women is the wearing of garments violating the law and instructions of our Hanif religion.
So thus your brothers in the Diwan al-Hisbah have worked to track and observe these violations of Shari'a, and following on from that we inform all owners of shops dealing with the sale of garments to observe the following orders:
- It is absolutely forbidden to sell and display garments violating the law, like tight garments, transparent ones [i.e. ones showing the body underneath them], and ornamented ones.
- The quantity of such items present are to be disposed of outside the authority of the Islamic State or returned to their source within 5 days maximum from the date of the issuing of this statement.
- All garments violating the law will be tracked down and confiscated.
- Whoever has a dressmaking factory or wishes to know the directives of Shari'a, should head to the Hisbah Centre.
And God is the one who assures success.
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa
Amir al-Hisbah
Specimen 3A: Training Session for Teachers in Aleppo Province, May 2014
Rule belongs only to God
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Education Administration
Public statement for distribution
To all lecturers and teachers in Wilayat Halab:
We ask you to attend a qualification session for teachers in aqida [creed] and fiqh [jurisprudence], and the teacher will be granted at the end of it a qualification document to teach in the public schools and whosoever refrains from the session will be barred from undertaking any teaching activity or work in the lands of the Islamic State. The session begins on Tuesday 13/7/1436 AH corresponding to 12 May 2014. To go and register: head to the education administration in every area. All are asked to attend and embrace this.
And God is the one behind the intention.
Thanks be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Education Administration Official in Wilayat Halab
Abu Mujahid
8/7/1435 AH
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Education Administration
Specimen 3B: Repentance for Teachers et al., Manbij, Aleppo Province, April 2015
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets/Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Diwan al Ta'aleem in Wilayat Halab announces the opening of centres for repentance in Manbij in the designated mosques beginning from Friday 28 Jumada al-Akhira 1436 AH corresponding to 17 April 2015, directly after Friday prayers. The repentance will be carried out for all those who worked in the prior education system (director, supervisor, deputy director, temporaries, fixed, non-fixed, retired, employment of youth, employee, guard). And similarly for teachers in the universities and institutes.
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Official for the Diwan al-Ta'aleem- Manbij
Specimen 3C: More on repentance programs in Manbij, Aleppo Province, Aleppo 2015
Islamic State
Education Centre- Wilayat Halab
Education Office- Manbij Area
Important Statement from the Education Office in Manbij
The Almighty has said: "Oh my servants, who have sinned against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Verily God forgives all sins. He is the forgiving, the merciful. Return to your Lord and submit to them before the punishment should come upon you and you will not be helped. And follow the best of what has come down to you from your Lord before the torment comes upon you suddenly and you do not realize it."- Zummar 53-55 [Qur'an 39:53-55]. And the Almighty has said: "Those who do not repent are the wrongdoers."-Hujurat 11 [Qur'an 49:11]
By the permission of God and His granting success a special committee will undertake:
Repentance programs for those affiliated with the educational system affiliated with the disbelieving Nusayri regime.
And that will take place on Friday 28 Jumada al-Akhira 1436 AH corresponding to 17 April 2015, in the following mosques:
1. The Grand Mosque
2. Al-Ala'i Mosque
3. Abu Bakr al-Sadiq Mosque
1. ID photo
2. 2 personal photos
Whoever cannot attend for legitimate excuse must go to the education office in the area located on al-Rabita street to complete the proceedings for repentance within two weeks from the announcement for repentance.
And whoever does not attend for repentance, will be considered as insisting on his apostasy, and in this regard the relevant Shari'a judicial proceedings will be applied.
As for female teachers, their repentance will be carried out in the Muawiya ibn Abi Sufian school by the Aleppo garage beginning from 29 Jumada al-Akhira 1436 AH for two weeks from 10 am until afternoon prayers. We advise all to embrace attendance, and not to delay, and whoever contravenes the proceedings of this statement will be subjected to Shari'a inquiry.
"And God is predominant over His affair but most people do not know." [quote from the Qur'an]
Education office official in the area
Specimen 3D: Repentance for Teachers et al. in al-Bab, Aleppo Province (9 April 2015)- [identical to 3B]
Specimen 3E: Call for Reinforcements from Aleppo Province to Anbar and Salah ad-Din Provinces
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
To the amirs of the areas- may God give them victory in relgiion- and their brothers the soldiers of the Caliphate in their area.
"Make your lifeblood their fuel."
The Messenger of God (PBUH) has said: "When you are summoned to go forth, go forth."
Summons call from the amir al-mu'mineen [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] to his soldiers in the wilayat of al-Sham [Syria provinces]- may God give them victory in religion- to reinforce the two fronts of "Anbar and Salah ad-Din."
This is a day from among the days of God Almighty and indeed before and after it, the parties from the servants of the Cross, the riffraff of the Rafidites, and the apostates of the Arabs with their horses and men have gathered, wanting to wage war on God and His Messenger and obliterate what has arisen from the signs of this religion and attack the honour of the Muslims, so they have attacked our brothers in the two wilayas of Anbar and Salah ad-Din.
So indeed today we remind you of God Almighty for the riffraff of the Rafidites will not be content with your brothers in those provinces as long as in you is a beating heart, and indeed not one of you will be able to preserve effort without exerting it, and not one of you will be able to hold back in supporting them and striving. God has taught that He is capable to undertake what He wills without asking for it to be done but God is God in the religion of God, so summon your brothers in your area to be in their frontline as martyrdom operatives and commandos, and make them worthy of the people of obedience and service and the people of patience and endurance from the flames of the wars who do not turn aside their faces until they are killed and do not put aside their arms until they meet their Lord or God grants them victory, that it may be observed in their choice firstly that they should be among those willing to go voluntarily and no promise should have to be made to them for return or other rewards until God Almighty should grant His servants victory by His permission as He is the best of the Fatiheen.
Those brothers wishing to enlist should register with the Office of Da'wah and Mosques in Manbij...and registration will last for up to 48 hours from the arrival of this notification.
May God reward you best.
Da'wah and Mosques Centre
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Da'wah and Mosques Official
8/7/1436 AH [27 April 2015]
Specimen 3F: Educational Regulations Notification Distributed in Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To all directors of schools, you are asked to observe the following:
1. Schools open on 14/9/2014.
2. Regular hours for the morning session begin at 7:30 a.m. and finish 11:20 a.m.
3. Regular hours for the afternoon session begin at 12:00 p.m. and finish at 3:50 p.m.
4. The morning session will be for girls and the afternoon session for boys.
5. Each session is divided into 5 classes and each class lasts 40 minutes with 15 minutes repose.
6. Weekly vacation is on Friday and Saturday and all vacations are over-rided during the vacations of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
7. All school directors and deputy heads must work to separate boys and girls and prevent mixing.
8. All school directors are to notify refugees to leave schools and are to notify the Diwan al-Ta'aleem in the event they do not do so.
9. Every student is to pay registration fees that amount to 1000 Syrian pounds from every class. The fee pays for two students only from every family and these fees are acknowledged to cover the school's needs including teachers, female teachers and the requirements of the school.
10. Exemption from the fees will be granted on a case by case basis from the Diwan al-Ta'aleem after assessment of the material state is submitted by the director of the school on condition that the rate of exemption will not exceed 5%.
11. All directors of the schools are to receive the fees from the students and then hand them over to Diwan al-Ta'aleem for the sake of paying teachers' salaries and covering the schools' needs.
12. All directors of the schools are to inform the officials of the offices affiliated with Diwan al-Ta'aleem of any vacancies they have.
13. Every teacher or female teacher who has not submitted to a Shari'a session is barred from teaching and those who have not taken up the Shari'a session must go to the Diwan al-Ta'aleem.
14. The following subject programs are not to be taught: drawing and fine art, music, nationalism, French language, history, philosophy and social studies (at primary level), and in the subject of geography, teaching is limited to regions only. The cancelled subjects are to be replaced with the following: aqeeda [creed], Qur'an, Hadith, Sira [life of Muhammad], fiqh [jurisprudence], and the name of PE will be replaced with Jihadi Training.
15. All teachers will be provided with a list of the cancelled lessons and classes and all teachers must refrain from teaching the cancelled subjects, classes and lessons from the programs.
16. All directors of the schools are to make teachers of the cancelled subjects teach the primary grades or to employ them according to the school's need.
17. All teachers must not accept students with any inappropriate clothing and falling short of Shari'a dress.
18. All female students are to embrace Shari'a dress as follows:
- From first to third grade, covering the head.
- From fourth to sixth grade, covering the face.
- From seventh grade, the remainder of what is required from Shari'a dress in its entirety in that veiling.
19. Directors are to have all teachers teach in the schools in which they are employed and whoever is not affiliated with the school is not allowed to work in it or have a position of responsibility in the educational assembly.
20. The use of any seal/register bearing the portrait of the tyrant Bashar or the Syrian Arab Republic or anything concerning nationalism and nationhood is forbidden, and all these expressions and seals are to be done away with.
21. With regards to the countryside, in the event that schooling cannot be provided, students can be gathered in the nearest school with the possibility of including grades 1-4 in the event of lack of availability of academic staff.
And God is the one behind the intention.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Deputy Head
Specimen 3G: Registration Form at Shari'a Institute for Girls in al-Bab, Aleppo Province [c. May 2014]
Da'wah Office in al-Bab and its Countryside
Dar Umm al-Rabab (Haylat al-Qusayr) for Shari'a Sciences
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Date: 1435 AH
Female student registration card
Level of Study:
Social Status:
Father's line of work:
Specimen 3H: Regulations for drivers in Raqqa
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
22/4/2015 [22 April 2015]
Brothers who drive
It is absolutely forbidden for cars to go out without the presence of a comprehensive repair tool kit (spare tyre...etc.) [see here for visualization]. The driver of every car that does not have the tool kit will be subjected to the consequences which may entail suspension from work. This decision becomes binding in a week's time from the date of its issuing.
And God is the one behind the intention.
Connections official [dealing with transportation].
Specimen 3I: Reopening of applications for medical school in Raqqa
Islamic State
Diwan of Health
The Diwan of Health in the Islamic State announces the reopening of the door of application for the medical college. So all students wishing to join this institution should go and register with the medical college and its base in Wilayat al-Raqqa.
Application conditions:
. The age of the applicant should not exceed 30 years old.
. The one with the general certificate of secondary education (science division) should have an average of 80% or above.
. All students applying must pass the competitive selection exam.
. Applications are to be submitted in the base of the medical college in the city of Raqqa.
. Application begins from 15 Rajab 1436 AH [4 May 2015] until the middle of the month of Ramadan.
. Application will be for males and females.
. This study and the competitive selection exam will be done in English.
For inquiry: 239591.
Specimen 3J: Employment Opportunities in Education in "Euphrates Province" (Syria region)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Almighty has said: "But those among them well-versed in knowledge and the believers believe in what has come down to you and what has come down from those before you, and the ones who establish prayer, give zakat, and believe in God and the Last Day: those will be given a great reward from Us."- Nisa 162 [Qur'an 4:162].
The education centre in Wilayat al-Furat- al-Sham area (western area) announces its desire to employ educational staff (university level- institutes- secondary) for both sexes in the schools of the Islamic State and competency will be a condition for appointment for the following specialties:
Administration officials, educational directors, specialty teachers, grade teachers, Shari'a officials.
Let it be known that registration is for a defined period and begins from Monday 24/6/1436.
All who wish to go to register their names must fulfill the following conditions.
. Employment application accompanied by a personal photo, photo of qualification, photo of the document of repentance for the prior teachers, statement of service for number of years (for agents). Registration will be done in the two education offices in Albukamal and Hajin.
For inquiry connect on the following numbers:
Specimen 3K: Fatwa on Eating Meats Imported from Turkey
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Fatwa no. 5
23/9/1435 AH
Question: What is the ruling on eating Turkish meats?
On the authority of Adi bin Hatem may God be pleased with him: he said: the Messenger of God (may God's peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said: "...And if you have thrown an arrow at the game and find it after a day or two days with nothing on it but the mark of your arrow, eat it. But if it fell dead in the water, don't eat it."- Muttafiq alayhi, and in the narration of Muslim: "and if you don't know if it died in the water or through your arrow."
Imam Ibn Qudama (may God have mercy on him) said: "...and because there is doubt regarding lawful hunting, it is necessaary to adhere to the ruling of declaring it forbidden" (al-Mughni: 12/17).
And he also said: "...The principle is prohibition, and the solution rests on a condition and that is slaughter according to the law by the people who undertake that or those who hunted it." (al-Mughni: 12/17).
As for meats imported from Turkey, it has not been ascertained 1. who have slaughtered them, and 2. what is the nature of the slaughterer by people; therefore it may be the case that many of those dealing with the slaughter in Turkey are from the people of apostasy- for all we know. Therefore we consider adherence to the principle that is declaring it forbidden until evidence makes clear the contrary.
Imam Nawawi (may God have mercy on him) said: "In this is a statement of important foundation and that is that if there is doubt on the legality of the slaughter of the animal, there is no solution of making it permissible to eat, because the principle is to declare it forbidden and there is nothing to the contrary on this."- Commentary on Sahih Muslim 13/116.
And God knows best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Eftaa wa al-Buhuth
Head of the Diwan al-Eftaa wa al-Buhuth.
Specimen 3L: Fatwa on Prayer and Fasting for the Muhajir in Ramadan
Ruling on the taking of license of travel for the muhajir
Question: What is the ruling on shortness of prayer and fitr [breaking fast] in Ramadan for the muhajir in the path of God?
The Ahl al-'Ilm have differed on the timing of travel. The Hanafis have been of the opinion that the traveller becomes established in a place if he intends to stay in a land for 15 days or more. The Malikis and Shafi'is have held that if the traveller intends to stay in a place for 4 days, he becomes established. The Hanbalis have been of the view that if he intends more than 4 days, he becomes established.
And some of the Ahl al-'Ilm like Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim opined that whoever has gone out from his land is a traveller to the place in which he has become established but has not been sought for permanent residence.
However, this disagreement concerns the timing of broad travel- whether travel of obedience [i.e. to perform the Hajj] or lawful travel, but as for the muhajir from the Dar al-Kufr- in which the rulings of the disbelievers prevail- to the Dar al-Islam in which the rulings of Islam prevail, he is only established in one sense, and he may not take the license of travel with regards to shortening [of prayer] or breaking the fast etc.
For the land to which he has migrated is his land, and it has not been established from the Prophet (may God's peace and blessings be upon him) that he took license of travel in Medina to which he migrated, and this is true also of all the muhajireen from his companions may God be pleased with them, and in God is success.
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-Eftaa
Head of the Diwan
NB: The date of this fatwa is particularly worth noting (1 Ramadan 1435 AH): considering that the Caliphate was announced to mark Ramadan in 1435 AH and this is the second fatwa issued by the Diwan, it is reasonable to suppose the Diwan al-Eftaa wa al-Buhuth only came into existence when the Caliphate was declared.
Specimen 3M: Excerpt of a Textbook on Creed and Jurisprudence for Primary School Children
Page number | Subject | |
69 | First subject study | Purity |
69 | Lesson One | The quality of true ablution |
71 | Lesson Two | Qada al-Hajah (Meeting Need) |
75 | Lesson Three | Wiping and Purification with stones |
80 | Lesson Four | Removal of filth |
83 | Lesson Five | Conditions of ablution, its pillars and sunnah |
93 | Second subject study | Prayer |
93 | Lesson Six | The quality of true prayer |
97 | Lesson Seven | Conditions of prayer, its pillars and obligations |
109 | Lesson Eight | The Sunna traditions of prayer |
116 | Lesson Nine | Times of obligatory prayer |
122 | Lesson Ten | The consequence of abandoning prayer and disdaining it |
Specimen 3N: Excerpt II of a Textbook on Creed and Jurisprudence for Primary School Children
Creed: Level Two
Page number | Subject | |
5 | First subject study | Worship |
5 | Lesson One | Meaning of tawheed |
9 | Lesson Two | Meaning of worship |
17 | Lesson Three | Messengers, and the wisdom from their being sent |
21 | Second subject study | Tawheed: its meaning and types |
21 | Lesson Four | Meaning of Tawheed |
24 | Lesson Five | Tawheed of divinity |
30 | Lesson Six | Tawheed of uluhiya [belief in oneness of worship of God] |
38 | Lesson Seven | Tawheed: names and qualities |
46 | Third subject study | Faith in God and disbelief in Taghut |
46 | Lesson Eight | The first thing God imposed on people |
50 | Lesson Nine | The meaning of taghut, and the obligation of disbelieving in it and fighting it. |
56 | Lesson Ten | Some of the types of tawagheet |
63 | Lesson Eleven | The meaning of al-Urwa al-Wuthqa [the link that cannot be dissolved] |
Specimen 3O: Excerpt III from textbook: on quality of prayer
Specimen 3P: Excerpt IV from textbook: on quality of ablution
Specimen 3Q: Slip from the Antiquities Division of the Diwan al-Rikaz
Islamic State
Diwan al-Rikaz
Antiquities/Remains division
Date: / /1436 AH ( / /2015)
To the brother ...
Salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Help is requested for the bearer of this document in searching for and excavating remains/antiquities. Let it be known that he can bear apparatus for uncovering remains/antiquities.
Islamic State
NB: It may be wondered how one can reconcile this document with the official Islamic State hostility to notions of archaeology and anything that might entail idolatrous reverence of the past- particularly in association with the pre-Islamic (Jahiliya) era [illustrated by the closing down of the archaeology department of Mosul University, the destruction of Nimrud etc.]. The real intent here is revealed by the designation of "Diwan al-Rikaz", which also has a department dealing with oil resources, including the leasing of gasoline stations in Mosul. Thus, excavation of small and medium-scale antiquities, as has often been reported in media, becomes nothing but a means to make money through sale and smuggling.
Specimen 3R: Closing of shop in Al-Bab, Aleppo province
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
This shop has been closed for a period of two days for disregarding the fulfillment of obligation of prayer.
Specimen 3S: Closing of shops during prayer time in Al-Bab, Aleppo province (March 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Area- town of al-Bab and its surrounding
God- Almighty and Exalted is He- has made numerous mentions of prayer in His noble book [Qur'an], has given it great importance, and has ordered for it to be maintained and fulfilled in a congregation. The Almighty has said: "Maintain the prayers, particularly the middle prayer, and stand to God in obedience."
And from what points to the obligation of prayer of the congregation is what Abu Huraira narrated in both Sahih traditions [Bukhari and Muslim] on the authority of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. He said: "I had a strong desire to order for prayer to be established, then to order for a man to lead the people in prayer, then I should go with some men carrying bundles of wood to a people not observing prayer so I should burn their houses upon them."
In Muslim's tradition, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud may God be pleased with him. He said: "You have seen us and there is no disagreement on prayer except a hypocrite aware of his hypocrisy or a sick one but even if he is sick let him go between two men until he comes to prayer."
On the basis of this and according to the Almighty's words- " Those We have enabled in the land have established prayer, given zakat, commanded what is right and forbidden what is wrong. And to God belongs the outcome of affairs"- the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces the prohibition on opening shops after the establishment of prayer and the obligation to head to the mosques. And whoever has been shown to have disregarded that will be subjected to Shari'a inquiry. Cooperate on the basis of piety and fear of God, not on the basis of evil and enmity.
Specimen 3T: Prohibition on pigeon-keeping on roofs of houses, "Euphrates Province"
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Wilayat al-Furat
Diwan al-Hisbah
Date: 20 Rabi al-Thani 1436 AH/9 February 2015
Prohibition on pigeon-keeping above the roofs of houses
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions and whosoever is close to/loyal to him. As for what follows:
All those who keep pigeons above the roofs of their houses must stop doing this entirely within a week of the date of the issuing of this statement and whosoever violates it will be subject to consequences of reprimand including a financial fine, imprisonment and flogging.
So the Muslim populace must inform the Hisbah of any person who has taken it upon himself to continue this line of work and that is to put a stop to the greater criminal act of harming one's Muslim and Muslim women neighbours, revealing the genitals and wasting time.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Amir al-Hisbah
Diwan al-Hisbah for Wilayat al-Furat.
NB (Update: June 3, 2015): I have glossed the phrase kashf lil-awrat ("revealing the genitals") because a number of subsequent media reports have misinterpreted this phrase literally. I had assumed that it would be taken as a mere idiom for dishonourable activity, but instead outlets such as The Daily Mail have interpreted this to mean revealing the pigeon's genitals (which wouldn't make any sense). My friend Hassan Hassan gives the best corrective in comments below:
"Hamamchiya/hmaimatiya (pigeon keepers) are notorious for using pigeon keeping on roofs to stare & look inside neighbours homes (hence 'hurumat', honour, not genitals). That's also why they traditionally don't qualify for bearing testimony etc"
Specimen 3U: Notice to those who have repented, western part of Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam [Public Security]
Western Area- Summons Office
Date: 13/6/1436 AH [2 April 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
To all those whose repentance has been completed from all of the following factions (Free Army, Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, the regime, the popular committees), including those who have become affiliated with the Islamic State:
We inform you:
You must head to the Summons Office located beside the Civil Defence building in the city of Tabqa to sort out your affairs for a period not exceeding 15 days from the date of the issuing of this statement. All who violate this will be subject to inquiry and held accountable.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Amir of the Western Area
Specimen 3V: Repentance confirmation document, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Repentance Office
17 April 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Repentance number:
To the sons of the Islamic State:
Salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
We inform you that the one called...has undertaken in our presence a repentance session after his apostasy and I have given him this document that he may be among the Muslim populace.
Repentance official
Specimen 3W: Central Cub Scouts of the Caliphate Institute, Raqqa Province [May 2015]
The Education Centre in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces the opening of the second session for the Central Cub Scouts of the Caliphate Institute where education for the cub scouts will take place in Shari'a sciences, arts of fighting, military sciences.
Registration conditions:
1. Student should be 10-15 years old.
2. Proficiency in reading and writing.
To go and inquire:
Centre of Education (Education College previously).
Specimen 3X: Opening of the Central Cub Scouts of the Caliphate Institute, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem: Wilayat al-Raqqa
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Beginning from the words of God Almighty: "And prepare for them what you can from force and steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of God and your enemy."- Al-Anfal 60 [Qur'an 8:60]. And the words of the Prophet (may God's peace and blessings be upon him): "The strong believer is better and more beloved to God than the weak believer."- Muslim.
In consideration of the foremost matter in the Islamic State to cultivate future generations, the Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces- and with the supervision of the wali [provincial governor] may God protect him- the opening of the Central Cub Scouts of the Caliphate Institute.
Here there will be preparation of the cub scouts in faith through teaching them the Shari'a sciences, preparing them in the dunya [material world] and teaching them on the arts of fighting that they may be capable of taking over the banner of jihad under the slogan: "The proper establishment of this religion is by 'A book guides and a sword supports/gives victory.'"
"And your Lord suffices as a guide and helper."- al-Furqan 31 [Qur'an 25:31].
For inquiry and registration, go to the Diwan al-Ta'aleem- Education College previously.
Special Office of Education: Phone number: 267734-247821
Specimen 3Y: List of Those Missing from Shaitat Tribe of Deir az-Zor
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Alaqat al-'Aama [Public Relations Department]
Names of the missing from the Shaitat
[the tables list some 394 names, in the following form, and as far as 'status' goes, all are listed as 'killed']
Number | Name and surname | Status |
Specimen 3Z: Notice to the soldiers of Kweiris airbase, Aleppo province [c. May 2015]
To all the besieged soldiers in Kweiris airbase,
God's ruling upon you is a strike with the sword, and by God we won't have mercy on any of you so strive to repent and defect from this kafir regime and we will accept the tawba [repentance] of the one who repents from among you before we gain power over him if he comes to us. And your taghut will not save you from anything for indeed your blood is to no avail and we will make no exception unless for the one who comes to us, and a lesson is for you in Tabqa airport [where a massacre of regime soldiers took place at the hands of IS].
Numbers to connect with the soldiers of the Islamic State
Whatsapp number: 00905378489193
Specimen 4A: ID Card to Participate in Secondary School Exams
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of the Prophets
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Card to Participate in Exams
Secondary Level
1436 AH
Full name:
Mother's name:
Age group: 1999
School: Secondary [...]
Exam number:
Province: Ninawa
Director's name: Barid Abdullah al-Kalyahchi [NB: this is a name from Mosul]
Soecimen 4B: Notice to members of Ramadi Teaching Hospital
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Diwan al-Siha
Ramadi Teaching Hospital
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Statement no.: 182
Date: 18 May 2015
To: members of Ramadi Hospital
Salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
To our brothers and our people in the beloved Wilayat al-Ramadi we would like to inform you that regular hours will be resumed in the Ramadi hospital after this notification. So all members of the hospital from technician, administrative, service and health staff to return and embrace regular hours for the sake of the interest of all the sick from our people and we count on you for the provision of medical staff and free treatment.
May God reward you best.
Dr. Abu Othman
Ramadi Teaching Hospital
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
Ramadi Medical Profession
Specimen 4C: Exam Timetable for Nursing College, Mosul University
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Nursing College
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Final exams timetable for year of study 2013-2014 for the morning and evening classes of study.
Day | Date [all 2014] | First Year | Second Year | Third Year | Fourth Year |
Saturday | 11 October | Arabic language | Drugs | ||
Sunday | 12 October | Health Promotion | A: Elective B: Epidemiology |
Monday | 13 October | Basics of nursing | A: Medical Statistics B: Studies into nursing |
Tuesday | 14 October | Social medicine | A: Psychology B: Contemporary views/guidances in nursing |
Note: exams begin at 9 a.m. sharp.
With our prayers of success and excellence for you in this world and the Hereafter.
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Specimen 4D: Education Regulations: Euphrates Province (Iraq sector)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Hijra date: 2/3/1436 AH [c. 24 December 2014]
No. 20
Education Centre in Wilayat al-Furat
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the administrations of all schools
1. Women visiting schools may not enter without embracing Shari'a regulation dress.
2. Female employees and students may not be allowed to attend regular hours in the event they violate Shari'a regulation dress, and they will be considered absent from official regular hours.
3. The proprietor form and summary form of the timetable of provision of classes to one of the education offices (al-Qa'im, Rawa, Anah).
4. All teachers for all specialties must fulfill the assigned proper place; otherwise they will be transferred to the primary schools by administrative order.
5. Times of official regular hours are to be complied with and one must enter into the class even if no students are present inside the class.
6. One must have night watchmen with their presence in the schools by night.
7. The school director must report on the absence of the watchman in the event he does not embrace regular hours and is to submit disclosure of the event of any harm/damage that takes place in the school.
8. Displaced persons from educational staff in the province are informed that they must return to their schools by 2 January 2015, otherwise the education centre in the province will take the necessary proceedings and decisions according to Shari'a with respect to that person.
9. The teacher who is insufficiently qualified or falls short in his duty will be relieved of his post.
10. The school director is the one responsible for the standard of learning in the school.
11. The school director, chief supervisor and deputy supervisor are to work together to raise the quality and standard of learning in the school.
12. One must show interest in and assure the cleanliness of the school.
13. The school director bears ultimate responsibility for the violation of instructions.
And God is the one who guarantees success.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Wilayat al-Furat Centre
Abu Abdullah al-Qahtani
Specimen 4E: Notice to Service Offices in Hit, Anbar Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Hit Area
Office of Services of the Muslims
General Notice
19 Safr 1436 AH [c. 12 December 2014]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Announcement to all service offices
All employees in all the service offices must attend daily regular hours as usual and whoever does not comply to do so after more than 4 days from the date of the issuing of this notification will be a target for the confiscation of his home and Shari'a reckoning.
In particular for these offices: electricity, water, education, municipal, civil defence, health, agriculture, commercial.
Wilayat al-Anbar
Hit Area
Office of Services of the Muslims
NB: Compelling public office workers to do their jobs is a key part of IS administration: cf. Specimen B in the IS documents on public services in Ninawa province. It has worked to the group's advantage in Syria too, where previous rebel groups might have allowed employees to skive.
Specimen 4F: Requirement of ID Documents for Internet Café users, Ninawa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Diwan al-Amn: Public Security Office
Statement no.: 164
12 May 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To all Internet shop owners
As salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
We ask you to inform all users who deal with you to provide the four necessary documents [identity card, proof of identity, residence card, rations card] and have them verified with you, so that they can be requested from you on requirement.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn
Wilayat Ninawa Centre
Public Security for Wilayat Ninawa
NB: The system of the four ID documents dates back to the Saddam regime. The Iraqi government has aimed to replace this system with a new unified national identity card to be issued beginning from mid-2015.
Specimen 4G: Sample Receipt, Rutba, Anbar Province
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan Bayt al-Mal
No. 033707
I Abu Abdullah have received a sum of $300 from Ahmad Shihab.
Date: 16/5/1436 (c. 7 March 2015)
Recipient signature
Giver signature
Islamic State
Diwan Bayt al-Mal
Rutba Office: 2
Specimen 4H: Free Entry to Waritheen Hotel and Amusement Park in Mosul [May 2015]
The Diwan al-Khidamat is pleased to invite you to enter the Waritheen Hotel and the Amusement Park for free in relation to the conquest of Wilayat al-Anbar and the conquests in Bilad al-Sham. And praise be to God who supports/gives victory to the believers and lowers polytheism and the polytheists.
Diwan al-Khidamat
Specimen 4I: Statement to the Ninawa Province Tribes
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Asha'ir [Tribes Department]
Wilayat Ninawa
No. 79
6 Jumada al-Ukhra 1436 AH
23 March 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the sheikhs and tribes of Wilayat Ninawa
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God.
1. You are requested by obligation to come to the Diwan al-Asha'ir of Wilayat Ninawa at 10 a.m. on Monday Jumada al-Ukhra 1436 corresponding to 23 March 2015 and the one who violates and refuses will expose himself to binding Shari'a consequence as he will be among those who turn away.
2. Speeches of the conference participants and speakers on our part will be defined and there will be general debate for the discussion: that is, resisting the Safavid, Rafidite enemy, the forces of the mobilization [Hashd] and the apostate Peshmerga.
Oh God, I have indeed reached, oh God, so I bear witness
Islamic State
Amir Diwan al-Asha'ir Wilayat Ninawa
Copy to:
- Islamic Military Police
- Islamic Police
- Intelligence services of the Islamic State
For direct informing at the hands of the sheikhs, and let us know immediately those who reject and refuse
Specimen 4J: Room Prices per Night at the Waritheen Hotel
Room Prices
1. Single room: 65000 [Iraqi dinars]
2. Double room: 65000
3. Suite room and hall: 97500
4. Additional bed: 20000
With breakfast only.
Specimen 4K: Excerpt from an Islamic State textbook: on the concepts of al-Wala' and al-Bara'
Pg. 38
al-Wala' and al-Bara'
Getting to know the concept by word:
al-Wala' as a word: from Wilaya and it means affection.
al-Bara' as a word: the masdar [noun derivative] of bara with the meaning of cutting, and from it, bara al-qalam, he sharpened it.
Getting to know the concept as a technical term:
al-Wala': Affection for the Muslims, supporting them, dignifying them, respecting them and being near to them.
al-Bara': Hating the disbelievers, being distant from them, and abandoning support for them.
The Importance of al-Wala' and al-Bara'
1. Among the principles of Islamic creed
2. The most indissoluble bonds of faith
3. It is from the faith of Ibrahim- peace be upon him- and the faith of Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon him.
Types of al-Muwala:
Two types:
1. Tawalli
2. Muwalatun
Specimen 4L: Excerpt from an Islamic State textbook: on the concept of al-Imaan
al-Imaan [faith]
Meaning of the word:
-Believing and confirming.
Al-Imaan among the Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jamaat [Sunnis]
It is:
1. Believing in the heart.
2. Uttering with the tongue.
3. Practising with the limbs and pillars [i.e. outward practise of the faith]
4. Increasing obedience.
5. Reducing rebellion
Specimen 4M: Denial of Killing Media Guys, Cyrenaica Province, Libya
Islamic State
Wilayat Barqa
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, and on his family, companions and whosoever is close to him. As for what follows:
In refutation of what has been disseminated from rumours against us, we in the Islamic State deny what the lying media channels and connection outlets affiliated with the corrupt media have published about our responsibility for the killing of 6 youths from Ajdabiya affiliated with one of the media channels, just as we previously denied our responsibility for kidnapping them.
And to God belongs the matter before and after.
Wilayat Barqa: Media Office
Issued on date 8 Rajab 1436 AH/27 April 2015
Specimen 4N: Regulations for Pharmacies, western Deir az-Zor province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Pharmacists in the western region are asked to embrace the following guidelines and any violation will require consequences:
. Pharmacists must be present in the pharmacy from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
. The pharmacy must be cleaned and medicines must not be exposed to sunlight.
. There must be a fridge to preserve hormonal medicines and some of the eyedrops [?]...
. One must display a license given by the Islamic State and for those who don't have licenses, they must go to the health office in the Public Hospital of Ma'adan (?)
. Pharmacies violating without a pharmacy certificate established in the wilaya are given a deadline of 10 days from this date, otherwise the owner will be detained and the pharmacy closed definitely.
. The required documents for license:
- Pharmacy certificate and graduation certificate
- One identity card
- One personal photo
- Statements of the pharmacy worker (copy of his personal ID)
. No selling of psychological drugs or anaesthetics without going and registering with the health office in Ma'adan (?) for prescription approval to be given to the patient.
Islamic State
27/6/1436 AH [c. 16 April 2015]
Specimen 4O: New employment opportunites for teachers
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
No. 15
Date: 5/8/1436 AH [c. 23 May 2015]
Qualification and development of teachers for educating the generations of the Muslims
Praise be to God who says: "It is He who has sent among the illiterate a Messenger from among them reciting to them His verses, purifying and teaching them the Book and wisdom, even if they were previously in clear error."- Jum'ah 3 [Qur'an 62:3]
And prayers and peace be upon the one who was sent as a teacher for His Ummah and a guide for its path, as for what follows:
Indeed the Ummah excels through its teachers when they direct what they have assumed responsibility for with truthfulness and guarantee, and among the most important reasons for the backwardness and degradation of the nations is their lack of getting to know the power of their teachers, and not elevating them from among their affairs. For the teacher is the one people entrust to teach their sons, discipline and educate them. So the importance of the teacher is to polish minds, refine souls, implant virtues and tear out vices, and to educate the generations with an established, correct education for that is among the qualities of the prophets.
Thus the Diwan al-Ta'aleem announces its acceptance of a new contingent of those qualified from among male and female teachers and those with expertise to participate in the education of the sons of the Muslims for all educational stages according to the following specialties:
1. Shari'a sciences, Arabic language subjects, history, geography, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and physical education.
2. Vocational subjects: business, industry, agriculture, nursing.
3. Administration and services.
Acceptance conditions
1. Proficiency in teaching and bearing responsibility.
2. Passing prepared sessions: i.e. qualification and development; ways of teaching new programs.
So all who find in themselves proficiency and ability to bear responsibility and implement the guarantee of knowledge should head personally to register with one of the education offices spread throughout all the wilayat of the Islamic State. Registration begins from Monday 7 Sha'aban 1436 for two weeks from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.
. First session begins on Saturday 12 Sha'aban 1436 AH.
. Next year of study begins inshallah on Saturday 21 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1436 AH (5 September 2015).
. The number of schools to be opened is linked to the number of successes and acceptances of teachers in the Shari'a sessions and paths of teaching.
We ask God to use us and not replace us.
The Almighty has said: "And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people who will not be like you."- Muhammad 37 [Qur'an 47:37]
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Amir Dhu al-Qarnain.
Specimen 4P: Agricultural Summer Plan in Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Centre for the Diwan al-Zara'a wa al-Rayy [Agriculture and Irrigation]
As salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and may good health be upon those on the right path, and may there be no enmity except on the wrongdoers. And there is no deity but God, the deity of the first and last, and the establishment of the heavens and the earth, and master of the Day of Judgment, and prayers and peace be upon the one who was sent in front of the Hour with the sword so that God alone may be worshipped with no companion for him, and upon his family, companions, the followers and whoso has followed them with ihsan till the Day of Judgment. I bear witness that there is no deity but God alone, having no companion, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of God (PBUH).
The Agricultural Plan for the Summer Season
To the distinguished brothers in the offices of the Diwan al-Zara'a in Wilayat al-Kheir, may God protect them.
We ask you to work to implement the agricultural plan for the current summer season and make mention of it through gathering the peasants and heads of the associations and making them embrace what follows in the decision on this matter.
1. 30% of the field land is to be cultivated with summer crops (cotton, yellow corn, vegetables)
2. 70% of the field land is to be cultivated with crops that only require one watering/irrigation...(watermelon, melon, sesame and seed crops)
This should also draw the peasant's attention to the decrease in the river level and the importance of preserving irrigation water, and thus it is absolutely forbidden for field lands to be irrigated in violation of this agricultural program, and thus the peasants who violate will be subjected to reprimand (the lands that draw water from the path of the irrigation projects).
And may God reward you best.
Abu Ahmad (?) al-Tunisi
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Zara'a Centre
Specimen 4Q: Tax Form for Electricity, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Local administration for electricity
Tax form
Series no.
The user...has paid a sum of 1000 Syrian pounds only and no other tax for the month of April.
Tax-collector's signature
27 May 2015
Specimen 4R: Gas Distributions in Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Rikaz Centre
No. 2
6 Sha'aban 1436 AH [c. 24 May 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of those sent, our Sayyid Muhammad, and on all his family and companions. As for what follows:
To all the Muslim populaces: we inform you that gas bottles will be distributed according to the following procedures.
Showing the marriage proof document (family register, family statement, original marriage bond).
Similarly we inform you that the price of one gas battle is 750 Syrian pounds and in the event of having multiple wives, the bottles will be distributed according to the number of wives after showing proof, so those who wish to receive the bottles should see the representative for their area, neighbourhood or village and in the event there is no representative the people of the neighbourhood, village or area should appoint a representative themselves.
Note: 700 [pounds] for the Diwan al-Rikaz Centre
50 for the representative.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Specimen 4S: Notice to Mosques in Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wlayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for distribution to the mosques
The Mosques Administration in the Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid has issued a decision to oblige the muezzins on the following matters:
1. The dawn calls to prayer are to be raised in two different voices until the true dawn becomes clear from the false dawn to the people, while the tathwib [the line: 'prayer is better than sleep'] will be for the first call to prayer only and the time interval between the two will be 15 minutes.
2. There will be a restriction to one call for prayer for Friday prayers after the imam ascends the pulpit.
3. The voice is to be raised with external amplifiers in prayer, lessons and sermons without iqama al-salat [see here for explanation], which should be done with internal amplifiers only.
Mosques Administration
Islamic State
Specimen 4T: Barring Teachers from Work, Northern Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the one who was sent with the sword as a mercy to the worlds and his mercy. As for what follows:
We have decided to dismiss all these teachers, whose names follow:
All the teachers mentioned above by name are not allowed to work in the field of education or enter school for any reason, because they reject jihadi thought [i.e. they refused to repent and attend IS Shari'a sessions for teachers].
And God is the one who guarantees success.
Diwan al-Ta'aleem Official in the Northern Area
Abu Haitham
29/6/1436 AH [c. 18 April 2015]
Specimen 4U: Call for Repentance of Female Education Workers, Al-Basira, Deir az-Zor Province
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Date: 1/8/1436 AH [c. 19 May 2015]
All female workers who worked in the education corps in the days of the kafir Nusayri regime must attend the al-Rahman mosque in al-Basira on Tuesday after noon prayers on 8/8/1436 AH to attend a repentance session that will last one week only (one hour a day).
(Let it be known that the session is compulsory)
And God is the guarantor of success
Diwan al-Ta'aleem: Northern Area
Abu Haitham
Specimen 4V: General Notification: Agricultural Department
Islamic State
Diwan al-Zara'a
3 June 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Almighty has said: "And prepare for them what you can from force and steeds of war so that you may terrify the enemy of God and your enemy." [Qur'an 8:60]
Oh Muslims:
The deranged war being waged against the Islamic State by the Crusader alliance and their followers is no secret, and the economic war is one of the methods of this war. Thus we must make preparations to resist it and that will be done by leaving reserve stocks of grain in every home of the homes of the Muslims, which is in compliance with the command of God Almighty to prepare material and His command for us in this sort of state of affairs to accumulate storage with His words: "And what you harvest, leave in its spikes." [Qur'an 12:47]
Islamic State
Diwan al-Zara'a
Specimen 4W: Notification to the Mosques of Ramadi
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar: Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid: Ramadi directorate office
Statement no. 1
4 June 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family, companions and whosoever is close to him. As for what follows:
To the mosques of the city of Ramadi
Statement for distribution
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
In what follows are instructions and work plans that must be embraced in all the mosques, otherwise the violator will be tracked down and held accountable.
1. Adherence to the Kitab [Qur'an] and Sunna and abandoning innovation and errors.
2. All those who work in the mosque- imam, preacher and muezzin- must embrace the clear guidance
a) Growing a beard
b) Shortening the clothing [i.e. not allowing it to drape]
c) Good character
3. The calls to prayer for dawn prayers will be as follows:
a) A first call to prayer will be raised before the true dawn.
b) A second call to prayer will be after the appearance of the true dawn (entry of the time) and the tathwib ('Prayer is better than sleep') will be in the first call to prayer.
c) The call to prayer on Friday will be one call to prayer after the preacher ascends to the pulpit.
4. No interference in the matters of holding marriages or Shari'a fatwas as that is of the concern of the Shari'a Court
5. No holding of circles for teaching the Noble Qur'an or lessons and lectures except by order of the Da'wah and Masajid office.
6. No sticking of or reading any statement or order in the mosque.
7. No dismissal or appointment of any worker in the mosque (imam, preacher or muezzin)
All of that [i.e. points 6 or 7] will only be by order of the Da'wah and Masajid office in the city of Ramadi.
May God reward you best.
Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Iraqi
Amir of the Da'wah and Masajid Office- Ramadi Area
Specimen 4X: Ban on Importing Iranian Food and Medical Goods
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
No. 1385
10 Sha'aban 1436 AH
28 May 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To all the wilayats and diwans
Prohibition on importing
Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, and on his family be protection, as for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
I ask God (Almighty and Exalted is He) to protect you, show your opinion the right way, make firm your steps, raise your strength and grant you success in what He loves and is pleased with. Indeed He is powerful over everything...
We would like to inform you about an important issue: and that is concerning Iranian goods (food and medical), for complaints have come to us and there is a lack of confidence in dealing with these goods that come to us from Iran, for in Wilayat al-Anbar, they found the watermelon was contaminated with poisonous substances, and the brother the amir of the Diwan al-Siha mentioned the lack of trust in Iranian medical treatments/goods etc., for these are a people of treachery and betrayal who are not to be trusted, for this is their habit. Thus it is forbidden to import food and medical goods from Persian Iran.
This letter comes into effect from the date it reaches you, and as for goods present in the shops, they are not to be confiscated, but rather the opportunity is to be given to sell them to whoever might get rid of them, and no new goods are to be imported after this process is completed.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
Specimen 4Y: Oil and Gas Distributions in Ramadi
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar: Ramadi Area
Diwan al-Rikaz
To the brothers who own functioning generators only within the Ramadi area we ask you to head to the complaints office near the Haji Ziyad restaurant and that will be for the distribution of gas and oil to the families/people.
May God reward you best.
Abu Omar
10 June 2015
NB: thanks to a local contact n Saqlawiya, Fallujah, with relatives in Ramadi for sending this document.
Specimen 4Z: Notice to employees of the Gasworks in Ramadi
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar: Ramadi Area
Diwan al-Rikaz
To all the employees of the al-Rikaz gasworks we ask you to head to the registration office near the al-Haj Ziyad restaurant at 9 a.m. every day in order to fulfill the numerous necessities.
May God reward you best.
Official for the al-Rikaz gasworks
Abu Omar
10 June 2015
Specimen 5A: Minutes of a meeting on educational reform by the Diwan al-Ta'aleem for upcoming academic year (unofficial document)- June 2015
1. Study will be 5 years primary, 2 secondary, 2 preparatory [pre-college] and university study by years according to specialty.
2. Preparatory study will have a number of divisions: industrial, scientific, Shari'a, agriculture, nursing.
3. Primary study will focus on doctrine, Arabic language, as well as mathematics, sira (history), and foreign languages (English et al.)
4. Physical education will be replaced with physical jihad training including: shooting, swimming, and riding horses with compliance with the subject name changes [see here for last year's subject changes]
5. A student should finish study/education having memorized between 7 to 10 parts of the noble Qur'an with mastery of being able to read the entire Qur'an.
6. The staff cadre will be of new blood, by which I say to all graduates from the educational colleges and others: the Diwan al-Ta'aleem has opened up the doors of appointments, so you may go and submit your applications (either gender): salaries begin from 300,000 Iraqi dinars ($250 and above).
7. The programs were defined and refined in their contents by professors of the college of education: psychology division, so they could express their opinion on its state in relation to the student's mind and age, and their agreement came about after some adjustments.
8. The official responsible for designing the programs and books is a French brother in origin who was a director for one of the printing presses in France who made hijra specifically for this matter in the path of God.
9. The official responsible for the writing of the books is an Egyptian brother in nationality who was one of the senior officials in the Egyptian ministry of education. God helped him make hijra and entrusted this matter to him.
10. All educational staff must undergo two sessions: the first Shari'a and the second to get to know the programs. This matter will begin in the next few days, and academic study in the ninth month [September] inshallah.
![]() Apparently the committee within the Diwan al-Ta'aleem responsible for preparing this year's educational system and program. |
NB: Via Omar Fawaz, a pro-IS source in Mosul
Specimen 5B: Timetable for prayer times in Ramadan, Ramadi area
"Notice: appointment of Eid prayers will be 20 minutes after sunrise." "Prepared by a committee from the Da'wah and Masajid Centre- Wilayat al-Anbar."
Specimen 5C: Dates for Zakat proceedings, Ramadi area
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Zakat and Sadaqat Office: Ramadi area
Date: 20.../14... [CE vs. AH]
Noble brothers:
The dates for registering poor and displaced families will be from 1st to 8th of every Hijra month. The dates for registry and inventory will be from 10th to 18th of every Hijra month. Distributions will be from 21st to 29th of every Hijra month.
Zakat and Sadaqat Office
NB: You are required to bring identity card, proof of identity, residence and rations card [cf. Specimen 4F]
Specimen 5D: Preparation sessions for teachers, northern Deir az-Zor province (June 2015)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in the northern region announces:
The beginning of operation in the Higher Institute for the Preparation of Teachers on Saturday 26 Sha'aban 1436 AH, according to the following program:
. First lesson in the al-Imaan mosque in the village of al-Sabha at 8:30 [a.m.]
. Second lesson in the Abu Bakr al-Sadiq mosque in Hatla at 11:00 a.m.
. Third lesson in the al-Sur mosque in the locality of al-Sur at 2:00 p.m.
For the villages and areas extending from al-Tabiya till al-Basira in the east to al-Hajna in the north, head to the al-Imaan mosque in al-Sabha.
For the villages and areas extending from Khasham till al-Kabr in the west head to the Abu Bakr al-Sadiq mosque in Hatla.
For the villages and areas extending between al-Hijna to Ruwayshid, head to the al-Sur mosque in al-Sur.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Diwan al-Ta'aleem Northern Region
Abu Haytham
Specimen 5E: General notification, Aleppo Province, Jumada al-Awal 1436 AH (February/March 2015)
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
General Administration
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for distribution Jumada al-Awal
1. When the Prophet (PBUH) wanted to conduct a raid, he would conceal it under another purpose, saying when he wanted to conduct the Battle of Hunayn: How do we find a path and its waters? And who is among them from the enemy? And he would say: "War is deceit." So we remind you brothers not to disclose news and information of the movement of your brothers through use of the Internet.
2. Every brother who participated in the battle against the Khalid Hayani battalion- 'Shuhada Badr'- which came months before the Sahwa wars [in 2013 in Aleppo city], and likewise the one who knows a martyr who participated in that battle and his family in the land of the Islamic State should register his name with the war spoils and booty administration in Wilayat Halab.
3. In so far as permission has been granted for the wilayats to launch assaults in accordance with the wars against the gangs, the war spoils in the custody of a particular squadron are to be divided among all the members of that squadron, and all who helped them in their raid are to have a share of the spoils. And those who embarked upon the raid are to be distinguished with having a third part of the spoils, while the remaining two thirds are to be divided equally among them and those who helped them, meaning that the amir al-mu'mineen may God protect him [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] is to cede a fifth part of the spoils as well in accordance with the interest/right of those who take spoils [cf. here].
4. Transfers are to be stopped completely, from military battalions to other formations
5. The brother cannot transfer to another province before spending 6 months of his existence in the province
6. The car whose value for repair after exposure to an accident exceeds $100: the value for repair is not to be spent except after raising the issue with the court and obtaining a form from them indicating that the issue has been raised.
7. By order of the general committee, working hours in the Dawla's centres and offices are fixed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with observance of hours of watch, being on call/duty and other obligations during work.
8. Signs stuck to cars of the Islamic State that distinguish them from others are to be removed in light of the ease by which they can be targeted by the enemy (God forbid). In addition, avoid some of the strange signs and expressions that are for show and devoid of meaningful content, like names of wilayats and non-existent places and the like. The exception is officially authorized expressions written on the cars of al-Hisba, the Islamic police, and traffic police, for these are to remain.
9. Photos of sabaya [concubines/female sex slaves] are not to be put on the Internet in any form
10. No member of the state except commanders and soldiers is to have a share in state property/wealth, similarly their companions of the public/general populace are also barred from sharing in it.
11. No member of the state is to be assigned investment, bidding, auction etc.,
12. No member may exploit his position and work in the state for personal interests.
13. Whoever has made a share or investment on the part of the state is to return it to the amir of the Diwan centre or specialist committee dealing with this matter in that affair or the wali's office
14. Women are not allowed to bear arms openly in the markets or streets
15. The military police has the competency to deal with those who refuse to rise with the patrol in the necessary manner.
Specimen 5F: Centres for application for positions in education, Mosul
Centres for reception of applicants
Centres to receive men
Left side [east Mosul]
1. Sadiq Rashan Mosque/al-Muthanna
2. Al-Huda Mosque/al-Quds neighbourhood
3. Rashan Mosque/Palestine
Right side [west Mosul]
1. Al-Yaqdha Mosque/al-Jadida
2. The Grand Mosque (al-Nuri)
3. Al-Ibadi Mosque/al-Islah
Centres to receive women
Left side
al-Ashraf al-Ikhtisasi/al-Maliya neighbourhood
Right side
Female teachers' institute/al-Jadida
Education centre- Wilayat Ninawa
Specimen 5G: Unified Friday sermon for Ninawa mosques: March 2015 (partially missing): Origins of the Shi'a and why they are not Muslim
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Diwan al-Da'wah wa al-Masajid
No. 160
25/5/1436 AH
16/3/2015 CE
Has the story of the Rafidites come to you?
. The al-Haja sermon with which the Prophet (PBUH) would begin:
The one who observes history of the Persians on the passing of the eras will find that they take pride in their history and consider themselves to be favoured over the rest of creation, their state being like that of the Jews- may God curse them- since they think that they are the trustees over people, looking at them with scorn and wanting to rule over them, as the Persian hatred began for people in general and for the Muslims in particular because the Muslims were the reason for the fall of their empire and extinguishing of their fire that they worshipped without God Almighty, and that occurred at the hand of the Rightly-Guided Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him) who made them embrace the rulings of Islam, for this is the practice of the caliphs of the monotheist Muslims, when they obtain power in the land, they make the people embrace the rulings of Islam.
So the Majus [Zoroastrian] Persians- the Rafidites- began from the heart of Islam to infiltrate among the Muslims to stir up strife and discord, and challenge Islam and Muslims. Similarly, the one near and afar knows the truth of Abdullah ibn Saba- this Rafidite Jew who was the first to have established this rejectionist religion in the time of the Rightly-Guided Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib (may God be pleased with him) and thus he kindled the flame of war and strife among the Companions (may God Almighty's contentment be upon them) and the descendants of the Rafidites have remained to this very day of ours...
The Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya in the book Manhaj al-Sunna said: "The Rafidites' only goal is to destroy Islam, destroy its bonds and corrupt its principles." And the 'ulama al-Salf have affirmed in a statement on the truth about the Rafidites, saying: "Rejectionism's foundation is heresy." And similarly they have said: "The Rafidite religion is a Jewish seed planted by the Majus in a Christian land."
For the religion of the Rafidites is a religion wholly different from the religion of Islam that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought, concording with it neither in principles, divisions, nor from near or afar. They reject Islam totally and in detail:
. Because they have accused Gabriel- peace be upon him- of betrayal and deemed unreliable God's cultivation of His Prophets about whom God said- "One intense in strength has taught him" (al-Najm 5: Qur'an 53:5). They have said: he betrayed the entrusted mission and did not reveal to Ali but revealed to Muhammad.
. Because they have said: the Messenger of God did not fullfill the deliverance of the message and did not entrust the Caliphate/succession to Ali. And God Almighty has said: "Today I have fulfilled your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as a religion for you."- (al-Ma'ida 3: Qur'an 5:3).
. Because they have defamed the Noble Qur'an and rejected its verses that came exonerating A'isha the Mother of the Believers- may God be pleased with her. And God Almighty says: "Indeed those who came with a falsehood are a group among you, but do not reckon it is evil for you, rather it is good for you."- (al-Nur 11: Qur'an 24:11).
. Because they have defamed the Companions- may God be pleased with them- and declared them to be infidels, except five of them. And God Almighty says: "Indeed God has been pleased with the believers when they have pledged allegiance to you under the tree and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest." (al-Fath 18: Qur'an 48:18).
. Because they have rejected the hadiths of the Messenger of God, defaming those who have transmitted them and attacking al-Bukhari and Muslim. And the Prophet says: "Indeed I have bestowed the Book [Qur'an] and a Sunna with it..." (Sahih)
Specimen 5H: Arabic language exam for secondary school (grammar section)
Islamic State
Caiphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Public Exam Questions
Year of Study: 1435-1436 AH/2014-2015 CE
Subject: Arabic language
Study: secondary
Time: 3 hours
Arabic language grammar: 70 marks
1. Indicate the type [of word] in 5 of the derivatives underlined in the following sentences (10 marks):
i) al-qa'id rahbun sadran
ii) al-'ilm 'amda silahin
iii) al-mujahid muqatilun li-'ila' kalimat Allah
iv) dhalika tayrun khawwamun fi l-jaw
v) al-sadqu mahmudatu awaqibihi
vi) a mat'amu Muhammad dayfuhu?
b) Compare the adjective in likeness with the verb form 'taba' then place it in a sentence & mention its form (4 marks)
c) Give an example of intensification on the form fa'ul relying on a question in a sentence (3 marks)
d) Give the form/pattern of five of the following words: akbar, muhawila, muqsha'ir, qul, sa'altum, qif (5 marks)
2a) Indicate the reason for the appearance of five of the following noun forms on the photo you see (5 marks):
saleel, tasmiya, jadhab, faydhan, duwar, hisar, tujara
b) Give the imperfect tense of five of the following verbs, and indicate their category (10 marks):
sarafa, sahula, wahaba, nabata, zahada, wara'a, haraba
c) Give three examples of what follows in sentences (6 marks):
i) A comparative in which agreement with its thing described is, and non-agreement.
ii) A word of form maf'ul from a non-trilateral verb
iii) A word of form fa'il from a trilateral verb that falls best.
iv) An intransitive verb [i.e. one that has fa'il but not maf'ul]
3a) Find the first and second accusative in the following words of the Almighty: Inna ja'alna ma ala al-ard zaynatan. Then indicate the verb's meaning (3 marks)
b) Derive every masdar [noun form] of the non-trilateral verbs from the following text, then indicate its verb (5 marks):
su'ila ahad al-hukama': ayy al-umur ashaddu ta'bidan lil-'aql? Faqala: mushawaratu l-'ulama, wa tajrib ul-umur wa husn al-tathabbut, wa tadhiyat ul-fikr.
c) Put in place of every verb the form maf'ul in the following two texts with necessary adjustment (4 marks):
al-maktaba turattibu kutubaha
al-batl yuhmalu ala al-aktaf
d) In the following noble text is a derivative: indicate it, its type, its state, its hikm and why? (5 marks)
sabbih isma rabbika al-'ala
e) Give the 'irab [vowel marking] of five of the underlined words (10 marks)
i) al-shilal bahij mandharihi
ii) 'innani ra'aytu al-majda sa'ab al-murtaqa
iii) a nadhama akhuka sha'aran?
iv) al-mu'min mahmudatu akhlaqihi
v) khaba al-munafiqu
Specimen 5I: Ultimatum for Medical Professionals and Academics to return to IS-held areas, Ninawa Province (May 2015)
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
No. 2961
29 Rajab 1436 AH
18 May 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: Doctors, pharmacists, medical and nursing professors who abandoned the land of the Caliphate.
Subject: Ultimatum
Praise be to God and prayers, peace and protection be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions.
The Almighty has said: "Indeed those whom the angels take in death while wronging themselves, it will be said unto them: 'In what state were you?' They will say: 'We were oppressed in the land.' They [the angels] will say: 'Was not the land of God wide for you to emigrate to?' They will be confined to Hell, and evil it is as a fate."- Nisa 97 [Qur'an 4:97]. And in that is a clear threat to whoseoever has contented himself to remain in the Dar al-Kufr and abandoned hijra to Dar al-Islam despite his ability to do so. For indeed the angels who will seize his soul, and they will severely rebuke him ('In what state were you?') [the statement gives an i.e. clarification: fim kuntum= fi ay hal kuntum?']. And in what way have you distinguished yourselves from the mushrikeen? But rather you have been greatly blackened, having abandoned existence with the Muslims, the jihad with them and working with them against their enemies. Thus you have deserved Hell and an evil fate (Taysir al-Karim al-Rahman fi Tafsir Kalam al-Madan lil-'Alamat al-Sa'adi) [cf. here]
For this reason, the Messenger of God (PBUH) disavowed every Muslim present in Dar al-Kufr and abstaining from the duty to migrate to Dar al-Islam when he could do so, for he (upon whom be God's blessings and peace) said: "I disavow every Muslim established among the backs of the mushrikeen" (Sahih narrated by Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). So how could anyone who was in Dar al-Islam, in glory, justice and integrity, then abandon it and move to Dar al-Kufr with its humiliation, oppression/wrong-doing and decline!
And after God Almighty granted conquest for His mujahideen servants in Wilayat Ninawa and other wilayats of the Islamic State, and they cleansed them of the filth of the Safavids and secularists, and they erased the signs of idolatry and innovation, and they spread tawheed, the Sunna, cleansing and integrity. And they have applied the hudud punishments, established the Diwans, set right the state of affairs of the citizens, sought justice for the oppressed and seized upon the wrongdoer's hand. And they have announced an Islamic Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood, in which the Muslim lives with pride and in safety for himself, honour and property.
After these conquests that the Muslims had expected for a long time, we were surprised that a group of those belonging to Islam were leaving the land of the Caliphate and migrating to the land of Kufr for the sake of a vanishing material world, small property/commodities and cheap employment. And among the most notable of these people are a group of doctors, female doctors and health staff.
For some of them have taken refuge in the fortresses of the Rafidites in the provinces of Iraq, some have established themselves with the secularists in what is called the Kurdistan region, some have headed to settle in the Arab states ruled by the idolatrous tyrants, but also some of them have chosen to live with the Crusaders in the land of Kufr- Europe!!
Since the conquest, and the length of time elapsed, the Islamic State has been trying many ways to call these doctors, female doctors and health staff to their homes, hospitals, clinics, colleges and institutes in the realm of the Caliphate, many of them have continued to resist and oppose, so the following is decided:
1. This is the last warning to doctors, dentists, pharmacists, professors of the colleges of medicine and nursing, and health and administrative staff (affiliated with the Health department and higher education) who abandoned the land of the Caliphate, and they must return to their areas and take up their employment posts immediately.
2. The period of warning will be 30 days from the date of publication of this statement, and after the expiry of this period, moved and unmoved property will be confiscated from whoever did not heed the clause no. 1 above, and the confiscation will be entrusted as real estate of the State subject to restrictions/clauses placed by the Diwan al-Qada in advance.
3. The Islamic State will accept repentance from anyone who has touched on Kufr and fallen into apostasy from those mentioned in clause 1 on condition they return to their areas and undertake the necessary proceedings in seeking repentance.
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know it.
Diwan al-Siha
General Supervisory Committee
Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim: Property Judge
Specimen 5J: Instructions to Ninawa Province Mosques for Ramadan
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Instructions to the mosques of Wilayat Ninawa for the month of Ramadan
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, who gives victory to the monotheist Ahl al-Sunna, and lowers the idolatrous tyrants and people of error and innovation, and may God's blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad al-Amin, the Imam of the Mujahideen, who was sent with the sword as a mercy to the worlds, and on his good family, the esteemed blessed ones, and may God be pleased with his companions and followers. As for what follows:
These are the instructions for the brothers presiding over the mosques of Wilayat Ninawa for the blessed month of Ramadan for 1436 AH:
1. Announcement of the entry of the month of Ramadan and thus the sureness of the new moon will exclusively be through the Idha'atu al-Bayan [IS radio station]
2. All imams of the mosques must embrace the Sunna of the qiyam prayers (al-taraweeh) and others besides them from the acts of worship, as came in a hadith on the authority of A'isha (may God be pleased with her): she said: 'The Messenger of God (PBUH) did not pray more than 11 rak'ah in Ramadan or any other month. He would pray four, so don't forget their beauty and length, then four, so don't forget their beauty and length, and then three.'- (muttafiq alayhi)
3. All muezzins must embrace the sunna and refrain from innovative hymns that did not come from the Prophet (PBUH), and condemned spoken expressions as in the word 'respect'. And they must embrace the tathwib in the first call tp prayer- i.e. the words 'Prayer is better than sleep'- just as was related in a hadith of Ibn Omar (may God be pleased with him): he said: 'There was in the first call to prayer after the words 'Hayy ala al-falah': Prayer is better than sleep. This was said twice.' The imsak [start of the Ramadan fast/end of suhoor pre-dawn meal] abstaining from food, drink and distillates begins up to the second call to prayer.
4. All imams of the mosques must attend the general Diwan base from Wednesday 23 Sha'aban 1436 AH corresponding to 10 June 2015, to receive the prepared program for the lessons of the Ramadan month.
5. Those who wish to open up a session for reading and memorizing the Noble Qur'an must go and register with the base of the Da'wa and Masajid centre and bring a reading license.
6. The Da'wa and Masajid centre will resume the Shari'a session for the imams and preachers of the mosques of Mosul from the beginning of Ramadan, and attendance is obligatory for all and the session will be on the left side in the Sadiq Rashan mosque in al-Muthanna quarter on Sunday after the afternoon prayer every week, and on Wednesday after afternoon prayer on the right side in the Grand al-Nuri mosque in al-Faruq area.
7. The Da'wa and Masajid centre will equip the mosques of Wilayat Ninawa with oil and gas supply for the mosques' generators for the month of Ramadan so those presiding over the mosques must go and register with the general base for for the Wilayat Centre to get the receipt slip.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Specimen 5K: Book for doctrinal instruction of teachers
"Beneficial curriculum in the most important matters of aqeeda [creed/doctrine]. Prepared by the office of investigation and studies, special for sessions for the development of teachers and female teachers. Diwan al-Ta'aleem."
Specimen 5L: Regulations for Mosques in Ninawa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Da'wa wa Masajid
No. 204
23 April 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family, companions and whosoever is close to him. As for what follows:
All those presiding over the mosques of Wilayat Ninawa are to observe the following:
1. Adhering to the times of prayer issued by the Da'wa and Masajid in Wilayat Ninawa and not to violate them, because they have been prepared according to scientific Shari'a foundations.
2. The muezzin is to perform the tathwib in the first dawn call to prayer: saying after 'hayy ala al-falah': 'Prayer is better than sleep. Prayer is better than sleep.'
3. The period between the first and second calls to prayer will be 50 Qur'anic verses equal to 20 minutes approximately.
4. Adherence to outward guidance.
5. Adherence to sermons issued from the Da'wa and Masajid Centre.
Notice: One must adhere to the instructions issued from the Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid to gather the Muslims on one word alone-and the Sunna of the Prophet (PBUH)- and avoiding separation and division.
May God reward you best
And God's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family, and may he be pleased with his companions.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Da'wa and Masajid Centre
Specimen 5M: Notification for Kurds to leave Raqqa city
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God. As for what follows:
In view of the Crusader war on the Islamic State and the alliance of the Kurdish parties with them in this war, we inform you that it has been established for us that in your midst are those who have cooperated with the Crusader alliance. Thus, and so that there is no confrontation between us and you on account of some of the foolish ones among you, we ask you to leave Wilayat al-Raqqa within 72 hours towards Wilayat Homs (Tadmur) and all who remain after this time will be arrested and exposed to Shari'a inquiry and trial. And the exit route from Raqqa will be via the al-Jisr al-Jadid checkpoint and that will be done in coordination with the Tribes Office and Real Estate Office so that you can present and register your holdings with the Real Estate Office indicating you are Muslims and so that they will not be considered the property of the Islamic State.
May God reward you best.
NB: Via Raqqa is being Slaughtered Silently, and thanks to Kareem Shaheen who helped transcribe in Arabic some of the more illegible parts of the sentence.
Specimen 5N: Repentance for Female Employees in Schools, Raqqa
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Program of Prophethood
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The names of the schools in which repentance will take for females beginning from Monday 4 Jumada al-Awal 1436 AH (23 February 2015). 9 a.m. till 3 p.m.
. Umm Amara (Marwan Uwaid)
. Al-Qadisiya (Dhi Qar)
. Dhat al-Nataqain (Rab'iat al-Adawiya)
. A'isha Umm al-Mu'mineen
. Hind bint Utba (al-Farabi)
[NB: cf. Specimen H for the names of the schools]
Repentance will be done for all female workers in the prior educational system ((director, supervisor, deputy director, temporaries, fixed, non-fixed, retired, employment of youth, employee).
For inquiry: Dhat al-Nataqain institute: 246868-246710
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Diwan al-Ta'aleem official
Specimen 5O: Notification, Sinai Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Sinai
No. 10
7 Ramadan 1436 AH [24 June 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Important Statement
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of those sent, Muhammad bin Abdullah the al-Amin Prophet, as for what follows:
The Islamic State in Sinai warns all who participate in, have contracts in, cooperate or work in any of the following fields (transportation and import businesses, and employees, and cars of all types: especially transportation ones) against the company 'Sons of Sinai' owned by the apostate Ibrahim al-Arjani, because he is waging war on God, His Messenger and the believers, and is a collaborator/agent for the Jews, and he is the one supporting and aiding the apostate Egyptian army in implementing the plans of the Jews above all in the land of Sinai and in Egypt in general. And we call on all companies, members, and private cars under contract with this company to dissolve these contracts, and to break any links with it, because it is a legitimate target for us.
Whoever persists in this work after this warning will expose himself and his property/wealth to risk, and will only have himself to blame.
Specimen 5P: Imposition of Hijab Shari'i on Women, Jarabulus, November 2013
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Region- Jarabulus Area
God has said: 'Oh Prophet, tell your wives, daughters, and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves some of their outer garments. That is more fitting so they will be known and not be abused. And God is all-forgiving, merciful.'- al-Ahzab 59 [Qur'an 33:59]
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces
The obligation for women to wear the Shari'i hijab, which should be wide and fluttering, not tight, transparent, and not attractive for the eyes with adornment or perfume, and in that regard.
God has said: '...And do not display yourselves as in the prior time of Jahiliya...' al-Ahzab 33 [Qur'an 33:33]
The Prophet said: '...Women clothed yet naked, inclined to evil and to entice to evil, their heads like the humps of a camel inclined to one side. They do not enter paradise or smell its odour, when its odour can be smelt from so-and-so distance.'
Notice: The Islamic State gives a deadline of one week from the date of this statement to comply with the Shari'i hijab, and any violation of that will expose the woman and the guardian of her affairs to Shari'a trial/court.
"And to God, His Messenger and the believers is honour, but the hypocrites don't know it." [Qur'an 63:8]
25 Muharram 1435 AH [c. 29 November 2013]
Specimen 5Q: Establishment of the Islamic Court, Deir az-Zor City, October 2013
Islamic State in Iraq al-Sham: Wilayat Deir az-Zor
Islamic Court
Deir az-Zor City
Important Announcement
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Almighty has said: "And no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they have you judge in what they have disputed among themselves, and find in themselves no discomfort over what you have judged, willingly submitting." [Qur'an 4:65]
The Almighty has said: "Legislation is only for God: He has commanded you to worship only Him. That is the correct religion, but most people don't know." [Qur'an 12:40]
So in obedience to God- Almighty and Exalted is He- and then in response to the desire of many of our Muslim brothers from the fighting battalions and even the Muslim populace in Deir az-Zor city, the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces- praise be to God, beginning from 27 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1434 AH corresponding to 3 October 2014- the following:
. Opening of the Islamic Court for Deir az-Zor city as a step to establish the law of God- Almighty and Exalted is He- for examining societal and Shari'a cases and problems.
. The opening of the complaints office affiliated with the Islamic Court to receive complaints from the battalions and the Muslim populace regarding members and affiliates of the Islamic State, in order to address the injustices and hold the perpetrators accountable, even if they are of the amirs and commanders.
. To hold marriage contracts and divorces, have them affirmed in documentation in the Islamic Court, and give their owners a signed, stamped copy with the stamp of the Islamic Court with an obligation to embrace the legal consequences of that.
The Islamic Court also announces the acceptance of suggestions from the Muslim populace, like suggestions and feedback in the event of falling into any error, for we are not impeccable, but we go from the Almighty's words: "I only wish to reform as far as I can only succeed through God: He is my reliance and I return to him." [Qur'an 11:88]
This is so and God speaks the truth and guides the path, and praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Specimen 5R: General notification on claimed lineage from the Prophet Muhammad's family
Islamic State
Diwan Bayt al-Mal
No. 323
10 Jumada al-Akhir 1436 AH
30 March 2015
No. of pages: 1
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To all wilayats, Diwans and committees
Subject: lineage from the Ahl al-Bayt [Prophet's Family]
Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and whoever is close to him. As for what follows:
1. We attach for you a special model form on lineage from the house of the Messenger of God (God's blessings and peace be upon him). You are asked to work to fill out and complete the form with the approval of the sheikh of the tribe that it has been found.
2. A special office for lineage from the house of the family of the Messenger of God (God's blessings and peace be upon him) is open in every Wilaya, Diwan and committee.
3. After completing the form it is to be sent to Diwan Bayt al-Mal after being stamped with the stamp of the wali [provincial governor] or head of the Diwan or head of the committee.
May God grant you success for the service of the Muslims and reward you best.
Islamic State
Diwan Bayt al-Mal
Specimen 5S: Sample form for tracing out lineage from the Prophet's family
Islamic State
Wilayat: Diwan: Committee:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Lineage of the mujahid brother:
Father of:
Son of son of son of son of son of son of son of
Repute of the family:
Tribe's title:
Subdivision's name:
State: Wilayat: District: Village:
Tribe's stamp
Detailer's stamp
Specimen 5T: Oil and gas sales receipt, Kirkuk Province
Diwan al-Rikaz
Oil and Gas Division
15 Rabi al-Awal 1436 AH
6 January 2015
Sales receipt
No. 005445
Buyer's name:
Substance type: Crude oil
Quantity: [140 barrels?]
Price per litre: [$12?]
Total price: $1680
Islamic State
Diwan al-Rikaz
Kirkuk Centre: Oil and gas sales
NB: The document's data entries are a bit confused as far as calculations and units go. Reported IS selling prices for crude oil per barrel- depending on location- have ranged from as low as $10 to as high as $60 or more. It is possible that this is a sale of 140 barrels of crude oil going at $12 per barrel, giving a total sale of $1680. In any event, the sale is definitely not in litres.
Specimen 5U: Another oil and gas sales receipt, Kirkuk Province
Diwan al-Rikaz
Oil and Gas Division
12[?/13?] Rabi al-Awal AH [3/4 January 2015]
Sales receipt
No. 005414
Buyer's name:
Substance type: Crude oil
Quantity: 340 barrels
Price per litre: [$]12
Total price: [$]4080
Islamic State
Diwan al-Rikaz
Kirkuk Centre: Oil and gas sales
NB: Same notes apply as with Specimen 5T: this time it appears to be a sale of 340 barrels of at $12 per barrel to give a total of $4080. Units for currency are missing in this document.
H/T to Loveday Morris for these receipts.
Specimen 5V: Notification: 'Emirate of Azaz' (September 2013)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
North Countryside Area
Emirate of Azaz
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon all the most noble of God's creation. As for what follows:
In the town of Azaz on Wednesday 13/11/1434, there occurred the cleansing of the land from the so-called Northern Storm Brigade...and for you are the most notable of their betrayals past and present:
1. Securing the fleeing of the criminal Assad army and tanks that would bomb civilians in Mennagh airbase.
2. Calling for rule besides what God has revealed, from the path of democracy on their official sites on the Internet.
3. Receiving the American senator John McCain in the hangar and agreeing with him to wage war on Islamists.
4. Their loyalty to American and German intelligence services in protecting, defending and giving refuge to their members, among them:
. Their death-defying defence and fight against the Muslims for the sake of defending the German spy last Wednesday in whose camera were found photos of Islamic State bases, their homes and women.
. The revelation from some Northern Storm prisoners about this brigade's cooperation with the 'Blackwater' company that wages aggressive war on Islam.
. A number of spies from Northern Storm were arrested whose collaboration with the American intelligence services was established and this is documented within a photo recording that will soon be exposed on the Internet.
. Stealing and plundering aid and not distributing it to the Muslims, oppressing the people despite the fact that this is their right.
. Putting a stranglehold on our people in Bab al-Salama through stealing wealth, harrassing women, and coercing men.
In light of that your mujahideen brothers undertook in victory for the doctrine and religion, implementing the Almighty's words ('And fight them until their is no more fitna and religion wholly belongs to God') the expulsion of this criminal gang from the town of Azaz because whoever is close to the Americans, their rule has become his rule as per the Almighty's words: 'Whoever is an ally to them from among you, he is one of them'.
And we make clear to all people that we are not intent on seizing the border crossing or anything besides it, for we are not among those who pant after the debris of the material world, and praise be to God.
And we say to Northern Storm that the door of repentance is open and more than 30 members of Northern Storm have been released after they announced their repentance and rejection of fighting against the Muslims.
Thus all who come to us in repentance and hand over their weapons before being seized, their repentance will be accepted. Otherwise we are determined by God's help to eradicate them from the root.
And Allahu akbar and honour to Islam.
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
Abu Nasir al-Azadi
Wilayat Halab
Shari'a Official for Northern Countryside
Specimen 5W: Extension of Repentance: Azaz Area (2013)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
North Countryside Area
Azaz Area
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement from the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham:
God Almighty has said: "Whoever repents after his wrong-doing and reforms, God will be merciful to him. Truly God is forgiving, merciful."
In affirmation of the mujahideen's adherence to their pledge and desire to prevent bloodshed, and after the response of people of sound mind from those who repented of the so-called Northern Storm, and after the acceptance of dozens from them and the handing over of their arms to the Islamic State, giving them security guarantee and return to their families safe and sound, and fullfillment of the pledge with them just as per the qualities of the believers- the Almighty has said 'Those who are attentive to their trusts and promises'- and after the demand of many of those desiring repentance for an extension of the deadline and the insistence of their families and relatives:
The Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen in the Islamic State- may God glorify it- has decided on the following:
The repentance period will be extended for 48 hours in demand for the contentment of the Lord- Almighty and Exalted is He- and preventing bloodshed. The one upon whom be God's peace and blessings said: '...And God has not made man grow through pardon except in renown/might.'
Indeed we are a people whose conduct has refused in hurt anyone who does not hurt us [NB: from a medieval Iraqi poet]
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know it.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Specimen 5X: Sample Insignia Templates (ISIS Era: 2013/2014)
"One Ummah, One Banner"
Specimen 5Y: Reiteration on Ban on Importing Iranian Food and Medical Goods, Ramadan 1436 AH, Diwan al-Hisbah [cf. Specimen 4X from General Committee]
Specimen 5Z: Payment of fees for electricity, eastern Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Public electricity administration
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The noble families of the village of...are asked to make the second invoice payment for the month of May, and that will be done in the tax forms in the municipality of Darnaj within 20 days. Otherwise we will regrettably have to consider cutting off the electricity from users.
Specimen 6A: Warning against violating fast in Ramadan
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisbah
Statement no. 2
Date: 5 Ramadan 1436 AH
The consequences for one who abandons the fast
God has imposed on His believing servants fasting for the month of Ramadan and has made one of the pillars of Islam. The Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, fasting has prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those before you. Perhaps you may then fear."- al-Baqara 183 [Qur'an 2:183].
And on the authority of Ibn Omar (may God be pleased with them both): he said: the Messenger of God (God's peace and blessings be upon him) said: 'Islam has been built on five things: bearing witness that there is no deity but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, giving zakat, the Hajj, and fasting in Ramadan."- brought out by Bukhari and Muslim.
Therefore, the one who abandons the fast for the month of Ramadan or breaks the fast for one day without legitimate excuse [according to Shari'a] has committed a great sin and great vice. For on the authority of Abu Umamah al-Bahili: he said: I heard the Messenger of God (may God's peace and blessings be upon him) say: 'While I was sleeping, two men came to me, held me by my upper arms, and took me to a rugged mountain, saying: 'Climb.' So I said: 'Indeed I cannot do that.' So they said: 'We will make it easy for you.' So I climbed until I was at a high point on the mountain when I heard shrill cries. So I said: 'What are these cries?' They said: 'These are the shrills of the people of Hellfire.' Then I was released from this until I came among people hung by their tendons, cut by the jaws and pouring out blood. So I said: 'Who are these people?' He said: 'These are the ones who break their fast before it has been allowed to do so."- narrated by al-Nisa'i and verified by Ibn Khazima.
The Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya (may God have mercy on him) said: 'Whoever deliberately breaks the fast without excuse has committed one of the great sins.' (Collection of Fatwas: 25/225).
And al-Hafiz al-Dhahabi (may God have mercy on him) said in his book on the great sins: 'Among the believers it is established that the one who abandons Ramadan fasting without illness or purpose entailing necessity, is worse than the adulterer, tax-collector and the one addicted to alcohol; for indeed they doubt his Islam and suspect him of heresy and atheism.'
Thus adhering to the command of God the Exalted to command what is right and forbid what is wrong, the Diwan al-Hisbah in the Caliphate state reminds the Muslim populaces of the obligation to adhere to God's command to fast in this blessed month, and warns them against violating its sanctity and breaking the fast in its daytime without legitimate excuse, and all who have been shown to have engaged in the temptation of this very great sin will be subjected to binding reprimand consequences in front of the people, deterring the people of falsehood, correcting insubordination and putting them on the path of obedience, and returning the people to the straight path of God.
Notice: It is not acceptable for those who have been allowed to break the fast in the daytime of Ramadan with legitimate excuse to show that on the paths and among the people (which would prove a hindrance to the excuse and lead to accusation, as well as in consideration of the sanctity of the month). So the one who displays this breaking of the fast will be subject to inquiry and reprimand.
Islamic State
Amir Diwan al-Hisbah
Specimen 6B: Notice to soldiers of Raqqa on vacated Kurds' homes
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the soldiers of the Islamic State in the city of Raqqa
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and those sent. As for what follows: we ask God to accept from us and you fasting and qiyam. God Almighty has said: 'And fulfill the pledge. Indeed the pledge has been questioned.' [Qur'an 17:34]
So we inform you that we have given a pledge to the Kurds of Raqqa city who went out of Raqqa city for Tadmur city that we will not use their homes, and as you know the believers adhere to their conditions, thus one may not enter or use the homes of the Kurds in Raqqa city, and whoever is shown to have violated this order will be referred to the judiciary.
May God reward you best.
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Amir of the city
10 Ramadan 1436 AH
26 June 2015
Specimen 6C: Electricity Generator Operating Hours and Fees, Mosul
Statement No. 83
Date: 19 Ramadan 1436 AH/6 July 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Modification of the set timetable
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets. As for what follows:
We hope all is well with you.
In view of the proportion of national electricity [i.e. being supplied through the Mosul Dam since March] in this month and the rejection of that by many of the users from the citizen population, the following is decided:
The operating timetable will be thus:
1. 12-3 p.m.
2. 4-6 p.m.
3. 7-10 p.m.
4. 11 p.m.- 12 a.m.
5. An hour will be added in the time of Suhoor [pre-dawn Ramadan meal] during Ramadan and will be cancelled at the end of Ramadan.
6. The price for one ampere will be 7000 dinars.
7. Additional operation will be as normal and unchanged: one hour for 1000 dinars and the rest hour is not accounted for.
8. The set voltages will be 210 V and anything below 210 V is considered in violation.
We ask God to benefit us and you and God is the guarantor of success and guider to the straight path.
NB: This statement from the generators committee for Ninawa province, which existed before the fall of Mosul. It is included to illustrate the current role of the government in supplying electricity to Mosul.
Specimen 6D: New list of al-Waritheen Hotel room prices, Mosul [cf. Specimen 4J]
Al-Waritheen Hotel
Prices for rooms
Room for one person: 29000 [Iraqi dinars]
Room for two persons: 39000
Room and hall: 49000
Two rooms and hall: 79000
Additional bed: 15000
Note: it is forbidden to bring in food from outside the hotel. Thanks.
NB: The discrepancies in prices with 4J are to be noted. It may be that no breakfast is included or prices have simply been lowered.
Specimen 6E: Notice to locals after capture of Mennagh airbase, August 2013
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces
After the liberation of Mennagh military airport the existence of items and possessions concerning the citizens and they are as follows:
1. Domestic equipment
2. Domestic furniture
3. Big equipment and generators
4. Women's golden jewellery
5. Sums of money
So the citizens who have been exposed to plunder and theft at the hands of the soldiers of the tyrant regime after the strike on the northern countryside, including all of Marea, Tel Refa'at, Mennagh and Azaz should head to the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham in the town of Azaz in the principal base- Public Relations Division and inquire about their lost possessions. That is to be done at the latest by 20 August 2013 with the person to provide detailed statements about the stolen property, along with his name and phone number in order to connect with him and hand over the lost items in the event that they are found. Then a statement of the details of the hand over will be done.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Specimen 6F: Statement on punishment for theft, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Statement on the hadd punishment for theft
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and those sent, as well as all his family, companions and whosoever has followed them with ihsan to the Day of Judgment. As for what follows:
When human nature becomes inclined to the impairment of temptations and realizing their intentions from drinking wine, adultery and theft, the wisdom of God Almighty has demanded the law of the hudud punishments to put a stop to corruption and prevent it from being committed. And on the authority of Abu Huraira may God be pleased with him: he said: the Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "The establishment of hadd on earth is better for its people than 40 mornings of rain." (from Ibn Maja and al-Nisa'i and declared sound by Ibn Abani).
And the 'ulama have agreed that theft is one of the great sins and its hadd is established in the Book [Qur'an], Sunna and Ijmaa [consensus]. From the book, the Almighty has said: "And the male and female thief, cut off their hands in recompense for what they have committed- a deterrent from God. And God is mighty, wise"- al-Ma'ida 38 [Qur'an 5:38]. And as for the Sunna, on the authority of Abu Huraira may God be pleased with him: that the Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "God has cursed the thief who steals the egg or the rope, so He has his hand cut off" (from al-Bukhari and Muslim). And on the authority of the Mother of the Believers A'isha may God be pleased with her: "The Quraish people became very worried about the Makhzumiya lady who had committed theft. They said, "Nobody can speak (in favor of the lady) to God's Messenger and nobody dares do that except Osama who is the favorite of God's Messenger. " When Osama spoke to God's Messenger about that matter, Allah's Apostle said, "Do you intercede (with me) to violate one of the legal punishment of God?" Then he got up and addressed the people, saying, "O people! The nations before you went astray because if a noble person committed theft, they used to leave him, but if a weak person among them committed theft, they used to inflict the legal punishment on him. By God, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, Muhammad will cut off her hand!" (from al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Therefore the one called 'Ibrahim Akla al-Khalf al-Satam' who stole from a safe and the type of thing stolen has been worth its nisab [NB: value liable to zakat tax], the Islamic court has decided upon him that his right hand should be cut off from the wrist joint and it should hang on his neck for three days and should accompany him in the province's prison and in its markets as recompense for what he has committed, a deterrent from God, and God is mighty and wise. And that should be a deterrent for him and others besides him, cleansing his sin. And perhaps God will forgive him.
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know it.
Specimen 6G: Conditions for travel outside Mosul
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Information Centre
Travel conditions
1. Travel will be allowed for the following necessities:
a) Sick person, who has a stamped medical certificate from the Diwan al-Siha that the illness cannot be treated inside Wilayat Ninawa.
b) Pension matters that can only be transacted in Baghdad.
c) Matters of bartering farmers' property by agreement of the Diwan al-Zara'a.
2. No travel outside will be allowed except by a system in which the guarantor pledges real estate or a car.
3. The period of travel will be set and in the event it is violated, the real estate or car will be confiscated.
4. The guarantor assumes obligation to guide the travel security office to the house, real estate, or car and the traveller will be notified in advance of these matters before travel.
5. The travel office must be provided with the required legal documents on the issue of guarantee and including the original real estate deed and the deeds for the car.
6. For the ill, the number of those accompanying cannot exceed one person, and families may not accompany them.
7. Travel for women for whatever necessity is not allowed for those under the age of 55 without a mahrim [male guardian]
8. A group of women above age 55 (three or more) may travel to complete pension transactions and other matters of necessity.
Specimen 6H:Travel Toll Receipt, Kirkuk Province
Islamic State
Wiayat Kirkuk
Maktab Khalid Garage
Driver's name:
Vehicle type:
Vehicle number:
Tax collector:
NB: Context here from this article by Kirkuk Now in October 2014:
"Members of the Islamic State organization (Da'esh) prevented citizens' cars from reaching the Maktab Khalid inspection point (south of Kirkuk city) and are forcing drivers to park their cars in a new space in which they pay sums of money to members of the organization. Eye witnesses from the peoples of Hawija affirmed to Kirkuk Now that 'armed members of Da'esh are forcing taxi drivers and owners of cars from among the citizens to park their cars in a space 2km away from the Maktab Khalid, in order to be picked up after that by designated buses to reach the first inspection point subject to the security forces.'
The witnesses, who refused to reveal their names for security reasons, affirmed that the new space is controlled by the armed men, where they impose financial sums as tax on the cars and according to point of departure, so for Hawija, the taxi driver pays 5000 dinars, and 10000 dinars for the districts of al-'Alm and Baiji, while the driver pays 15000 dinars for the car departing for the centre of the province of Ninawa, Salah ad-Din and Anbar.
One of the taxi drivers said to Kirkuk Now that the armed men give the driver after taking the sum of money a receipt on which is written: 'Islamic State/Wilayat Kirkuk/Maktab Khalid Garage' for stopping and parking cars. On this receipt they note down the type of car, the driver's name and travel point, and the driver must hand the receipt to another point for the armed men in the space.
The driver pointed out that some of the organization's members inspect the cars and confiscate any cigarettes they are carrying, and some make efforts to ascertain identities looking for members of the security apparatus. Others inspect women's clothes."
Specimen 6I: Notification on ID cards etc. in Hisbah Offices, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Al-Hisbah Centre
Statement no. 1
1 Ramadan 1436 AH/18 June 2015
Statement for distribution
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions and whoever is loyal to him. As for what follows:
We would like to notify you that all ID documents and family registers that are in the al-Hisbah offices in the wilaya will be destroyed if their owners do not come to retrieve them within 10 days from the date of the issuing of this statement.
Edited and published: 5 Ramadan 1436 AH
And may God reward you best
And God is the guarantor of success
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Amir of al-Hisbah
Specimen 6J: Prohibition on shaving beards
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisbah
Statement no. 258
Date: 3 Ramadan 1436 AH
Statement on the prohibition on shaving the beard
The Muslim must follow the command of the Prophet (SAWS) and refrain from what he forbade. The Almighty has said: "What the Messenger has given you, take it. And what he has prohibited, refrain from it. And fear God- indeed God is severe in consequence." (Qur'an 59:7).
And on the authority of Abu Huraira: that the Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "If I have ordered you to do something, practise it as far as you can, and if I have forbidden you to do something, leave it." (muttafiq alayhi)
The Messenger of God (SAWS) ordered us to let the beard grow and forbade us from shaving it in numerous hadiths, and more than one of the Ahl al-'Ilm have transmitted the consensus of the Imams from the masters of the four madhahib [Sunni schools of jurisprudence] and others besides them on the prohibition on shaving the beard.
And when this issue has been made so clear, the Diwan al-Hisbah must hold the men from the Ummah of Muhammad (SAWS) to account, for he orders them to let the beard grow and forbids them to shave it, so our society may return under the authority of the Islamic State to the state of affairs to which the first community adhered: men with their beards, women with their hijabs, and this is from the prophetic methodology.
Thus, whoever from the men violates this in having shaved his beard after the date of the issuing of this statement must be arrested, for he will expose himself to inquiry. And God is the guarantor of success.
Islamic State
Amir of the Diwan al-Hisbah
Specimen 6K: Special slip for facilitating travel, 'Euphrates Province'
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Facilitation of the crossing of the Muslim populace
To the brothers in the Islamic State checkpoints, may God preserve them.
We ask you to facilitate the crossing Wilayat al-Raqqa...
Reason of necessity: Medical treatment
Those accompanying:
One week only [this is crossed out]
12 days only
And may God reward you best
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Office of the wali [provincial governor]
Specimen 6L: Notice to Internet Cafés, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Public Security Centre
Date: 3 Shawwal 1436 AH
Statement for distribution
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
All Internet satellite shop owners must accept the following:
1. Remove Wi-fi satellite connections dependent on Internet shops and private connections even for soldiers of the Islamic State, limiting network connection to within the shop only.
2. Go and register with the reception office located in the garden opposite the municipal stadium.
The deadline for removing and registering is 4 days only from the date of this statement for distribution and all who violate this will be held accountable.
Note: office opening hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Al-Amni al-Aam: Raqqa
Specimen 6M: City Cleaning Receipt, Mosul
Wilayat Ninawa
City Cleaning Division
Type of real estate [tick as appropriate]: Residential [ticked] Business
Real estate owner's name:
Real estate number:
Sum: 2000 dinars
Date: 19 July 2015
Tax collector name:
NB: Cleaning services per household in Mosul at around $1.50 a month, per shop $3.50
Specimen 6N: Opportunities in Midwifery Courses, Health Department
Specimen 6O: Recording IDs of Internet Café Users, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Public Security Centre
6 Shawwal 1436 AH
Statement for distribution
To all Internet shop owners:
You must ensure to record the IDs of users except soldiers of the Islamic State and their families.
And may God reward you best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Deputy head of public security: Raqqa
Specimen 6P: Food Prices in Mosul, 29 July 2015
Food | Price (Iraqi dinars) |
Rice (1kg) | 900-2000 |
Sugar (1kg) | 750-900 |
Tea (special blend: 1kg) | 6500 |
Oil (20 packs- case) | 29000 |
Cream (excellent quality: 1 pack at 1kg) | 2100 |
Hummus (1kg) | 1700 |
Beans (Egyptian production: 1kg) | 1200 |
Lentils (1kg) | 1700 |
Eggs (30) | 3500 |
Tomatoes (4kg) | 1000 |
Potatoes (3kg) | 1000 |
Onion (3kg) | 1000 |
Cucumber (1kg) | 500 |
Eggplant (1kg) | 500 |
Pepper (1kg) | 1000 |
Okra (1kg) | 2000 |
Pumpkin (1kg) | 500 |
NB: Not an admin document per se: via pro-IS Mosul source Omar Fawaz, who says the income of a working person in Mosul ranges from 7000 to 50000 Iraqi dinars a day depending on occupation etc.
Specimen 6Q: New Conditions for Repentance, Fallujah (c. late 2014)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Fallujah
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no Prophet. As for what follows:
It has now become clear that many of the repenting policemen and soldiers have returned to apostasy again, conspiring to wage war on the Ahl al-Sunna and support the worshippers of fire, the Cross and the Rafidites; similarly conspiracies have been discovered taking place within the city to shed the Muslims' blood, violate their honour and please their Rafidite masters.
Therefore the Islamic State has decided to impose conditions and restrictions for repentance and similarly for their remaining in the city and not force them out, preserving the religion, blood and honour of the Ahl al-Sunna. They are as follows:
1. A written pledge from the sheikh of the tribe or head of the clan not to return to work or conspire inside the city
2. The repenter's home is to be stripped of arms.
3. The repenter's home will be subject to inspection for arms at any time.
4. The repenter must not connect, walk or sit with repenting and non-repenting policemen, and must not sit with the assemblies.
5. In the event of changing place of residence, notification must be given.
6. In the event of leaving the area, notification must be given along with statement of reason.
7. Mobile number with respect to the repenter is to be ascertained, and it may not be changed without the Islamic State's knowledge.
8. The repenter's blood is to be preserved and his wealth is not to be returned [to Islamic State holdings]
9. If the repenter does not stick to the conditions, the guarantor must inform the Islamic State before it learns of that so that consequences do not come upon him.
10. The policeman continuing in service who now wants to repent must bring a pistol, and the one who previously abandoned service and now wants to repent must bring 2 new Kalashnikovs.
11. If any of these conditions are violated, the pledge becomes annulled and the following apply:
a) The repenter will be killed for his crime, and there is no dignity, and his home will be destroyed.
b) The guarantor's home will be destroyed and he will be banished for a year.
Specimen 6R: Repentance Form, Fallujah
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Fallujah
Repenter's name:
Nearest indicating point:*
Phone number:
Place of work:
Guarantor's name:
Nearest indicating point:
Phone number:
No entry or leaving the city except by permission.
State [Islamic State] representative
Repenter's signature
Guarantor's signature
NB: *A distinctly Iraqi concept of location: see here for context
Specimen 6S: News publication, 'South Province', Iraq
![]() "News report for the Islamic State. Media office: Wilayat al-Janub. Tuesday, 4 Muharram, 1436 AH." |
Specimen 6T: Form to assist hijra for foreigners joining the Islamic State
![]() From the Islamic State's "Hijra Committee." The form is entitled: "Form for inviting the muhajir." Omar Fawaz explains the document as follows: it is for "the one who does not have money for hijra (the state takes responsibility for covering your hijra entirely), but in this there is a single condition that you have a guarantor from the soldiers of the state...i.e. If you want to make hijra and you don't have the money and don't know the way but have a friend or relative who works in the state, he obtains the form for you and undertakes to fill it. And the state will take responsibility for bringing you to the land of the Caliphate from the door of your house. Even if the person is in Tel Aviv, the state will take responsibility for bringing him if God wills." |
Specimen 6U: Driving License, Tel Abyad Area
![]() "Driving license particular for cars, issued by the traffic police of Wilayat al-Raqqa (Tel Abyad)": H/T Lauren Williams. |
Specimen 6V: Work ID Card
![]() Kunya: Abu al-Bara' al-Iraqi Affiliation: Diwan... Work: Date of issue: 15/06/1436 Date of expiration: 15/06/1437 Age: Blood type: B+ |
Specimen 6W: General Committee Regulation of Media Content
Islamic State
General Committee
Date: / /1435 AH
Statement for distribution no. 7
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Imam of the Mujahideen our Prophet Muhammad and on all his family and companions. As for what follows:
The general committee in the Islamic State has decided to prevent photographing and publication of scenes of slaughter that the soldiers of the Islamic State undertake in raids or beyond them, whether on the official media channels for the wilayat or unofficial or personal accounts on Internet sites, except by special permission from the committee. And any violator will be tracked down in earnest and held to account.
And praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Specimen 6X: "I am Muslim"- Primary School Textbook for Reading
Specimen 6Y: Water Bills, Raqqa Province
Required Sum: 1000 Syrian pounds [NB: previously 700 Syrian pounds]
The general foundation for drinking water and sewage in Raqqa requires your attendance at the tax office on a regular basis every two months to pay the regulated sums and every delay will require financial penalty.
Expecting swift compliance.
Hours: 8a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Tax collector
Specimen 6Z: Teaching and Memorization of Qur'an, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God, the Powerful, the Strong, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets. As for what follows:
The Da'wa and Masajid office- the al-Tabiya office- announces the appointment of the establishment of a session for males and females to memorize the Qur'an which has been announced before and that will be on Saturday 16 Shawwal 1436 AH [1 August 2015] after afternoon prayers in the following mosques:
1. From the municipality of al-Basira to Khasham in the municipality of Khasham: the mosque of the Messenger at the district intersection.
2. From the municipality of Murat to the municipality of Hatla in the municipality of Hatla: the Abu Bakr al-Sadiq mosque.
And God is the guarantor of success.
The Da'wa and Masajid office: the al-Tabiya office
Specimen 7A: Medical ID Card for an Islamic State soldier
![]() From the "Diwan al-Jund" training camp administration: the fighter's name is Abu Shamel al-Shishani, his blood type A and he has no drug allergy. |
Specimen 7B: Joint statement for mobilization, al-Bab, Aleppo (2013)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The Almighty has said: "Go forth, lightly or heavily armed, and strive with your wealth and souls in the path of God."
Results of a meeting of all the mujahid forces in the town of al-Bab with the Shari'a Committee to discuss the general mobilization.
1. Obligation of the general mobilization because jihad has become fard al-ayn [individual duty incumbent on every Muslim].
2. It has been agreed to establish a general mobilization office in the Shari'a Committee.
3. A joint operations room for all the mujahid factions has been established in the town of al-Bab and its countryside.
4. The Shari'a Committee will oversee the general mobilization with the support of the rest of the mujahid factions in the town of al-Bab and its countryside.
5. A financial warchest has been established to support the general mobilization to be overseen by a committee of distinguished seniors and elders of the town of al-Bab and its countryside, their task being to collect voluntary donations from the believers.
6. All the mujahid brigades, factions and groups have agreed on uniting work equally in a joint operations room for the town of al-Bab and its countryside.
7. Every Muslim capable and of sound mind must head to the general mobilization office in the Shari'a Committee to wage jihad with his soul or wealth.
8. Pushing back the aggressive enemy is among the foremost obligations today so whoever shrinks from this duty is considered sinful and committing the great sin of refraining from jihad and is classified under the Almighty's words: "If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and replace you with another people. And you cannot harm Him at all, and God is capable over everything" [Qur'an 9:39]
Mujahid brigades, factions and groups that are signatories to this statement:
The Shari'a Committee in al-Bab and its countryside
The United Revolutionary Military Council
Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya
Jabhat al-Nusra
Islamic State in Bilad al-Sham and Iraq
NB: An important example of the gradualist strategy of expansion in 2013 combining subversion and cooperation.
Specimen 7C: Joint statement for cooperation in defence efforts, al-Bab, Aleppo (December 2013)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
God Almighty has said: "Cooperate on the basis of piety and fear of God and do not cooperate on the basis of sin and hostility"- al-Ma'ida 2 [Qur'an 5:2]. And the Almighty has said: "Those who disbelieve would like you to leave aside your weapons and baggage to come upon you in one attack"- Nisa 102 [Qur'an 4:102].
A group of families of the town of al-Bab have summoned each other and formed "The Town Protection Committee" whose members are selected with outstanding concern according to finely imposed conditions to prevent infiltrations and protect the secrecy of operation from criminal gangs.
And we call on all committees, factions, mujahideen and noble families to come together, cooperate and coordinate to protect the town against imminent dangers in the region by air and land using all forms of cooperation with soul, wealth and arms. For the town is our town for all of us and we are all tasked to defend our religion, mosques, honour, children and homes especially also as the Nusayri enemy has poured the bowl of its violence upon us and will not cease until it fulfills its deterring terror in all means and ways.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Islamic Centre to Spread the Sunna
Revolutionary Civilian Council in the town of al-Bab
Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya
Jabhat al-Nusra: Shari'i Office
Al-Fawj al-Awal: Liwa al-Tawheed
Leadership of the Shari'a Committee
The Public Security in the town of al-Bab
Specimen 7D: Joint statement for defence project, Manbij, Aleppo (November 2013)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Project to repel the enemy: to secure the liberated towns
God Almighty has said: "And prepare for them what you can from force and steeds by which you may terrorize the enemy of God and your enemy and others besides them you do not know but God knows. And what you spend in the path of God will be paid to you in recompense and you will not be wronged" [Qur'an 8:60]
And the Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, what is it for you when it is said to you- 'Go forth in the path of God'- you cling heavily to the earth? Have you preferred this worldly life to the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of this worldly life compared to the Hereafter but a little? If you do not go forth He will torment you with a painful torment and replace you with another people; and you cannot harm Him in any way: God is powerful over all things" [Qur'an 9:38-9].
Call to all those of living conscience in the town of Manbij and its countryside:
Indeed the future is risky, for what happened to our people in the town of al-Safira and others besides it is not far from us. We call on the people of the town of Manbij and its countryside to work to build advanced defensive lines to protect the town and its countryside from the advance of the criminal gangs of Assad and his Majusi Shi'a gangs as well as Hezb al-Shaytan and the heretics of Iraq and their mercenaries. So this requires us to work hand in hand, all of us without exception: civilians and military personnel and all according to his physical or financial capabilities for this project, as a precise plan is to be put in place in order to resist any attack or advance towards the town and its countryside, and for the secrecy of the military plan we withhold the details.
This project also aims to work and coordinate with the rest of the liberated regions and towns to implement the same plan. Let it be known that when this plan is completed and fulfilled by God Almighty's help and the efforts of the devoted ones like you we will avoid what befell our ill-fated towns of Qusayr, al-Safira, Tel Kalakh and others besides them. And we will show the places in which petition is to take place for contribution from the Muslim populace after display of the project on the concerned parts and obtaining agreement upon them.
We seek agreement to begin implementing the project, from [i.e. signatories to this statement are]:
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Military Council (FSA)
Shari'a Committee
5 November 2013
Specimen 7E: Notification from Shari'a Court, Tel Manis (Idlib Province), September 2013
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Idlib
Shari'a Court in Tel Manis
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces the granting of a deadline of 15 days for the owners of shops from those who sell smoking and tobacco goods and all whose wealth is linked with the two to remove this filthy matter from their shops. Otherwise these shops will be subject to confiscation and burning.
The deadline begins from Thursday 13/11/1434 (19 September 2013)
Notice: Any car transporting these goods or what is connected with/dependent on them will be subject to its confiscation with its load.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Specimen 7F: Statement from the wali (governor) of Aleppo Province: October 2013
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
God- Glorified and Exalted is He- has said: "Indeed the penalty for those who wage war on God and His Messenger and sow corruption in the land is that they should be killed, crucified, have their hands and feet cut off from opposite sides or be driven from the land. That is recompense for them in this world and in the Hereafter will be a great torment for them" [Qur'an 5:33]
After the accumulation of complaints from the Muslim populace against some of those who sow corruption in the land
and engage in highwayman behaviour, including:
. Liwa Ahfad al-Mursaleen under the leadership of Abu al-Layth
. Liwa Shuhada' Souriya
. Jama'at Ahmad Qadro
. Jama'at Abdo al-Fafini
And the complaints comprising:
. Stealing of factories of merchants of the Muslims on the accusation that they are shabiha without any evidence or witnesses
. Taking customs duties (taxes) from the Muslims and putting a stranglehold on them on crossing checkpoints on the pretext of supporting the revolution.
. Regular accusations of rape and kidnapping of members of wealthy families and holding them for ransom for money.
. Their dealing in hashish and their addiction to pills and drugs.
So after a delegation of the mujahideen went to one of their bases on 5 Dhu al-Hijja 1434 AH (Thursday) [c. 10 October 2013] to support an oppressed Muslim whose merchant goods they had taken because he did not pay them a tax, the delegation asked them to restore the owner's rights and stop harming the Muslims, but they refused to restore the owner's goods and mocked the mujahideen, trying to imprison them by gunfire, which lead to the killing and wounding of some of the brothers, and after their betrayal and imprisonment of some of the mujahideen from the Islamic State and Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiya, the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham decided to capture and hold these sowers of corruption to account in obedience of its Lord and to support the weak/oppressed at a time in which it was participating in the liberation of the village of Khanaser from the aggressive Nusayri regime. So the area of al-Indharat and al-Haydariya in Wilayat Halab was cleansed of the corruption-sowing bases and checkpoints affiliated with the aforementioned battalions. And the process of catching them to bring judgment upon them is ongoing, wherever they may be found.
. As for whoever of these sowers of corruption in the land has fled, we call on you to announce your repentance. Our Lord- Glorified and Exalted is He- has said: "Except those who have repented before you gain power over them: for know that God is Forgiving, Merciful" [Qur'an 5:34].
. And we call on the rest of the factions in the Free Army to disavow them, the likes of them and not to give them refuge.
We ask God to accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, raise the banner of tawheed over Iraq, al-Sham and every land of the Muslims, and spread security and safety.
And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know, and praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
The Wali
Specimen 7G: Opening of office to receive complaints about services, Raqqa (2014)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa: City Area
General Committee for Islamic Services
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To our noble people in the city of Raqqa...
By God Almighty's help, the opening of an Islamic services office has been completed to receive complaints regarding the realm of services (sewage, electricity, water, cleaning, education, provisions).
Address: behind the National Hospital: hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 [?] p.m.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Islamic Services Committee
City Area
Specimen 7H: Electricity Bills, 'Euphrates Province'
On left: "Islamic State/Wilayat al-Furat/Public Foundation for Electricity." The sum requested is 3000 Syrian pounds for the month of Shawwal [1436 AH]. On right, 1000 Syrian pounds requested for first connection [i.e. signing-on sum upfront]. According to Deir az-Zor is Being Slaughtered Silently, every home using electricity from the additional line connected by the Islamic State is to pay 4000 Syrian pounds in the past month [Shawwal 1436 AH: July-August 2015], but otherwise 3000 Syrian pounds every month and 1000 Syrian pounds for first connection.
Specimen 7I: Regulations on Internet connections, 'Euphrates Province': Albukamal
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Central Public Security Directorate
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the Imam al-Mursaleen, the leader of the mujahideen and all his family and Companions. As for what follows:
Statement for distribution
To owners of satellite Internet shops,
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
The Almighty has said: "And cooperate on the basis of piety and fear of God, not sin and hostility" [Qur'an 5:2].
- All Wi-fi connections must be removed and transmission limited to inside the shop only, even for the soldiers of the Islamic State.
- All shops are forbidden to open except after registering with the security office and agreement on the conditions.
- All who have a private Internet system within their home must mention it at the security office.
- All who violate this statement for distribution will be subject to being held accountable.
And may God reward you best.
- Hours for information office: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- The office is located at the Grand Mosque.
General Security Official
Al-Wali [provincial governor]
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat: [Western] Area
NB: The wali for Wilayat al-Furat at present [August 2015] is reportedly one Abu Anas al-Samarra'i, which suggests origin from Samarra in Iraq.
Specimen 7J: Name Changes for Villages in Manbij area, Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Public Education (al-Ta'aleem al-Aam)
Praise be to God the Powerful, the Strong, and prayers and peace be upon the one sent with the sword as a mercy to the Worlds. As for what follows:
To the brothers in education in the Manbij area, as-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
Let it be known that according to the orders of the officials in the Islamic State, the names of the following villages have been changed and dealing with them will be in replacement of the old names and all must embrace that.
Old Name | New Name |
Al-Farat | Al-Nasiriya |
Al-Manquba | Al-Mansura |
Al-Shawha al-Khaznawi | Al-Abbasiya |
Manqukha | Mabruka |
Al-Bira | Tayba |
Jab al-Kalb Saghir | Jab al-Ward Saghir |
Jab al-Kalb Kabir | Jab al-Ward Kabir |
Umm Udham | Umm al-Hayat |
Muhtariq Saghir | Rabi'a Saghir |
Shana'a | Al-Shamiya |
Muhtariq Kabir | Rabi'a Kabir |
Qabr Imo | Al-Yamama |
Jabb al-Tur | Jabb al-Nur |
Bashar | Al-Baghdadia-Al-Adnaniya |
Mahshiya Sheikh Obeid | Al-Amiriya |
Mahshiya al-Tawaheen | Al-Tawaheen |
Names of quarters inside Manbij | --------------------- |
Harat al-Ulawiya | Harat al-Tawheed |
Harat al-Asadiya | Harat al-Sa'adiya |
Farn al-Ulawiyeen | Farn al-Tawheed |
Al-Asadiya | Halimat al-Sa'adiya |
Education official in Manbij
NB: Some other local name changes under ISIS/IS for comparison:
Maskanah: Muslimah
Deir Hafer: Dar al-Fatah
Deir Attiyeh: Dar al-Ata' [November 2013 as part of offensive ISIS launched in coordination w/ Nusra & Green Battalion in Damascus province]
17 Tamuz [Mosul neighbourhood]: al-Fatah (al-Mubin)
al-Muhandiseen [Engineers neighbourhood, in Mosul]: al-Mu'mineen [the Believers]
Mosul Grand Mosque [also the Grand Saddam Mosque,not to be confused with the Grand Mosque [al-Nuri]]: al-Khilafa [Caliphate] Mosque
Specimen 7L: Primary School Exam, Second Setting, Islamic Education (Ninawa Province)
Specimen 7M: Academic dates, Ninawa province (indirect testimony)
The new year of study for the schools of Wilayat Ninawa will begin on 1 September 2015...Diwan al-Ta'aleem
By order of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem, dear students application to the University of Mosul will be on 17 Dhu al-Qi'da 1436 AH: 1 September 2015
Specimen 7N: Sample page from Islamic State's al-Naba' newspaper
Specimen 7O: Names of detainees held by IS and judgements upon them, Deir az-Zor Province
![]() From right to left: the name, residence [e.g. al-Shamitiya to the west of Deir az-Zot city], judgement [mostly execution] and notes, if any. |
Specimen 7P: Qur'an memorization session, Manbij, Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
God- Glorified and Exalted is He- has said: "And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to remember: so is there anyone who will remember it?"- al-Qamar 17 [Qur'an 57:17].
"So is there anyone who will remember it?"- i.e. So is there anyone who will remember it and take heed?
The Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "The best of you are those who learn and teach the Qur'an"- narrated by Bukhari.
And in a narration: "Indeed the most favoured of you are those who learn and teach the Qur'an"- narrated by Bukhari.
The Da'wa and Masajid office in Manbij and its countryside announces:
The opening of a session to memorize the Noble Qur'an. Let it be known that the teachers of the Noble Qur'an are always to be found in the mosque.
Conditions to join the session:
1. Purity in intention to God Almighty
2. Able to read and write
3. Good manners and restraint
4. Commitment to memorizing and not wasting time
Note: All ages without exception are accepted in the session
Those who excel will be honoured at the end of the session
The brothers who wish to join the session are to register in the Abd al-Rahman bin Awf mosque from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Registration begins on 29 Shawwal 1436 AH corresponding to 16 August 2015 and ends on 9 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH corresponding to 26 August 2015
Specimen 7Q: Session in 'Ilm, Manbij, Aleppo Province
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Wilayat Halab
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Delightful news...the Da'wa office in Manbij announces:
The beginning of an advanced session in 'Ilm on two levels, and for a period of 4 months:
First level: 1. Tawheed (Book of Tawheed), 2. Fiqh (Main Subject of Fiqh), 3. Terminology of Hadith (al-Biquni), 4. Qur'an sciences (Introduction to Tafsir by Ibn Qasim), Tajwid (al-Nur al-Mubin), 5. Methodology (work of Ibn Adjurrum).
According to the following program | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
First lesson | Tawheed | Tawheed | Fiqh | Fiqh | Fiqh |
Second lesson | Hadith Terminology | Methodology | Qur'an Sciences | Methodology | Tajwid |
. First level session begins on Saturday 1 Dhu al-Qi'da 1436 AH, corresponding to 15 August 2015.
. Place of session: al-Khayr mosque. Right after afternoon prayers (there is a place for sisters).
. At the end of the first level session an exam will be held: undertaking it is required for the first level certificate.
. For those who excel are valuable prizes of up to $100
. One can obtain the lessons (audio) from the media point every Thursday, or download it from the Facebook page.
To connect and inquire...[effaced]; Facebook: shamgreb
Specimen 7R: Notice to checkpoints on checking student IDs
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
'And say: Lord, increase me in knowledge.'
Hijra date: 12 Rabi' al-Awal 1436 AH [3 January 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the State's checkpoints
Brothers in the checkpoints may God protect you, we ask you to check the identities of students travelling outside the wilaya in view of the approaching exams and that is stop them from going outside [the Islamic State] to undertake the exams in the Taghut state [i.e. regime-held Syria] according to statement for distribution no. 9 issued by the Diwan al-Ta'aleem and transfer the violator to [the Diwan] al-Hisbah.
Diwan al-Ta'aleem official
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Specimen 7S: Notification from security office, western Deir az-Zor province
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Security office: western area
Statement for distribution
All those affiliated with armed factions from the Free Army, Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic Front, those who defected from the Nusayri regime army, workers in aid organizations, committees and local councils, and those who left areas controlled by the Nusayri army should go and register with the security office in Hatla [village in Deir az-Zor province] besides the al-Hisba headquarters within one month from the date of this statement for distribution.
1 Dhu al-Qi'da 1436 AH corresponding to 15 August 2015
All who violate this will be subject to Shari'a inquiry.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Western area: al-Kheir
Specimen 7T: Expulsion of an official from the Islamic State
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
No. 303
5 June 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu...according to instructions of the General Supervisory Committee, the following has been decided:
1. Expelling the one called Abu al-Abbas al-Fadhli/Ali Muhammad al-Haj Muhammad- born in 1980, Maskanah; address/residency: Wilayat Halab, Muslimah (Maskanah)- from the ranks of the Islamic State after it was established that he exploited his position for personal gain.
2. This decision is to be spread on all official sides in the Islamic State to raise awareness and ensure no reception or dealings with him.
May God reward you best.
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
The Amir: Dhu al-Qarnain
[Note from Dhu al-Qarnain]: We ask this to be distributed and put up in the education [Ta'aleem] offices' centres to be a reminder for the brothers.
Specimen 7U: Order to shut down wi-fi networks during prayer time in Deir az-Zor city (2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir: City Area
Diwan al-Hisba
Statement for distribution no. 1
"And when they saw a transaction or diversion, they rushed to it, leaving you standing. Say: 'What is with God is better than diversion and transaction. And God is the best of providers'"- al-Jum'a 11 [Qur'an 62:11]
All Internet shops must stop wi-fi network transmission during the designated prayer times. All must comply with this statement for distribution.
al-Hisba amir
Specimen 7V: Order to close shops in prayer time, Baza'a, Aleppo Province (late 2013)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Eastern Area
Al-Bab Area, its Countryside and Surrounding
Important statement for distribution to owners of shops
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham in the town of Baza'a announces the issuing of this statement for distribution which requires closing all shops in general immediately on call to prayer and closing for a period of 25 minutes. Whoever violates will be referred to the Islamic Court to be held accountable.
In the time of our Prophet (SAWS), the shops were not open in Medina after the call to prayer in honour of this ritual. Ibn Marduyah narrated in his tafsir on the authority of Abdullah ibn Abbas (may God be pleased with him): he said: "Men whom neither transactions nor sales distract from remembering God"- Surat al-Nur 37 [Qur'an 24:37]. They were men striving for God's grace in buying and selling, so when they heard the call to prayer, they left what was before them, went to mosque and prayed. God has granted us success to follow the program of our beloved, the Messenger of God (SAWS).
And may God reward you with all that is best.
Specimen 7W: Conditions of repentance, al-Bab, Aleppo Province (January 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Area- Al-Bab Area and its Surrounding
Conditions of Repentance for Members Fighting Against the Islamic State
1. Announcing repentance from fighting against the Islamic State and repenting to God from that.
2. Announcing disavowal of the 'Islamic Front' and what factions it encompasses.
3. Handing light and heavy weapons to the Islamic State alone.
4. No support for the 'Islamic Front' and what factions it encompasses is allowed in any form of support (weapons, opinion or consultation, or wealth...)
5. Attending a Shari'a session in rooting of tawheed and al-wala' and al-bara'
6. No bearing of arms against the Islamic State is allowed.
7. Violation of any of these clauses will lead to trial according to Shari'a.
Note: place of repentance: al-Imaan mosque in al-Bab.
Days: Friday-Saturday-Sunday (16, 17, 18/3/1435: 17-19 January 2014).
Specimen 7X: Hudud punishments, al-Bab, Aleppo Province (March 2014: pre-Caliphate era)
![]() cf. Specimen 1C. This was issued by the Shari'i judge for the 'Islamic court for al-Bab town and its surrounding.' |
Specimen 7Y: Prohibition on gender mixing, Manbij, Aleppo Province
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Area- Manbij Area
Prohibition on mixing between men and women
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the warning guider, his family, companions and whoso has followed them with ihsan to the Day of Judgment, as for what follows:
God has said: "And stay in your homes, and do not display yourselves in the manner of the former times of Jahiliya" [Qur'an 33:33]. Imam Qurtubi- may God have mercy on him- said: "The meaning of this verse is the order to stay at home. Even though it is addressed to the Prophet's women [SAWS], others besides them are also intended in meaning. This is so even if there were no evidence to show specification of all other women. For how is the Shari'a replete with evidence that women must stay in their homes and refrain from going out from them except for necessity?"
But also the Imam of tafsir, Mujahid ibn Jabar explained display here with what the heart of the verse has shown. He said: "The woman used to go out and walk among men, so that is the display of the former times of Jahiliya." Not one of the Ahl al-'Ilm has dissented from the point that the woman should stay at home and not go out from it except for necessity. This is on their going out from their home, so what then of their mixing with men?
It is forbidden all the more so and thus the Almighty has said: "When you ask them for something, ask them from behind a veil: that is more pure for your hearts and their hearts" [Qur'an 33:53] And in this verse is evidence that the principle is veiling women from men. Thus God has obligated that speaking with them be from behind a veil that keeps apart woman and man. This is evidence that mixing is forbidden.
Also He has forbidden them from flirting in speech, so that the corrupted should not covet them: the Almighty hass said: "Be not soft in speech lest the one in whose heart is a disease should covet" [Qur'an 33:32]. Also He has ordered them to keep away from all that exposes them to what brings dishonour in their lives. The Almighty has said: "And may they not stamp their feet to make known what they are hiding from adornment" [Qur'an 24:31].
Thus we say: It is absolutely forbidden to mix in private and public schools, institutes, lessons and universities, whether between male and female students or male and female students.
And this is to be considered advice and warning to officials to institute separation between male and female with a week from the date of this statement and there will be a committee tracking and supervising. Whoever is shown to be indifferent, delaying or disdaining the honour of our daughters and sisters will be referred to the umbrella of the law.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Amir of the Manbij area and its surrounding.
28/4/1435 AH
28 February 2014
Abu Luqman
Specimen 7Z: Evacuation notice to residents of some north Aleppo towns (c. March 2014)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
As-salam alaykum
As for what follows:
From the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham to the Muslim populaces in the following military areas:
Akhtarin and its surrounding
Sawran and its surrounding
Abla and its surrounding
Turkoman Bareh and its surrounding
We give you a deadline of 48 hours to leave the aforementioned places and that is to protect your safety. But whoever falls into the hands of the Islamic State's soldiers and is proven to be providing cover for or cooperating with the other factions even if by half a word, the hadd punishment will be carried out on him publicly.
And the one who has warned has been excused.
NB: These towns became frontline zones following the ISIS withdrawal eastward amid infighting with rebels in early 2014. They have all since been captured from the rebels (June 2014 for Abla; August 2014 for Akhtarin & Turkoman Bareh; late May 2015 for Sawran).
Specimen 8A: Warning to doctors not to issue false medical reports, Deir az-Zor province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Siha Centre
8/11/1436 AH [c. 24 August 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the doctor brothers in Wilayat al-Kheir
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
We remind you that the medical report is tantamount to a witness statement and any doctor whose report we discover to be untrue will be held to account, and he will be reprimanded with imprisonment or a large fine, or definite closure of his clinic (according to the ruling of the judiciary) and that will be to reprimand him.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Medical Official
Dr. Abu Adam al-Masri
NB: Via Deir az-Zor Under Siege, which says this statement comes amid IS members pressuring doctors to issue medical reports to get them exemptions from frontline duty.
Specimen 8B: Consultation on re-opening of schools, Syrian 'Euphrates Province', April 2015
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
And say: 'My Lord, increase me in knowledge.'
Wilaya: al-Furat
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and whoso is close to him. As for what follows:
The Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Furat announces a call to school directors and administration officials (obligatory) and whoso of the teachers desires to attend (optional) to come to the set meeting with the overseers of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem in Wilayat al-Furat on Wednesday and Thursday corresponding to 29-30 April 2015 and 10-11 Jumada al-Akhir 1436 AH.
According to the following timetable:
Area |
Meeting Place |
Day |
Date |
Time |
Albukamal & al-Ghabra & Ashair & al-Sakariya |
Al-Rahman Mosque |
Wednesday |
29 April |
1-2:30 p.m. |
Al-Shamiya from al-Siyal al-Sharqi up to al-Salihiya |
Mahya al-Ayesh Mosque (al-Tawahita) |
Wednesday |
29 April |
10 a.m.- 12 p.m. |
Al-Jazira from al-Baghuz up to al-Sha'afa |
Al-Ghanam Mosque (al-Susa) |
Thursday |
30 April |
1-2:30 p.m. |
Hajin from Abu al-Hasan up to al-Bahra |
The Grand Mosque |
Thursday |
30 April |
10 a.m.- 12 p.m. |
And that will be with a view to ordering the opening of the schools, distributing the programs, and distributing the students in the school stages. Whoever refrains from attending- in particular from the schools' directors and admin officials- he will expose himself to Shari'a inquiry.
And God is the guarantor of success and the One whose help is to be sought.
Specimen 8C: Form for dealing with the affairs of the tribes (Albukamal area)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Committee to track the affairs of the tribes
Age | Position | His stance on fighting the Islamic State: participated/did not participate | Handing over of weapons | Place of residence | Notes |
Specimen 8D: Opening of recruitment office (Albukamal area)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid in Wilayat al-Furat
God Almighty says: "So fight in the path of God. Only you yourself are held responsible. And urge on the believers. Perhaps God will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And God is stronger in might and punishment" [Qur'an 4:84]. So in response to the command of God, the Islamic State announces the opening of the Affiliation Office in Wilayat al-Furat for whosoever wishes to join the ranks of the mujahideen and announce allegiance to the Amri al-Mu'mineen.
Registration will be in the da'wa offices in the wilayat's areas beginning from 3/3/1436 AH [25 December 2014]. And the conditions:
. Age 15 and above.
. No prior affiliation with the apostasy cadres. And God is the guarantor of success.
City of Albukamal: al-Rahman Mosque
Jazira of Albukamal: al-Rahbeen Mosque
Shamiya of Albukamal: opposite the Ali ibn Abi Talib Mosque
Applications will be accepted from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Wilayat al-Furat Centre
Specimen 8E: Public regulations (Albukamal area)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham [sic.]
Wilayat al-Furat
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
To the Muslim brothers in the town of Albukamal and its countryside, you are asked to observe the following matters and not violate them. Whoever violates them will have financial fines imposed on him according to the following matters. They are:
1. Whoever infringes on the alley or public street will face a fine from 5000 to 25,000 [Syrian pounds] according to the violation and its type.
2. Whoever infringes on the street in building- whether a shop, house or trees: the building will be subject to destruction, the trees will be cut, and the fines will range from 5000 to 250,000 [Syrian pounds].
3. Whoever infringes on the water extension by more than half an inch will face fines, and whoever draws water upon it, the fines will range from 5000 to 50000 [Syrian pounds] according to the violation and its type.
4. Whoever infringes on the electricity lines by pulling out two lines or takes from the lines of the water filtration plants, the fines upon him will be at least 5000 [Syrian pounds] and not exceed 50000 [Syrian pounds] according to the violation and its type.
5. Shop owners must place a barrel dyed in white colour in the middle of which is a black belt in front of every shop and not throw away garbage anywhere except in the barrel. Whoever does not comply with that will face a fine of at least 5000 [Syrian] pounds.
6. All Muslims who own houses must not throw away garbage anywhere except in the designated places. Whoever does not comply with that will face a fine of at least 3000 [Syrian] pounds.
7. All Muslims who destroy a house must dispatch the remains to the designated places. Whoever does not comply with that will face a fine according to the quantity of remains.
We ask you to comply and cooperate with us.
May God reward you best.
Specimen 8F: Regulations for clothes shop owners imposed by Diwan al-Hisba (Albukamal area): September 2015
- The owner of any shop must wear kulabiya and taqiya
- Shop owners must conceal their numbers from billboards and advertising cards.
- No selling to women without a mahram
- The price of every item to be sold in the shop must be fixed.
- No selling of tight clothes and those that bear photos and foreign expressions.
NB: Indirect testimony via Deir az-Zor under siege.
Specimen 8G: University application form
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Central Admission Committee
[Top left: personal photo]
Application form to the universities of the Islamic State for year of study 1437 AH: 2015/2016 (for graduates of preparatory study [high school]).
1 |
Full name and title |
2 |
Sex |
Male/Female |
3 |
Born in/on |
4 |
Name of school from which you graduated |
5 |
Exam number |
6 |
Division |
Science/Shari'i/Humanities/Vocational |
7 |
Year of graduation |
201..-201.. |
8 |
Civil status ID number and date of its issue |
9 |
Place of residence |
Wilaya: Locality: |
10 |
Overall mark (before addition) |
11 |
Successful setting in |
First Second Tasri' |
12 |
Languages mark (French) |
Mark: () x 0.16= (added to total) |
13 |
Overall mark after addition |
(mark to one decimal) |
1. The information is to be written clearly and legibly.
2. The application form is to be provided along with a coloured copy of the civil status ID in addition to a personal photo of the student.
3. The incomplete form and the one whose veracity cannot be ascertained will be cancelled.
4. The choices are to be filled in full according to sequence of preference.
Student's signature: Central Admission Committee
NB: This document is interesting as it only makes sense in the Iraqi context. Note in particular the requirement for the Civil Status ID, the 'settings' for exams, and one's mark in the French language exam as an addition to the overall/average mark. On the latter, consider this report from al-Sumaria News in March 2015:
"Dozens of students protested on Monday in front of the Education Ministry in the middle of the capital of Baghdad to demand the addition of the French language subject mark to the overall/average.
The al-Sumaria News correspondent added: that more than 100 students demonstrated near the Education Ministry in the middle of the capital of Baghdad.
And he added that the students sought to add the French language subject mark to the general average.
The Higher Education and Scientific Investigation Ministry announced last July that it decided to compare between marks in additional foreign languages and in English, and to take into account the higher of the two for application to be admitted into universities and institutes for year of study 2014-2015."
Specimen 8H: Guide for applying to university
Guide for the student applying for admission to university
1. Conditions and restrictions on admission:
The student who is accepted into the colleges and institutes must:
- Have a preparatory school diploma (science, Shari'a, humanities, vocational).
- Be born in 1993 and rising.
- Pass medical testing, and that will be sought on registering in the college into which one is admitted.
- Be freed up for study and not allowed to be employed and studying at the same time just as one cannot be admitted into two colleges at the same time.
- Be among the graduates of the current year and if one is among the graduates from the previous years it is required that one must not be admitted via central admissions and must be dealt with per a special standard of discretion.
2. General principles:
- Fill in all the choices according to order of preference.
- The student will be admitted according to the specified choices in the application form.
- The student's application per the application form does not guarantee one's admittance according to choices only, but also admission relies on comparison with the rest of the students.
3. Means of admission and registration:
- Appeals will be accepted within 10 days from the date of the announcement of the admissions' results.
- Registration begins in the colleges and institutes after a week from the announcement of the admissions' results.
- The student will be asked to undergo medical testing and for the school document certified by the education directorate on registering in the college.
Specimen 8I: Names of university colleges and institutes
No. |
Name of the college or institute |
Code |
Division |
1 |
Medical sciences university/Mosul medical college |
101 |
Scientific |
2 |
Medical sciences university/Ninawa medical college |
102 |
Scientific |
3 |
Medical sciences university/Dentistry college |
103 |
Scientific |
4 |
Medical sciences university/Pharmacy college |
104 |
Scientific |
5 |
Medical sciences university/Nursing college |
105 |
Scientific |
6 |
Medical sciences university/Medical technician institute |
106 |
Scientific |
7 |
Mosul university/Engineering college |
201 |
Scientific |
8 |
Mosul university/Sciences college |
202 |
Scientific |
9 |
Mosul university/Accounting and Mathematical sciences college |
203 |
Scientific |
10 |
Mosul university/Veterinary college |
204 |
Scientific |
11 |
Mosul university/Agriculture and Forestry college |
205 |
Scientific |
12 |
Mosul university/Education college |
206 |
Scientific/Shari'i/Humanities |
13 |
Mosul university/Economics and Management college |
207 |
Scientific/Shari'i/Humanities |
14 |
Mosul university/Technical college |
208 |
Scientific/Shari'i/Humanities |
15 |
Mosul university/Technical institute |
209 |
Scientific/Shari'i/Humanities/Vocational |
Specimen 8J: Form to indicate order of preference for university college/institute application
Specimen 8K: Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat Billboard (Deir az-Zor province)
![]() "Brother, you who drive, ensure to have the zakat voucher with you. Otherwise you will not be allowed to pass the checkpoint." |
Specimen 8L: Prohibition on wearing and selling tight clothes for men
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Al-Hisba Center
No. 35
Date: August 2015
Prohibition on wearing and selling tight clothes for men
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions and whoso is close to him. As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Beginning from the hadith of the Prophet (SAWS)- "Whoso imitates a people is of them"- it is not hidden from you that imitating the disbelievers in dress is a type of imitation of them. So the wearing of tight clothes, and that which brings out man's body and makes clear his private parts is contrary to the law, as the wearing of these sorts of clothes is among the customs of the enemies of the religion, but also some of the fashions (skinny trousers and jeans) may corrupt man's prayer, because of the appearance of his private parts on bowing or prostrating. Thus we inform the youth of Islam to beware of and avoid imitating the enemies of the religion, and to embrace Islamic manifestations: and the appearance, garments and clothes of the Muslim must be what suits the conservative Muslim society.
According to this your brothers in al-Hisba will hold to account any person who violates this statement. Similarly shops will be prevented from selling clothes that offend modesty and are tight (tight fashions) and they will be confiscated from the shops 20 days after the date of this statement.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Specimen 8M: Da'wa Meeting Invitation: Albukamal
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Invitation to attend the weekly da'wa meeting every Saturday after evening prayer
Religious competitions
Recreational competitions
Seminars in 'Ilm
Lectures and lessons
Valuable prizes
The Grand Mosque in Albukamal
Specimen 8N: Notification to wanted person from Islamic Police, Albukamal
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Islamic Police
Albukamal area
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
To the one called...
You are asked to come to the Islamic Police's headquarters in Albukamal. And that will be on date ...1436 AH
Claimant's name:
Specimen 8O: Ultimatum for owner of medical establishment to return, Hasakah Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Baraka
Diwan al-Siha Centre
Date: 11/11/1436 AH: 11 Dhu al-Qi'da 1436 AH [26 August 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Warning of 15 days
According to the decisions of the judiciary to confiscate medical establishments and houses of medical doctors travelling to the abode of disbelief outside the lands of the Islamic State, we warn the owner of this medical establishment to return within 15 days. Otherwise the medical administration will confiscate this establishment.
Whoever sees this warning, notify the owner of the establishment.
And may God reward you best.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Baraka
Medical official
NB: Via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Specimen 8P: Lesson Invitation, Derna, Libya
![]() H/T: Aaron Zelin |
Islamic State
Wilayat Barqa: Derna
Diwan al-Awqaf [+ Da'wa wa Masajid]
The Da'wa and Irshad office announces the establishment of a lesson in 'Ilm under the title:
The Effect of Establishing Hudud Punishments on Society's Stability
And that will take place with the attendance of a number of the mashayakh with opportunity for questions and discussion.
Thursday after evening prayer in the al-Rashid mosque
Date: 25 Rajab 1436 AH, corresponding to 14 May 2015.
Specimen 8Q: Closing of a barber shop in Albukamal for shaving beards
![]() "Closed by order of the Hisba on account of its violation of the command of God and His Messenger on shaving the beard. Hisba of Albukamal." |
Specimen 8R: Notice to locals in Albukamal on students who are taking exams, May 2013
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Statement from the Kata'ib Junud al-Haq in Albukamal
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
God Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, beware..." [Qur'an 4:71]
To our dear people in Albukamal:
Out of concern on our part for the safety of your sons and daughters among the students whose exams will begin tomorrow Deir az-Zor city, and after the governor rejected our request to move the exams to the town of Albukamal and his affirmation that they will be in Deir az-Zor city, and on account of the bad situation in Deir az-Zor city, we advise you not to send your sons and daughters to Deir az-Zor city out of fear that your sons will be arrested and your daughters raped- God forbid- just as is happening now in Deir az-Zor and happened in Homs and Baniyas before.
Hoping for a response from you to this call and may God reward you best.
Your brothers in Kata'ib Junud al-Haq
NB: Kata'ib Junud al-Haq was a Jabhat al-Nusra affiliate in Albukamal that pledged allegiance to ISIS after Baghdadi's announcement of ISIS in April 2013 but reverted to Jabhat al-Nusra after Zawahiri's call to dissolve ISIS.
Specimen 8S: Negotiations and ceasefire agreement with the regime over the thermal plant and surrounding in Aleppo, June 2013
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To whom it may concern:
Let it be known that the soldiers and troops of the taghut apostate state took prisoner and detained the employees working in the thermal plant in eastern Aleppo countryside, and that in response to the fact that the mujahideen of the Islamic State snipered two of them, killing one of them and wounding the other. So following on from that the besieged army present there detained and took prisoner the employees working inside the plant, exposing them to harassments and harm through vituperation, abuse, and threats, making clear that they would not be released except by allowing in the doctor for the wounded soldier.
Out of concern for the safety of the Muslim employees we allowed the doctor to enter and to diagnose the condition of the wounded apostate. After examining and diagnosing the condition, it became apparent that he needed to go to hospital to be treated, but they refused to release the unarmed employees who had no connection with the fighting.
So after the call of the 'Aleppo Families Initiative' committee under the leadership of the engineer Tarif Atura, we undertook through him to negotiate with the besieged army, and with the governor of Aleppo, and the following was agreed:
1. Allowing the peasants and farmers who have lands around the plant to harvest their lands.
2. The apostate army has pledged not to harm the employees, to release them, and promised that in future they will not be exposed to any harm, evil or harassment. And the Islamic State relinquishes its responsibility for any nullifier of this pledge before God and then before the people.
3. The wounded apostate will be removed from the place according to the initiative of the families with his personal weapons, and his personal weapons will be handed to the Islamic State, and he will not come to risk of harm during the time he is moved from the places of influence and control of the Islamic State to the places and influence of the taghut state, and the Islamic State takes responsibility for embracing these conditions so long as the apostates do not relinquish this agreement.
The farmers are given a time of 48 hours to harvest their crops, during which there will be a ceasefire between the two sides. And in the event of the breaking of the ceasefire, the agreement will be nullified, and after that we will have the right to take action we consider appropriate to deal with the besieged soldiers, and God is the guarantor on what we say.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Official for the eastern area
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Amir for the eastern countryside area
NB: On contact with regime governors in 2013, cf. Specimen 8R.
Specimen 8T: Notice to those who own harvest vehicles, Hasakah province
![]() H/T: Wladimir Van Wilgenburg |
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Baraka
General Shari'a Committee for Wilayat al-Baraka
Statement for distribution
To owners of harvest vehicles
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
Among the pillars and obligations of this religion that God- Almighty and Exalted is He- commanded for us is zakat. For the Almighty has said: "And take from their wealth a portion of charity that you may purify them and increase them by it"- Tawba 103 [Qur'an 9:103]. And the Prophet (SAWS) has said: "Islam has been built on five things: bearing witness that there is no deity but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God,, establishing prayer, giving zakat, Hajj pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan"- narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
Indeed a Muslim may leave his religion and commit apostasy by preventing it [zakat] and not bringing it out. From this principle we call on our brothers who own harvest vehicles to cooperate with us in obeying God in implmenting this obligation, and be a cause in applying the rulings of God among the people.
So we urge them to embrace the following:
1. Bare and enclose all the land on which the harvest has been completed and record the area of the land, its owner and how much in kilograms was the yield of crops through the vehicle's apparatus.
2. It is forbidden to harvest from the lands of those whose owners are among the Christians who abandoned their lands, or whose owners are among the Free Army, the Jabha [Jabhat al-Nusra], Ahrar al-Sham and others besides them. Whoever violates this will be expose himself to reckoning.
Finally, we remind you to fear God, show regard for the peasants and not raise the prices of the harvest that may harm them, for this is a cause in the blessing of wealth and its increase if God wills.
And may God reward you best.
General Shari'a Committee for Wilayat al-Baraka
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Baraka
Shari'i Official
NB: Clearly dating back to the pre-Caliphate era. The issue of zakat tax on agricultural harvest would now presumably be dealt with by the Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat and the Diwan al-Zara'a, with the Diwan al-Hisba and Diwan al-Qada holding violators to account.
Specimen 8U: Prohibition on wi-fi, western Raqqa (Tabqa area)
Islamic State
Date: 24 Shawwal 1436 AH [9 August 2015]
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Markaz al-Amn
Amn al-Gharbiya
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for distribution
Owners of private and public Internet connections must remove wi-fi networks within 2 days, and use of the Internet must be limited to inside the shop only. Shop owners must register the name of the user whoever he is, in a special register in the shop with the exception of the brothers in the Dawla [Islamic State].
(Non-compliance will require Shari'i reckoning).
And may God reward you best.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Amn al-Aam
Amni al-Gharbiya [security official for the western area]: Raqqa
Specimen 8V: Opening of schools for registration for the new school year, Raqqa
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
It pleases the two schools of Ruqayya bint Muhammad for boys (Jawad Anzur previously) and Dhi Qar for girls to begin registering for the children of this area from all stages.
That will begin from Saturday 28 Dhu al-Qi'da until Thursday 5 Dhu al-Hijja.
Registration from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m.
The required documents:
. Three personal photos of the student
. Photos from the father's page in the family register [a Syrian family ID document]
. Photos from the student's page in the family register
Note: the school year begins immediately after Eid al-Adha
And God is the guarantor of success
Specimen 8W: Leave Permit Card for a Soldier
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Wilayat Ninawa: al-Jund
Our Mother A'isha Battalion
Permit Card
Name or kunya: Omar Wa'ad Ismail
Leaving date: 21 Shawwal 1436 AH [6 August 2015]. Time: 10 a.m.
Joining date: 13 Shawwal 1436 AH [29 July 2015]. Time: 8 a.m.
Leave permit period: 2 days
Weapon type and number:
Notes: Rejoining on Saturday [23 Shawwal] at 8 a.m.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Jund: Ninawa
Dabiq Army: Amir
NB: Dabiq Army is the same as Jaysh al-Khilafa
Specimen 8X: Structure of Islamic State-controlled Mosul University
Islamic State University/Mosul
University administration
Agriculture and Livestock Group |
Pure Sciences and Humanities Group |
Engineering Sciences Group |
Medical Sciences Group |
Shari'i Sciences Group |
Field Crops Division |
Pure Sciences Colleges |
Electricity Engineering Division |
Mosul Medical College for girls |
Muadh bin Jabal College for Shari'i Sciences |
Gardening and Forestry Division |
Chemistry Sciences Division |
Electronic Engineering and Connections Divisions |
Ninawa Medical College for males |
Higher Judiciary Institute |
Food Sciences Division |
Physics Division |
Computer and Software Engineering Division |
Dentistry College |
Livestock Division |
Biology Division |
Mechanical Engineering Division |
Pharmacology College |
Veterinary Medicine College |
Earth Sciences Division (males only) |
Oil Engineering and Mining Division |
Nursing College |
(These colleges are for males only) |
Computers and Programming [Computer Sciences] Division |
(These colleges are for males only) |
Medical Technician Institute |
Humanities Colleges |
(These are administered by the Diwan al-Siha currently) |
Arabic Language Division |
History Division |
Mathematics Division |
English Language Division |
Geography Division |
Kindergarten Division |
NB: Muadh bin Jabal was one of the Companions of the Prophet. Note in particular the gender restriction of the engineering colleges to males only. Local information indicates that female students who had been enrolled in the last academic year to study engineering in Mosul University were ordered to be transferred to the medical colleges, beginning study from the first year. Practically, the Islamic State undoubtedly hopes that this move will make up for the shortage of female doctors in its territory, something it has previously touched upon in its fatwas.
Specimen 8Y: Denial of expelling Kurds from Ninawa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Media Office
27 Ramadan 1434 [sic: 1435] AH
25 July 2014
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, Companions and whoso is close/loyal to him. As for what follows:
The Almighty has said: "And when a matter of security or fear comes upon them, they disseminate it. But had they referred it to the Messenger and those with greater authority among them, those of them who can understand it properly would have known it. Were it not for God's favour upon you, you would have followed Satan, except for a few of you"- [Qur'an 4:83]. And SAWS said "It has sufficed as a lie for man that he relate all that he has heard"- narrated by Muslim.
As for what follows:
The enemies of Islam continue to harm this young state, and defame the image of the Islamic Caliphate. The latest of their falsehoods that has been spread around recently is that the Islamic State is forcibly displacing Kurds from Wilayat Ninawa.
In response to this slander we say:
There is no truth to this tendentious rumour, and the Sunni Kurds are our brothers in God. What is for them is for us, and what is upon them is upon us. And we will not allow any one of them to be harmed so long as they remain on the principle of Islam and do not dress themselves in one of its nullifiers.
And God is witness upon what we say.
27 Ramadan 1435 corresponding to 25 July 2014.
And God is the guarantor of success and the One who guides to the straight path.
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa Media Office
Specimen 8Z: Cutting off Mobile Phone Networks, Mosul (November 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Media Office
Friday, 6 Safr 1436 AH [28 November 2014]
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Imam of the Mujahideen, and his good and pure family and companions, and whosoever wages jihad after them until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows:
To the peoples of Wilayat Ninawa keeping watch:
God Almighty has said: "If you fear betrayal from a people, throw it back to them on equal terms. Indeed God does not love traitors"- [Qur'an 8:58].
Beginning from the Islamic State's desire to preserve its mujahideen sons in Wilayat Ninawa, and after it was confirmed that there are agents inside the wilaya spying for the interest of the Crusader-Rafidite coalition who have come together harming this young state and have used various devices of connection to provide the enemies of the Islamic State with information that has brought about losses to the Dawla of many of its knights, while the Crusader-Rafidite aircraft has been able to monitor the phones of the mujahideen and follow their movements, the Islamic State has decided to cut off connections [mobile phone networks] and prevent their restoration.
So obey and take heed. God is with those who endure
Friday, 6 Safr 1436 AH
And God is the guarantor of success and the One who guides to the straight path.
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa Media Office
Specimen 9A: Suspension of Internet services, Albukamal
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat: Central Public Security Directorate
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the Imam of those sent, the leader of the mujahideen, and on all his family and companions. As for what follows:
Subject: Statement for distribution to all Internet users and owners of halls:
Salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
It is absolutely forbidden to operate any Internet set-up or wifi network beginning from the morning of 6 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH corresponding to 19 September 2015 until further notice, and in any place inside the Albukamal area:
*This order encompasses all Internet users from:
1. All types of halls
2. All banking offices
3. Restaurants and petrol stations
4. Homes and private set-ups
5. All types of merchants' offices
6. Shops and industrial estates, as well as shops for medical necessities
*Whoever is found with an Internet connection inside his home, office or any private place will expose himself to severe reckoning.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Security Official
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Intelligence Services Official
Specimen 9B: Prohibition on selling Islamic State books, western 'Euphrates Province' (Albukamal area)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Method
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajifd
Statement for distribution
To all owners of offices and printing stations, the Da'wa and Masajid office in the western area announces the prohibition on selling all books issued by the Islamic State. But there is no objection to distributing them for free to the Muslim populaces.
And may God reward you best.
Official for the centre
Abu Ibrahim al-Tunisi
Specimen 9C: Prohibition on use of new Syrian banknotes
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisba
No. 19
Date: 13/12/1436 AH (27 September 2015)
Statement for distribution to all (exchange) shops
Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God. As for what follows:
It has been decided by God Almighty's help to prohibit the circulation of the two new currency forms issued by the Nusayri regime:
1. The 1000 Syrian pounds note.
2. The 500 Syrian pounds note.
And that applies in the lands of the Islamic State beginning from the date of this state, so all exchange shops must not exchange or circulate these notes. Rather they are to be received from people and removed from the lands of the Islamic State. And by God Almighty's permission all who violate this statement will be held to account beginning from 1/1/1437 AH corresponding to 14 October 2015.
And God is the guarantor of success and the guider to the straight path.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisba
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Specimen 9D: Military ID Card
Islamic State
ID card
Name: Abd al-Aziz al-Jaza'iri [the Algerian]
Work: Special Battalion
Expiry date: 1 Jumada al-Awla 1436 AH
Note: All Dawla [IS] checkpoints are asked to facilitate the brother's passing.
Islamic State
Al-Sadiq Special Battalion
Specimen 9E: Cancelling Friday prayers in some Raqqa mosques
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Da'wa & Masajid Centre
City Office
No.: N/A
Date: 18 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH [2 October 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the soldiers of the Islamic State and the noble people of Raqqa:
We inform you that Friday prayers have been cancelled in the following mosques:
al-Nur, al-Nawawi, al-Firdous, al-'Alu
As Russian-Nusayri aircraft have targeted the mosques in the city of Homs, requiring us to take the necessary precautions protecting everyone's safety.
And may God reward you best.
Da'wa & Masajid office in the city.
Specimen 9F: Required documents for new students at Mosul University
Required documents to register new students for year of study 2015/2016
1. Preparatory study document.
2. Medical test.
3. Six coloured current photographs.
4. The four required ID documents (a coloured photograph for each one and the originals for verification).
5. Residency approval from the nearest Islamic police centre for the place of residence.
6. Employee guarantor ID in one of the Dawla's offices (a coloured photograph of the ID and the original one for verification).
NB: On the four required ID documents, cf. Specimen 4F. Only makes sense in Iraqi context
Specimen 9G: Admission statistics for Mosul University: 2015-2016
Diwan al-Siha
Medical Sciences University
Central Acceptances Committee
Minimum admitted boundaries for averages for year of study 1437 AH/2015-2016 (males)
No. |
College |
Overall mark |
Average |
No. of students |
1 |
Mosul Medical College/Medical Sciences University |
643 |
91.85 |
118 |
2 |
Dentistry College/ Medical Sciences University |
637 |
91 |
28 |
3 |
Pharmacology College/ Medical Sciences University |
631 |
90.14 |
44 |
4 |
Nursing College/ Medical Sciences University |
611 |
87.28 |
63 |
5 |
Medical Technician College/ Medical Sciences University |
553 |
79 |
206 |
Combined total |
459 |
Minimum admitted boundaries for averages for year of study 1437 AH/2015-2016 (females)
No. |
College |
Overall mark |
Average |
No. of students |
1 |
Mosul Medical College/Medical Sciences University |
693 |
99 |
24 |
2 |
Ninawa Medical College/Medical Sciences University |
672 |
96 |
85 |
2 [sic.] |
Dentistry College/ Medical Sciences University |
667 |
95.28 |
46 |
3 |
Pharmacology College/ Medical Sciences University |
666 |
95.14 |
28 |
4 |
Nursing College/ Medical Sciences University |
651 |
93 |
60 |
5 |
Medical Technician College/ Medical Sciences University |
617 |
88.14 |
228 |
Combined total |
441 |
NB: cf. Specimen 8X for discrepancies, as here it seems Mosul Medical College is primarily for males and only exceptional female students are admitted. The average is the overall mark from Iraqi preparatory study exams divided by 7: cf. Specimen 8G.
Specimen 9H: Registration card for schools, 'Euphrates Province'
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
And say: My Lord, increase me in knowledge
Wilaya: al-Furat No. Hijri date
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Photo from family card:
Father's name:
Mother's name:
Place and registration no.:
Place and date of birth:
Date of registration:
Mental state:
Serial no.:
This document was issued from....on date:
Name and signature of the affirmer of the information:
Seal and signature:
Specimen 9I: Temporary general amnesty for military deserters
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
No. 107
Date: 18 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH: 2 October 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: all Wilayas, Diwans and Committees
Subject: Statement of Amnesty
Praise be to God alone, and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet. As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
To all our sons in the Islamic State from those whom Satan misled and incited evil between him and his amirs, such that he abandoned the front on which he was operating for the religion of God, and turned away from returning out of fear of consequence and blame, such that that led some of them to refrain from jihad in the path of God and shrink back from fighting the enemy, or homelessness in the wilayas and regions on the basis of difficult circumstances and scarcity of one's own means (and God is the One whose help is to be sought), we call on all of you to repent from this conduct. And we call on you to return to your brothers and amirs with the promise that no harm will come to you or evil touch you by God Almighty's permission, and so that you may begin with a new page from the pages of sacrifice and jihad, and a new pledge from the pledges to support the religion and undertake the heavy burden of faithfulness that God has entrusted us with entirely. Thus this amnesty lasts for a period of a month from the date of the issuing of this statement for distribution and every front must inform its soldiers of it.
Note: This amnesty will not include those who abandoned their work or jihad after the issuing of this document.
And may God reward you best.
Copy to:
General Supervisory Committee (Eastern Wilayas) for notification
General Supervisory Committee
Islamic State
NB: The normal punishment for those who flee from battle (except for tactical manoeuvering or joining another contingent) is execution
Specimen 9J: Referral by the Hisba of an individual to the Da'wa and Masajid centre for Shari'a session
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Hisbah Centre
Southern Region
Hisba of al-Mayadeen
Shari'a Session Attendance Table
To the brothers in the Da'wa and Masajid Centre
We refer to you the one called...with the case of...
And that to attend a Shari'a session and we expect you to fill the following form:
Day |
Hijri Date |
Presenter's Name |
Presenter's Signature |
Place of attendance of session
Specimen 9K: Electricity prices in Raqqa
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Raqqa Services Centre
Electricity Office
Date: 24 Ramadan 1436 AH
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Fixing the price of the ampere
- The price of the ampere per hour [ampere hour] is fixed at 8 Syrian pounds
- If there is no [public service] electricity, [private generator] usage is fixed at 9 hours [per day]
- Reckoning will be done according to the [number of] ampere hours instead of a week in terms of [number of] ampere[s]. This commitment is for a period of two weeks
- The price of the ampere hour will be reviewed in the event of the increase in the price of diesel
Specimen 9L: Call for precautions against regime airstrikes on Raqqa during Eid al-Fitr
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Date: 29 Ramadan 1436 AH
No. 6867
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for Distribution
To the brothers, amirs of the sectors and Diwans, may God protect you
As-salam alaykm wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu: we hope our document reaches you and you are in the best condition:
Some security information has arrived that points to the intention of the regime to send a squadron of aircraft to bomb the city of Raqqa (Gatherings-Markets-Mosques) during the days of Eid [al-Ftir]. Thus it is asked to take precaution and care, reduce the gatherings and take any necessary means to avoid the harm that may occur.
And may God reward you best.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Wali's Office
Specimen 9M: Timetable of classes, Mosul Medical College
Medical Sciences University/Mosul Medical College/Registration
First Year Timetable- First Term
Second Set (female students of the second year according to the old program)
For year of study 2015-2016
Day | 8-9 [a.m. etc.] | 9-10 | 10-12 |
Saturday | Embryology | Physiology | -Practical Physiology E -Practical Chemistry F |
Sunday | Physiology | Biochemistry | -Practical Physiology F -Practical Chemistry H |
Monday | Medical Ethics | Physiology | -Practical Physiology H -Practical Chemistry K |
Tuesday | Physiology | Embryology | -Practical Physiology K -Practical Chemistry E |
Wednesday | Aqeeda |
Lectures will be held in al-Jalili Hall
This will take effect beginning on Saturday corresponding to 17 October 2015
Specimen 9N: Notice to last year's admitted medical students at Mosul University
To all students admitted into the colleges for the University of Medical Sciences for year of study 2014/2015 who did not attend at their colleges in the past year, it has been decided to consider their admission annulled in these colleges. So they must hurry to apply at the Central Admissions Committee.
And may God reward you best
Specimen 9O: Medical Specializations Application Opening, Mosul University
Leadership of the University of Medical Sciences
The Higher Learning Committee for Medical Specializations announces the opening of the door of application for the study program of the Board of Medical Specializations beginning from date 3 October 2015 until 20 October 2015. So those who desire to apply must register with the secretariat of the committee in Mosul Medical College.
Specimen 9P: List of fines for violations of Hisbah regulations, Homs Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Homs
Hisbah Centre
Date: 4 Muharram 1437 AH
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God Muhammad bin Abdullah (SAWS). As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
To the amirs of the offices and divisions, here is a list of fines for you with regards to violators:
. Fleeing from the men of Hisbah: 39 lashes and a fine of 5000 [Syrian pounds] and imprisonment for 5 days with attendance of a Shari'a session
. Avoiding prayers: 39 lashes and a Shari'a session
. One packet [of cigarettes]: 2500 Syrian pounds
. Packet with a woman: 5000 Syrian pounds
. Adornment and wearing tight garments and not adhering to Shari'i dress: 5000 Syrian pounds.
. Revealing the two eyes: 2000 Syrian pounds.
. Not wearing gloves or stockings: 1000 Syrian pounds.
. Shaving the beard and not adhering to the Sunna of the Prophet (SAWS): 2500 Syrian pounds.
. Letting down the shawl: 1000 Syrian pounds
. Forging ID: 10000 Syrian pounds and confiscation of the used ID.
. The driver who carries violators: 5000 Syrian pounds for every passenger.
. Not bearing ID: 1000 Syrian pounds.
. Confiscation of every head of sheep with a bell on it.
May God grant you success and direct you to what He loves and is pleased with.
Your brother, servant of the Hisba:
Abu Julaybib al-Jazrawi
Islamic State
Wilayat Homs
NB: Thanks to Rasha Al-Aqeedi for assistance
Specimen 9Q: Zakat statistics for Aleppo province
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Table with names of those deserving zakat
Manbij Zakat Office
Names of the poor deserving zakat concerning two months
Number of poor families |
2502 |
Number of individuals |
12760 |
Deserving sum |
142,691,600 [Syrian pounds] |
Seal of Statistics Official |
Seal of Accountant |
Seal of the office official |
Seal of admin official of the wilaya centre |
Seal of the finance official of the wilaya centre |
Seal of the zakat official in the wilaya |
NB: The total 'deserving sum' here is some $755837.41 based on conversion rates as of 21 October 2015. This amounts to around $29.62 per individual per month.
Specimen 9R: Military ID badge: Katibat al-Sarim al-Battar
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Jaysh Dabiq: Katibat al-Sarim al-Battar
Kunya: Abu Hamza
Name: Ahmad Hameed
Position: Fighter
Serial number: 152
Note: This badge is not to be considered an official [ID] document
Specimen 9S: Lack of observation of new moon to mark end of Ramadan 2014
Islamic State
Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim
And judge between them by what God has revealed [Qur'an 5:49]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the most noble of the Prophets and those sent. As for what follows:
The Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim in the Islamic State announces the lack of establishment of the observation of the new moon of Shawwal, neither by itself or through true news concerning certainty besides that. Therefore, the Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim in the Islamic State announces that tomorrow- Monday- is one of the days of Ramadan and one must fast for it. And God's peace, deliverance and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
Islamic State
Head of Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim
Specimen 9T: Blockade on regime-held areas and Afrin, Aleppo province (2013)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Rule belongs only to God
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Wilayat Halab
General statement for distribution
All checkpoints of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham are to confiscate any commerce or cargoes from and to the areas controlled by the Nusayri regime, and similarly coming from and to the Afrin area (PKK). And they will be referred to the Islamic court to which the checkpoint is affiliated in the Islamic State.
And that decision is effective beginning from Sunday, 28 Muharram 1435 AH, corresponding to 1 December 2013.
Specimen 9U: Repentance Form, 1435 AH
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Repentance Document
The one called...attended with the Shari'i brother...
And confessed to disbelief upon himself on account of being affiliated with the disbelievers, and he has promised not to bear arms against the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham with any faction, and members of the State are asked not to oppose him.
Shari'i official
Date: / /1435 AH
Specimen 9V: Mobilization recruiting form, Deir az-Zor province [October 2015]
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Public Relations
Hijri date:
Miladi date:
Recruit form in the al-Kheir battle
Participant's name:
Health state:
Societal status:
Number of wives:
Number of children:
Type of weapons he is good at using:
Area in which he maintains ribat [frontline duty etc.]:
Specimen 9W: Timetable of classes for new first-year students, Mosul Medical College
Medical Sciences University/ Mosul Medical College/ Registration/ First Year Timetable- First Term
First Set (Newly admitted students) for year of study 2015-2016
Day |
8-10 [a.m.] |
10-11 |
11-12 |
12-12:30 [p.m.] |
12:30-1:30 |
1:30-2:30 |
Saturday |
Practical Dissection A B Practical Physiology C D |
Organic and Analytic Chemistry |
Dissection |
Break |
Medical Physics |
Medical Ethics |
Sunday |
Practical Physics A Practical Biology D Practical Organic Chemistry B |
Physiology |
Organic and Analytic Chemistry |
Break |
Practical Organic Chemistry C Practical Physics D |
Practical Organic Chemistry C Practical Physics D |
Monday |
Practical Dissection A B Practical Biology C Practical Organic Chemistry D |
Dissection |
Medical Biology |
Break |
Physiology |
Tuesday |
Practical Dissection C D Practical Organic Chemistry A Practical Physics B |
Dissection |
Physiology |
Break |
Practical Biology B |
Practical Biology B |
Wednesday |
Practical Dissection A B Practical Physics C |
Medical Physics |
Medical Biology |
Break |
Practical Physiology A B |
Practical Physiology A B |
Thursday |
Practical Dissection C D Practical Biology A |
Physiology |
Organic and Analytic Chemistry |
Break |
All visual lectures will be held in the al-Razi hall
Regular hours begin on Saturday, corresponding to 24 October 2015.
Specimen 9X: Notification to Raqqa Residents: January 2014
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
To the Muslim brothers, we ask you to go and register at the Islamic State HQ in the water foundation bringing with you your supporting documents that show ownership of the shop/apartment. Also we ask you not to pay fees to any other faction.
For going and registering: from date 10 January 2014 till 25 January 2014, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
And may God reward you best.
Specimen 9Y: Conditions for opening a new hall [for internet], Raqqa [October 2015]
Islamic State
Conditions for opening a new hall
1. Filling in a form to request to open a hall: copy no. 1
2. That it should be on a merchant street
3. The hall's area should not be less than 50 metres squared
4. People vouching from the Dawla as supporters for the owner of the hall
5. Placing partitions between seats
6. Placing an outside notice for the hall's name
7. Opening a special division for women by the women's administration
8. Copy of personal ID while bringing the original
9. Bringing four personal photos.
NB: Via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Specimen 9Z: Prohibition on attacking Kurdish property in Raqqa
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Date: 18 Ramadan 1436 AH
No. 3
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for Distribution
In the name of God, and prayers be upon the one whom God elevated as the beacon of Islam by his sword and peace be upon the one by whose sending God enlightened the hearts of His servants.
And praise be to God as He has placed us and you in His blessing and favour, and has favoured us over people in bearing the message and fulfilling the covenant, and has increased favour upon us by making us mujahideen by His grace:
Thus and according to the directions of the General Supervisory Committee:
We inform our mujahideen brothers that it is absolutely forbidden for them to attack the homes and properties of the Kurds under any justification or pretext. And if news reaches us of any attack by any brother, we will- after rectifying the error and undoing the attack- hold him accountable whatever his excuse may be as follows:
1. The brother is obligated to undo the damage and aggression, rectify what he has corrupted, restore rights to its owners, and take responsibility for everything that must be restored to its original state.
2. Imprisonment for three days if he did it for the first time.
3. Imprisonment for an entire week while being flogged thirty times a day if he did it for the second time.
4. If he did it for the third time, he is to be transferred from the wilaya for good and removed from it, whatever his position of authority may be.
Asking God to make us and you responsible for obeying Him.
Specimen 10A: General notification from the Diwan al-Siha: October 2015
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
No. 255
Dtae: 14 Muharram 1437 AH/27 October 2015 CE
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement calling on doctors
Praise be to God who gives might to whoso obeys Him and lowers whoso rebels against Him, and prayers and peace be upon His servant, Messenger and Mustafa and on his family, companions and whoso is close/loyal to him:
In the shadow of the deranged Crusader campaign that has not ceased gathering against the nascent state militarily, politically, in media and even in the Shari'i sense by means of the magicians of statement from the servants of the idolatrous tyrants from those who falsely and wrongly call themselves mashayakh and 'ulama but they are soldiers brought forth and students devoted to their greatest teacher and leader of their campaign against the Islamic State- their sheikh Obama, the idolatrous tyrant of the age (may God curse him). And beginning from the hadith of the two camps that the beloved Mustafa (SAWS) told about and informed of regarding the arising of a division of the world into two camps with no third way for the two: a camp of faith with no hypocrisy in it and a camp of hypocrisy and disbelief in which there is no faith, and out of concern from the state of the Caliphate for the religion of the people and their entry into the camp of faith, we call on all Muslims to join the state convoy that represents today the camp of faith and strive to migrate to the land of Islam, abandoning the land of disbelief and tyranny. And in that we single out in particular the Ahl al-'Ilm and the professions of judges, callers, doctors, engineers and others besides them. And that is in fulfilment of God Almighty's words: "Indeed those from His knowledgeable servants fear God"- Fatir 28 [Qur'an 35:28].
And the Exalted's words: "Are those who are knowledgeable and those who are not knowledgeable equal?"- al-Zumar 9 [Qur'an 39:9].
So that it has been become clear to all of sound mind that these disbelievers are not waging war on the state because it is extremist as they claim, but rather they are waging war on Islam, tawheed and faith. The Almighty has said: "And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you away from your religion if they can. And whosoever of you apostasises from his religion and thus he dies and is a disbeliever: those people's deeds have been rendered worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and they are companions of the Hellfire, abiding therein forever"- al-Baqara 217 [Qur'an 2:217].
So this is all in opposition to Truth and turning away from subjecting to the law of God. The Almighty has said: "For indeed they do not declare you a liar, but the wrongdoers oppose the verses of God"- al-An'am 33 [Qur'an 6:33]. And thus in clarifying the path and exonerating the blame, we say to the misguided of them and we specify explicitly the doctors: reflect on yourselves and do not be as the one who has swapped his Hereafter for his worldly life and exchanged the Paradise of God and His blessing established in the Hereafter for the ephemeral illusion of this world.
The truth-teller to be believed (SAWS) said: "If this world were worth the wing of a mosquito with God, He would not have given the disbeliever a drink of water from it." And from here we call on all medical cadres who abandoned the land of Islam after the rise of the state and the announcement of the Caliphate or those residing in the abode of disbelief to return and migrate to the land of the Caliphate and the abode of Islam, a land of glory for the believers, and to join the medical cadres in all the provinces of the Islamic State- may God make it mighty- to enjoy security, safety and glory under the rule of Islam.
And the role of doctors and medical organization are not hidden from you, nor is its importance as one of the foundational bricks in the building of the Islamic State, so come, that the noble honour may be for you and you may be a part of this rising building enterprise by the permission of God-whether you like it or not - and know that Islam will be victorious with or without you but you will not be mighty, enjoy blessing or be victorious without Islam. The Almighty has said: "We have brought down to you a book in which there is mention of you. So will you not understand?"- al-Anbiya'- Ayah 10 [Qur'an 21:10]. Ibn Abbas said: "In it is mention of you- i.e. your noble honour." And indeed God will bring forth this religion with glorious might or lowly humiliation. The Almighty has said: "And God is predominant over His affair but most people don't know"- Yusuf 21 [Qur'an 12:21].
And our last call is that praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
The Amir
Dr. Omar (?)
14 Muharram
Specimen 10B: Notice on exchange of money, 'Euphrates Province'
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Furat
Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat
Date: 22 Muharram 1436 AH/10 November 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
(Statement for distribution)
To all owners of banking businesses and money/funds transfer offices:
It is requested that there be no transfer of any sum or handing it over to its owners except with a directive document from the Zakat and Sadaqat office: and that to ascertain that these sums of wealth are liable to zakat taxation. We ask for your cooperation with us as a service to the poor of the Muslims.
(We and you are entrusted by God to take zakat from this wealth)
Note: whoever violates this order bears all the consequences that follow on from this order.
Islamic State
Zakat and Sadaqat Office
Specimen 10C: Prices to print some Islamic State primary school textbooks (Mosul area)
Primary Stages:
First grade Size: A4
Subject name | Number of sheets | Price in black and white | Price in coloured version |
Noble Qur'an | 42 | 2000 | 6750 |
Life of the Prophet | 19 | 1250 | 3250 |
Prophetic Hadith | 20 | 1250 | 3500 |
The Muslim Creed | 11 | 1000 | 2250 |
Arabic language | 34 | 1750 | 5500 |
Arabic handwriting | 20 | 1250 | 3500 |
Maths | 35 | 1750 | 5750 |
Sciences | 46 | 2000 | 7500 |
Physical Preparation | 13 | 1000 | 2500 |
Total | 240 | 13250 | 40500 |
Primary Stages:
Second grade Size: A4 Bookbinding
Subject name | Number of sheets | Price in black and white | Price in coloured version |
Noble Qur'an | 35 | 1750 | 5750 |
Life of the Prophet | 19 | 1250 | 3250 |
Prophetic Hadith | 16 | 1000 | 3000 |
The Muslim Creed | 10 | 1000 | 2000 |
Shari'i Etiquette | 16 | 1000 | 3000 |
Arabic language | 52 | 2250 | 8250 |
Arabic handwriting | 30 | 1500 | 5000 |
Maths | 31 | 1500 | 5250 |
Sciences | 37 | 1750 | 6000 |
Physical Preparation | 13 | 1000 | 2500 |
Total | 259 | 14000 | 44000 |
NB: Prices presumably in Iraqi dinars: cf. this report from Niqash on Islamic State textbooks in Mosul area
Specimen 10D: Prices for printing Islamic State 5th grade primary school textbooks (Mosul area)
Primary stages/5th grade Size A4 Bookbinding
Subject name | Number of sheets | Price in black and white | Price in coloured version |
Noble Qur'an | 28 | 1500 | 4750 |
Prophetic Hadith | 24 | 1500 | 4000 |
Creed of the Muslim | 19 | 1250 | 3250 |
Shari'i Etiquette | 18 | 1250 | 3250 |
Arabic language | |||
Grammar | 18 | 1000 | 3000 |
Reading and Comprehension | 25 | 1500 | 4250 |
Spelling | 22 | 1250 | 3750 |
Arabic handwriting | 21 | 1250 | 3750 |
English | 49 | 1750 | 8000 |
Mathematics | 35 | 1750 | 5750 |
Sciences | 43 | 2000 | 7000 |
History | 44 | 2000 | 7000 |
Geography | 23 | 1250 | 4000 |
Physical Preparation | 13 | 1000 | 2500 |
Total | 382 | 20250 | 64250 |
Specimen 10E: Prices for printing Islamic State 1st grade secondary school textbooks (Mosul area)
Secondary/middle stages: 1st grade Size: A4 Bookbinding
Subject name | Number of sheets | Price in black and white | Price in coloured version |
English language | 50 | 2250 | 8000 |
Biology | 65 | 2750 | 10250 |
Shari'i etiquette | 18 | 1250 | 2750 |
Physical preparation | 25 | 1500 | 4250 |
History | 48 | 2250 | 7750 |
Geography | 45 | 2000 | 7250 |
IT | 74 | 3000 | 11500 |
Mathematics | 49 | 2250 | 8000 |
Physics | 54 | 2250 | 8500 |
Noble Qur'an | 22 | 1250 | 3750 |
Chemistry | 39 | 1750 | 6250 |
Inflection | 20 | 1250 | 3500 |
Grammar | 44 | 2000 | 7250 |
Arabic literature | 21 | 1250 | 3750 |
Creed of the Muslim | 23 | 1250 | 4000 |
Shari'a Jurisprudence: Males | 20 | 1250 | 3500 |
Shari'a Jurisprudence: Females | 23 | 1250 | 4000 |
Total | 640 | 30750 | 104250 |
Specimen 10F: Fatwa on pledging allegiance to the Caliph
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Fatwa no. 003
15 Ramadan 1435 AH [c. 13 July 2014]
Ruling on allegiance to the Amir al-Mu'mineen Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
What is the ruling on allegiance to the Amir al-Mu'mineen Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?
Every Muslim must pledge allegiance to the Amir al-Mu'mineen and the Caliph of the Muslims Abu Bakr al-Husseini (Dr. Ibrahim bin Awad al-Badri)- may God protect and nurture him- whether he is in this abode or another besides it, whether as a muhajir or Ansari, male or female. And all must hear and obey him in what is not sin/rebellion.
On the authority of Ibn Omar (may God be pleased with them both): he said: "I heard the Messenger of God (God's peace and blessings on him and his family) saying: "...And whoever dies without a pledge of allegiance on his neck, has died in a state of ignorance"- (brought forth by Muslim).
And on the authority of Mu'awiya ibn Abu Sufyan (may God be pleased with them both): he said: "The Messenger of God (God's peace and blessings on him and his family) said: "Whoever dies and there is no Imam upon him has died in a state of ignorance"- (narrated by Ibn Abu Asem and others besides him).
And the Imamate has been convened for the Sheikh (may God make him mighty) by the Shura [consultation] directly, then by conquest and expansion over a wide expanse of land. The Imam of the Ahl al-Sunna Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may God have mercy on him) said: "...And whoever overcomes them by the sword such that he becomes a Caliph and is called Amir al-Mu'mineen, it is not allowed for anyone believing in God and the Last Day to remain and not see him as Imam, moral or immoral" (see: Rulings of Authority by Abu Ya'la: page 23). And in God is success.
Diwan al-Buhuth wa al-'Eftaa
Specimen 10G: Order to close shops during prayer time, Ramadi
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Hisbah Centre: Ramadi Office
Notification no. 1
Day: Friday, Time: 12:00 [p.m.]
Date: 11 Sha'aban 1436 AH
Corresponding to 29 May 2015
Praise be to God who says: "Indeed prayer has been prescribed on the believers at times"- al-Nisa' 103 [Qur'an 4:103]; and prayers and peace be upon on His Prophet who says: "And I have intended to order for prayer so it should be established, then order for a man to lead the people in prayer, then I should go forth accompanied by men with bundles of firewood to the people not attending prayer, and then burn down their houses upon them" (narrated by Muslim on the authority of Abu Huraira).
And when God blessed the Muslims with victory and accomplishment, it became an obligation that they should undertake what God commanded. The Almighty has said: "Those who, if We have established them in power in the land, have established prayer, given zakat and ordered what is right and forbidden what is wrong. And to God belongs the outcome over matters"- al-Hajj 41 [Qur'an 22:41].
Therefore we have decided that shops should be closed and all must head to the mosques a quarter of an hour before the appointment of the call to prayer on the occasions of Friday and the five [daily] prayers. And the one who violates this order will expose himself to the consequence of his shop being closed for 48 hours and a document pledging not to repeat that. And this order is to be considered effective from date 11 Sha'aban 1436 from the Hijra of the beloved Mustafa (SAWS).
The Almighty has said: "And if only the people of the villages had believed and been pious, We would have opened upon them blessings from the sky and earth, but they considered it a lie, so We took them for what they were gaining" (al-'Araf 96- [Qur'an 7:96]).
We ask God the Great to bless the livelihood of the Muslims and their wealth. And God's peace and blessings be upon the best of His creation- Muhammad- and his family and companions.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Amir al-Hisbah
Amir of the Hisbah Centre
Specimen 10H: Prohibition on music, song and displaying photos on shops (Raqqa: January 2014)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Statement concerning the prohibition on music, singing and photos on shops.
Praise be to God who makes mighty the one who obeys Him and lowers the one who rebels against Him, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions and whoso is close to him. As for what follows:
Muslim brother: Know, may God have mercy on you, that stringed instruments and song are forbidden in Islam because they detract from mention of God and the Qur'an, and they are a source of strife and corruption for the heart. And the 'ulama- may God have mercy on them- have pointed to the prohibition through the following:
First: God Almighty has said: "And among the people is the one who buys the amusement of speech to mislead from the path of God without knowledge and takes it in ridicule. Such people will have a humiliating torment" [Qur'an 31:6]. Ibn Mas'ud- may God be pleased with him- said: "It is singing, by the One besides whom there is no other deity"- he repeats it three times.
And the interpreter of the Qur'an Ibn Abbas- may God be pleased with them both- said: "It has been revealed concerning singing and the likes of it."
The interpreter al-Wahidi said: "Most interpreters have agreed that the meaning in 'amusement of speech' is singing."
Second: Lines of evidence from the purified Prophetic Sunna:
1. The Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "Certainly there will be from my Ummah peoples who will permit fornication, silk, wine and stringed instruments"- Sahih al-Bukhari. And the meaning is that they consider these forbidden things permissible with dubious arguments and flimsy lines of evidence.
2. The Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "There are two cursed voices in this world and the Hereafter: the wind instrument on the occasion of joy, and wailing on occasion of adversity"- Sahih al-Jam'I al-Saghir. The Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya said: "This hadith is among the best lines of argument on prohibiting singing as in the famous expression from Jaber ibn Abdullah: "A voice on the occasion of blessing: amusement and game, and the wind instruments of Satan."
3. The Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "Indeed God has forbidden wine, gambling, and al-kawba." He [also] said: "And everything intoxicating is forbidden." Sufyan said: "So I asked Ali bin Badhima about al-kawba, he said: 'The drum.'" And Ahmad Shaker- may God have mercy on him- authenticated this in his commentary on the chain of transmission of Imam Ahmad.
4. The Messenger of God (SAWS) said: "Certainly there will be in this Ummah shame, decadence and disfigurement, and that is when the drink wines, adopted female singers [al-qaynat] and struck instruments." Al-Qaynat: singers from the slave girls (Sahih al-Jami' al-Saghir by Albani).
The Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya (God Almighty have mercy on him) said the following in his response to Ibn al-Muthar the Shi'i, when he attributed to the Ahl al-Sunna permitting amusement centres and singing: Ibn Taymiya called him a liar and said: "This is among the lies against the four imams, for they are agreed on forbidding [stringed] instruments that are the instruments of amusement, like the oud and the like." And al-Hassan al-Basri- may God have mercy on him- said: "Tambourines are not among the affairs of the Muslims in anything, and the companions of Abdullah (i.e. Ibn Mas'ud) used to break them." And the Imam Ahmad- may God have mercy on him- said: "The companions of Abdullah (i.e. Ibn Mas'ud) would take the tambourines from the youths in the alleys and smash them up." And on the authority of Ishaq bin Eisa al-Tabba' (reliance from the men of Imam Muslim): he said: "I asked Imam Malek bin Anas about what the people of Medina take license in from singing: he said: 'The immoral do this in our view.'"
Thus according to what has been presented the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham has issued a decision prohibiting the sale of songs on disks and musical instruments as well as the playing of songs of amusement in cars, coaches, shops and all places. Similarly we call on all shops to remove photos of men and women from the display of their shops, for on the authority of Abu al-Haaj: he said: Ali said: "Am I not to entrust you on what the Messenger of God (SAWS) entrusted me?- 'Do not let a tomb remain overseeing anything unless you have levelled it, and do not leave a picture in a house unless you have erased it.'
And every violator will expose himself to required Shari'i consequence.
"Oh you who believe, respond to God and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that God comes between man and his heart and to Him you will be called" [Qur'an 8:24].
Your brothers in the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Da'wa Office
Specimen 10I: Note to the military police, Ninawa Province
Islamic State
Wilayat Ninawa: Abu Layth al-Ansari Sector
No. 892
Date: 22/11/1436 AH [6 September 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: the military police
Matter: disavowal of pact
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions and whoso is close to him. As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
We would lke to inform you that the brother Yasir Ahmad Muhammad has disavowed his pact in the sector concerning the realm of arms and equipment. Let it be known that he abandoned work 7 months ago.
And may God reward you best
Islamic State
Diwan al-Jund
Abu Layth al-Ansari Sector
22/11/1436 AH
Copy to:
NB: According to Mosulyoon, which first published this document: "Information exists that Da'esh has allowed whoever wants to abandon working with it to hand over his weapons, shave his hair and go and pursue independent lines of work. And if this shows anything, it shows that it [Da'esh] is incapable of giving them alluring salaries firstly and likewise their [members who quit work] fear of being killed and expelled after liberation." On claims of salary cuts for fighters and members, cf. here and here.
Specimen 10J: Notice on licensing for Internet places, Raqqa
Islamic State
Statement for distribution
To all Internet shops and halls as well as providers of Internet gear in Wilayat al-Raqqa, please head to the centre for the licensing of Internet halls to take out a license for the pursuit of Internet activity during a period not exceeding 20 days from date 15 Muharram 1437 AH [29 October 2015].
Note: All shops, halls and sellers of Internet gear that do not obtain licensing after the end of the defined period will be shut down.
Address: Raqqa- beside the al-Jaraksa mosque.
NB: cf. Specimen 9Y
Specimen 10K: Call on residents aged 14 and above in villages north of Raqqa to register their names
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Northern Sector
Date: 28/12/1436 AH [12 October 2015]
Police of the Northern Area
No. 22
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Subject: Statement from the Islamic Police in the Northern Sector
The brothers from the Muslim populace in the northern area whose ages range from 14 years old and above are requested to head to police divisions in the northern sector to register their names. And registration will begin next Saturday on 3 Muharram 1437 AH [17 October 2015] and will end on Friday corresponding to 9 Muharram 1437 AH [23 October 2015].
- And everyone who refrains from registering will expose himself to Shari'i reckoning.
[Names of districts and villages]
Note: There are also many small villages whose names have not been mentioned and are affiliated with the sector.
Note: From the northern side, the borders of the sector are all the villages under the control of the Dawla.
And God is the One behind the intention.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa: Northern Area
Police Official [...]
NB: Allegedly for conscription purposes
Specimen 10L: Curfew in al-Shuyukh area, northeast Aleppo province (May 2014)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab: Manbij Sector
Jarabulus Area
(General statement for distribution)
The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham announces a curfew in the al-Shuyukh area after 10 p.m. in order to safeguard the area's security and prevent the incidence of thefts.
And all who violate the instructions will be exposed to inquiry and consequence.
Islamic Police official
Specimen 10M: Early rulings imposed in Mosul (June 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Ninawa
Date: 20 Sha'aban 1435 AH [c. 18 June 2014]
Statement no. 38
The Almighty has said: "Except the one who repents, believes and does good deeds: God will eplace the evil deeds of such people with good ones. And God is forgiving, merciful"- Surat al-Furqan Ayah 70 [Qur'an 25:70].
After God blessed the mujahideen in His path with victory in enduring wilayat Ninawa and made us mighty over the Safavid army, the Rafidites and the mushrikeen in the heart of their abode, we have begun by God's commendation and blessing to apply the rulings of the blessed law on those who have been ignorant of the Sunna or neglected it and kept distance from the direction of the Messenger of God (SAWS). And these rulings are:
Imposition of niqab on all Muslim and non-Muslim women.
Women may not go out to the streets or markets or ride cars except with the presence of a mahrim.
Non-married women are called to particpate with the mujahideen from the sons of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham in resistance efforts for the fight against the Rafidites and the Safavid army.
Youths and youngsters are prohibited from wearing kafir Western dress that also represents decadence and depravity. And it is forbidden to imitate the heretics in doing the hair and shaving the beard.
Shari'a courts are to be established in all the districts of the province that are subject to the control of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham.
And the violator will be punished by flogging and must repent to God the Blessed and Almighty.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Media office for Wilayat Ninawa
Specimen 10N: Notice on memorizing Surat al-Baqara [chapter 2] of the Qur'an (Aleppo province)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for distribution:
To all the brothers in all the bases of the security officials:
All who memorize Surat al-Baqara will receive valuable financial recompense.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Specimen 10O: Regulations on bread prices (Aleppo province)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Diwan al-Qamah wa al-Makhabaz [Wheat and Bakeries Department]
Decision no. 1
10 February 2014
Statement for distribution
It is absolutely forbidden to sell a kilo of bread for more than 65 Syrian pounds in the private bakeries/ovens and displays, and that is imposed by the decision issued from the Diwan al-Qama wa al-Makhabaz, and whoever does not comply with this decision will be referred to the Shari'a court.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Bakeries official
Specimen 10P: No weapons to be brought into Raqqa National Hospital
Mujahideen brothers:
It is forbidden to bring weapons into the National Hospital.
And may God reward you best.
Dr. Abu Muhammad
5 March 2014
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Amir of Medical Matters
Specimen 10Q: Call for staff of Raqqa National Hospital to return to work
Statement for distribution
All workers in the National Hospital in Raqqa (doctors, nursing, technicians, administrative staff, workers) must comply with the official schedule according to the timetables set by the hospital administration. Any refraining or absence from the schedule will require severe enquiry.
Medical official for the Islamic State
Dr. Abu Muhammad
Head of the National Hospital in Raqqa
Dr. Adel al-Haj Hassan
Specimen 10R: Regulations for shops in Raqqa province
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Hisbah Squad
13 Rajab 1435 AH
12 May 2014
Statement for distribution
Praise be to God...who gives victory to the religion through the people of jihad and the Sunna- He who suffices and has sufficed alone, and our prayers and peace be upon the Prophet al-Mustafa. As for what follows:
Indeed the nature of Islam that God has bestowed on mankind calls for all that is good ans forbids all that is ugly, but the immoral regime strived to invert it and change it, making all efforts to do so, until the good became ugly, the condemned was allowed and what was right was condemned. And from that has arisen what has been witnessed and observed on shop owners with display of obscene photos, scandalous mannequins, selling of tight and ornamented clothes, and man selling that which concerns the woman. And the people of religion and manliness, as well as the inhabitants of the wilaya, have been vexed by all of that.
According to the complaints that have reached us, the Hisbah gives notification of the following:
. It is absolutely forbidden to sell tight, transparent or ornamented garments.
. All indecent photos on goods are to be removed.
. It is absolutely forbidden to display mannequins in the shop.
. It is absolutely forbidden for man to sell what concerns woman from undergarments [lit. internal garments].
. It is absolutely forbidden for man to sell and the woman is in a shop at the same time, unless the woman is a mahrim to him.
And whoever violates the clauses of this statement for distribution will be exposed to Shari'i consequences.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Amir al-Hisbah
Specimen 10S: Notification on banning operation of medical aid organizations in Raqqa province [May 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Tel Abyad Hospital
To whom the matter may concern:
According to the Diwan al-Siha's instructions to stop the work of the organizations inside Wilayat al-Raqqa, the brothers in the Tel Abyad medical administration are to inform the clinics with a detailed statement on things of medical apparatuses, cars, drugs, laptop apparatuses and Internet apparatuses, and what remains from things among them. Whoever violates this will be held accountable.
NB: i.e. The organizations must evacuate the clinics but leave behind all equipment, which will be confiscated by the Diwan al-Siha, in keeping with the co-optation principle.
Specimen 10T: Notification for al-Bab area, Aleppo province (February 2014)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Diwan al-Qada
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Area- Area of al-Bab and its Countryside
Statement for distribution
The Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, if an immoral one comes to you with a report, verify it, that you may not harm people out of ignorance and thus come to regret what you have done" [Qur'an 49:6].
Thus the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham in the town of al-Bab and its countryside announces to the populace of its members in all the Diwans and the populace of its citizens that it is absolutely forbidden to arrest or search or [blank] any person, whatever the circumstances, unless one gets permission by an official stamped document from the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham.
And thus the Islamic State makes its members aware that whoever violates the statement for distribution will face Shari'i consequences, and it informs its citizens that they should refer the one is subjected to such treatment to the Diwan al-Mazalim in the judiciary and that it does not consider this conduct as not responsible [i.e. the individual who commits the injustice will be held to account, but there is no case against ISIS itself as a state/organization] beginning from 10 Rabi' al-Thani 1435 AH corresponding to 10 February 2014.
(And God is predominant over his affair but most people don't know it).
Specimen 10U: Sanitation regulations, northern Deir az-Zor province
Northern Region
The Muslim populace are asked not to throw rubbish onto the street except after placing it inside a nylon case, box or barrel earmarked for rubbish. And that is on account of what can result from harm to others, health illnesses and damage to the road.
And every violation will be curbed and the one responsible will be fined a sum of 10,000 Syrian pounds.
Services official- Northern Area
Specimen 10V: Prices of bread, northern Deir az-Zor province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Diwan al-Zara'a wa al-Rayy [Agricultural and Irrigation Department]
21 Shawwal 1436 AH
5 August 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Brothers who own bakeries, the price of flour has been raised in the flour mills of the Islamic State, so [we present] to you the modification of specifications on bread that will come into effect beginning on Thursday [22] Shawwal 1436 AH [6 August 2015] as specified in the following table [all prices are specified in Syrian pounds]:
Price of a ton of flour | 90000 pounds |
Price of a case of flour (50 kg) | 4500 pounds |
Price of a kilo of bread | 100 pounds |
Weight of a bundle of bread | 2 kg |
Price of a bundle for the Muslim populace | 200 [pounds] |
Price of a bundle for restaurants | 220 [pounds] |
Number of rolls | No less than 13 and no more than 14 rolls |
Northern Region Official
Specimen 10W: Kurdish language Shar'i session, Raqqa Province
Islamic State
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Wilayat al-Raqqa Centre
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Good tidings to all Muslims
The Da'wa and Masajid centre in Wilayat al-Raqqa announces:
Shari'i session in the Kurdish language
Session length: 10 days
The session begins on Saturday, corresponding to 19 Sha'aban in the al-Sahaba mosque on al-Qitar street, every day after afternoon prayers. And at the end of the session there will be valuable prizes for those successful in the session and a certificate certifying the successful person's passing the session.
Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid
Wilayat al-Raqqa Centre
NB: Via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Specimen 10X: Mosul University: Medical Technical Institute Exams (2014)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Say: Lord, increase me in knowledge
Mosul Technical Institute: health divisions
Final exam schedule for the first setting of the second year grouping for year of study 1435 (2013/2014)
Day | Date | Pharmacology 118 |
Pathology analyses 145 | Anaesthesia 65 | Radiology 50 | Society health 55 |
Nursing 99 |
Sunday | 12 October | Pharmaceutics | Immunology | Anaesthesia | Radiograph tests | Epidemiology | Women's health and reproduction |
Tuesday | 14 October | Calculation [aka Computation] | Blood illnesses | Calculation | Radiography | Health, safety & professionalism | Psychiatric and mental health nursing |
Thursday | 16 October | Industrial pharmacy | Medical mycology | Intensive care | Technical apparatuses | Calculation applications | Professional ethics |
Sunday | 19 October | Pharmacological chemistry |
Parasitology | Internal medicine | Professional conduct | Study of drugs | Primary healthcare |
Tuesday | 21 October | Therapeutic applications | Calculation | Inspection, oversight & health | Calculation |
Note: exams begin at 9 a.m. sharp
With our prayers of success and excellence for you in this world and the Hereafter
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Islamic State
Diwan al-Ta'aleem official
Specimen 10Y: Notification from Islamic police in Manbij (March 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab: Manbij area
Statement for distribution
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, Companions and whoso is close to him then. As for what follows:
In view of the sowing of corruption by some of the criminals, the fact that paths are being cut off in the town of Manbij, and the recurrence of incidents of theft, kidnapping and the like in the town of Manbij, the Islamic Police in the town of Manbij makes the Muslim populace aware of some of the instructions to protect their safety:
. It is absolutely forbidden to tint windshields of cars with what is called "fimia."
. There is a curfew on motorcycles on the streets after sunset prayers.
. All shops are to be closed after 8 p.m., especially Internet halls.
And God is the guarantor of success.
6 Jumada al-Awal 1435 AH
7 March 2014
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Islamic Police official
Specimen 10Z: Notification from Islamic police in Manbij (April 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Manbij area
Islamic Police
Statement for distribution
Issued by the Manbij Police
Praise be to God alone and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, and on all his family and companions. As for what follows:
To all citizens of the Islamic State in Manbij, note the following:
1. General roads and alleyways are to be cleared of goods (displays) and likewise the line-up of cars and other vehicles besides them [i.e. traffic], and the alleyways are to be opened, in order for the Muslims' livestock to pass through and thus with the removal of all obstacles from them [the roads etc.]
2. The movement of motorcycles in the streets after 9 p.m. is prohibited. That is for security necessity.
3. Tinting of windshields of cars with black colour on all cars is prohibited. That is for security necessity.
4. Internet shop owners and workers must shut them from 12 a.m.
5. The Diwans and foundations of the Dawla, the shops and work offices are to be shut immediately after hearing the call to prayer.
We ask all to embrace, comply with and be bound by the instructions issued for what is of best interest and right for the Muslims. Let it be known that the violator will expose himself to inquiry and legitimate consequence if the matter requires.
"And praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds."
Islamic Police official in Manbij
Specimen 11A: Notification on Bustan al-Qasr crossing, Aleppo city (2013)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Let all the people of Aleppo- may God protect them- know that the Bustan al-Qasr crossing is under the supervision of some of the fighting factions there that have no organizational link with the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, and that has been the case since Wednesday evening (10 August 2013), as the Islamic State left the crossing to re-evaluate the crossing situation and structure.
So the soldiers of the Islamic State have no link with what is published on media and social networks on Thursday concerning deeds attributed to members of the Bustan al-Qasr checkpoint. And the gowns and banners are not proof of the organizational link, for how many people from a checkpoint in the city of Halab al-Izz raise among them the banner of Tawheed out of love for Islam, but the members of the checkpoint have no link with the Islamic State organizationally.
We remind all those claiming neutrality and independence spreading lies against us through the media, that our Lord- Exalted and Lofty is He- says: "Be just, for it is nearest to piety." And He who is Exalted and Lofty says, "Except God's curse is on the wrongdoers."
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Media office
Wilayat Halab
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab
Specimen 11B: On sighting of new moon for Ramadan (2014: pre-Caliphate era)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Diwan al-Awqaf wa al-Masajid
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Statement for distribution on sighting the new moon of Ramadan
Praise be to God alone and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet. As for what follows:
We call on all Muslims to undertake reconnaissance to sight the new moon of Ramadan as the Prophet (SAWS) ordered that, for it has been established on the authority of Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) who says: "The Prophet (SAWS) said: 'Fast according to its observation and break the fast according to its observation, but if the sky is cloudy for you, reckon by thirty days'"- issued by Muslim.
So whoever sees the new moon of Ramadan, let him hurry to the nearest Islamic court to register his bearing witness with it.
On sighting the new moon, observe the following:
1. The side of sighting the new moon is towards the side of the setting of the sun, slightly to the south.
2. The time of sighting the new moon is 5 minutes before sunset to 20 minutes after it.
3. The period of the appearance of the new moon is around 5 minutes.
4. The date of the sighting of the Ramadan new moon is next Friday, 29 Sha'aban 1435 AH.
May God entrust us and you with His grace and blessing.
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Diwan al-Awqaf wa al-Masajid
Specimen 11C: Motorcycle ownership card, Ninawa province
Wilayat Ninawa
Motorcycle possession card
Date of birth:
Type of motorcycle:
Motorcycle no.:
Signature and stamp
Islamic State
Islamic Police
Wilayat Ninawa/Transit/[?]
Specimen 11D: Notification from the Diwan al-Ta'aleem, Ninawa Province (November 2014)
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
And say: Lord, increase me in knowledge
Wilayat Ninawa
No. 45
Date: 29 Muharram 1436 AH/22 November 2014
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: divisions of the directorate and its people and all the administrations of the schools, as well as the institutes and kindergartens in Wilayat Ninawa
Subject: statement for distribution
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
The Almighty has said in Surat al-Nisa': "Those who take the the disbelievers as allies besides the believers: do they seek honour with them? Honour is to God entirely (139). And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of God, they are disbelieved and mocked, so do not sit with them until they embark on another conversation. Indeed, you would be like them, and indeed God will gather the disbelievers and hypocrites in Hell entirely" (140)- [Qur'an 4:139-140].
It has been decided to inform your staff who have not taken up the official schedule until now that they must immediately take up the official schedule, while it is asked that we be provided with information entered into the table below such that responses should reach the office of the amir of the Diwan by 29 Noember 2014 at the latest and the director bears responsibility for delay or lack of response.
1. There should be the response to this statement of ours for distribution even in the event of there being no one included.
2. In the event of some of the sought information not being available, one can resort to personal dossiers.
3. The response should be on the same document.
Name of school or division: Place: Director's name: Stamp and signature:
No. | Full name and title | Employment address | Residence address | Abode no. | Nearest indicating point | Notes |
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
7 |
Islamic State
Amir of the Diwan al-Ta'aleem
Dhu al-Qarnain
Specimen 11E: Note from Omar al-Shishani (early 2014)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat Halab- Eastern Sector
Brother: Abu al-Layth al-Ansari, may God grant him success.
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu. As for what follows:
You have been commissioned with receipt of the [portfolio] of the town of al-Ra'i: fortifying it and concentrating [forces] inside it to cut off the [border] crossing for the apostates, as well as managing the town [e.g. implementing judicial functions] and seizing control of it.
And God is the guarantor of success.
Omar al-Shishani
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
General Military Commander
Northern Region
Specimen 11F: Note from the Da'wa Committee in al-Dana, Idlib Province (2013)
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
al-Dana: Da'wa Committee
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God (SAWS)
We inform all citizens of the town of al-Dana that selling and buying in all shops- save the hospitals- has been stopped during prayer time beginning from the call to prayer until the end of the prayer. And in the event of repeated violation, the violator wil be referred to the Islamic court.
Note: the period of shutting the shop is 25 minutes.
And may God reward you best.
Da'wa Committee
Specimen 11G: Motorcycle License, Tabqa (Raqqa province)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
License to ride a motorcycle
Issued by the Transit Police
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Date of birth:
License no.:
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Transit Police official
cf. Specimen in photo below
Specimen 11H: Traffic violation, Raqqa province
Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
Wilayat al-Raqqa
Islamic Services Committee: Islamic Police
Transit Team
Traffic violation
Record no.:
No.: 6105
Day: Thursday
Date: 11 Shawwal 1435 AH
Corresponding to: / /201 [7 August 2014]
Violator's name:
Car number:
Car type: Kia
Type of violation: Opposite direction [i.e. driving on the wrong side of the road]
Violation regulator:
NB: This document comes from the Caliphate era, but the title in the document had not yet been changed from "Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham"
Specimen 11I: Full repentance form, Deir az-Zor Province
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Personal photo
Corresponding to:
Pledge and resolution for disavowal and repentance
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet
I- the one called...- affirm disavowal of the faction...affiliated with...and I affirm that what I got involved with in standing with the Free Army, Islamic Front, Jabhat al-Nusra and others besides them against the Islamic State constitutes waging war on God, His Messenger, and the believers, so I seek God's forgiveness from this deed and disavow fighting the Islamic State and will not wage war on it or stand against it.
And I pledge to abide by the following conditions:
1. Not to organize or join any other faction except after the Islamic State's knowledge.
2. I pledge to hand over all weapons (any type) belonging to the faction and I pledge to hand over all personal weapons comprising the rifle or pistol only.
3. I pledge that I will not go to the regions that are under the control of the Shwa forces (Free Army, Islamic Front, Nusra and others besides them). In the event of not being able to implement the third condition, it is necessary to go and register with the Dawla [IS] in every week.
And in the event that I violate any of these conditions, I will exposed to accounting.
And God is witness to what I say.
Repenter's name:
Shari'i Official:
Specimen 11J: Notification from the Shari'a Court in Sirte, Libya
Diwan al-Qada wa al-Mazalim
The Shari'a Court in Wilayat Tarabulus: city of Sirte
Important notification
In the name of God, and prayers be upon the Messenger of God. As for what follows:
Every Muslim inside the abode of Islam (city of Sirte and what is affiliated with it) must ratify contracts of all his transactions (selling, purchase, leasing, trust, consolidation of debts, mortgage...) in the Katib al-'Adl office in the Shari'a court.
Let it be known that every operation that comes within this section but whose implementation occurs outside the Katib al-'Adl office and with documents not referring back to the Islamic State- beginning from the date of the issuing of this notification- means that its transactors will be exposed to inquiry by the concerned parties.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
Transactions court judge
Wilayat Tarabulus: Sirte
Thursday 28 Safr 1437 AH [10 December 2015]
Specimen 11K: Note on times for call to prayer, Tripoli province, Libya [Sirte]
Islamic State
Wilayat Tarabulus
Da'wa and Masajid Centre
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The valued brothers (muezzins) in the mosques of the wilaya must comply with the call to prayer timings issued by the Shari'i Committee for Timings affiliated with the Da'wa and Mosques Centre, otherwise they will be exposed to inquiry by the centre, and God is the guarantor of success.
Specimen 11L: City charter, Sirte
City charter
Praise be to God who gives victory to the believers and abandons the criminals, and prayers and peace be upon the Imam of the Mujahideen, his family and companions- the guardians of the path and the religion- and whoso follows them with ihsan to the Day of Judgment. As for what follows:
We congratulate the Islamic Ummah generally for the clear conquest of God that is a blessing from the Almighty on his oppressed mujahideen servants He ennabled them to conquer wide areas [of Libya?] and rout and expel the apostates from them- humiliated an lowly- as well as free thousands of prisoners from the prisons of the criminal tyrants. And the Islamic State continues to attain its victories and conquests without interruption by the grace of God alone [?]...not knowing withdrawal, return, submission or bowing down. Our cause is but one: establishing the authority of God over the land, spreading the influence of the Shari'a, removing signs of shirk [?]...and supporting the one who is wronged and taking it up with the wrongdoer, and it is going forward in what God has realized for it until the entirety of the Islamic Caliphate project is realized, sought over the entire world of Islam, by God's power and strength.
Therefore, oh 'ulama of ours, sheikhs of our tribes, our imams and preachers, and oh Ahl al-Sunna entirely- men and women, young and old- strive for the ennobled stance history hearkens to and from which the dawn of prosperity: for a stance of excellence and truth to realize Islamic kinship under Shari'a, that we may be one built up rank in the face of the Safavids, secularists and Crusaders, as our Lord has desired and ordered.
And once there has been seizure of the land, politics of the people and management of general affairs, it is requires for the Ahl al-Sunna and our original tribes to get to know jurisprudence [....?] and their mujahideen brothers, and it has become necessary to outline the Shari'i and Islamic principles that cover male and female citizens, of which the most important are:
1. To the one who says: "Who are you?" The response: "We are the soldiers of the Islamic State. We have taken it upon our shoulders to revive the glories of the Islamic Caliphate and remove oppression and violence from our people and Muslim brothers."
2. We deal with people according to what has appeared outwardly to us from them and we refer their inner feelings/secrets to God. So whoever has displayed for us the outward signs of Islam and has not committed one of its nullifiers: we deal with him as Muslims are to be treated, and we do not take up anyone on the basis of thought and emotion but rather by the clear evidence and decisive proof, and the presentation among us is ihsan of thought in the Muslim as long as he does not aid the aggressors and help the criminals.
3. People in the shade of our rule live in security and peace. For by God there is no comfort to life except in the shade of Islamic rule guaranteeing citizens their rights and seeking justice for the one wronged from the one who infringed on his right. And whoever was hostile to us yesterday is a safe subject today, except the one who resists, flees and commits apostasy.
4. The wealth that was in the hands of the apostate government (wealth of the Muslims in general) will be restored entirely to the Bayt al-Mal, and its matter will be referred to the Caliph of the Muslims, as he is the one who is responsible for its being spent in the interests of the Muslims. And it is not for anyone to stretch his hands towards it to steal, plunder and the like. Otherwise he exposes himself to trial and inquiry before the Shari'i judiciary, then the bringing down of deterrence punishment, and likewise private possessions (money, vessels and furniture)- whoever steals from them a value liable to zakat from a safe place with no doubt as to what he has done, he must have his hand cut off. And we deal with armed robbery gangs on the basis that they are corrupters in the land, and we mandate for them and whosoever terrorizes the Muslims with threats, extortion and taking taxes (al-anawat: taking wealth from people by force without right) the most severe of deterrent consequences.
5. Producing and dealing in wine, drugs, cigarettes and the rest of the forbidden items is prohibited.
6. Mosques are houses of God: the base of observances, and head of sacred rites. Without them there is license for bloodshed, lifeblood, the soul and the precious. And we urge all Muslims to build them and undertake prayers in them with the congregation at its times.
7. Strong warning against seeking to engage in treachery and flirting with the apostate governments and tyrants. For the path has appeared and become clear, while disbelief has faltered and been exposed. And we are the sons of today, and the one who repents from sin is the same as the one who has no sin, and as for the apostates from the army, police and rest of the apparatuses of disbelief, we say to you that the door of repentance is open for whosoever wants it. For we have specified special places to receive those who wish to repent and the conditions and restrictions of repentance. As for the one who persists and remains on his apostasy, there is no choice for us but to kill him.
8. Parties, councils, gatherings and banners in all titles cannot be accepted in the final decision according to the words of SAWS: "Whoever comes to you when your affairs are all under one man and wants to split your solidarity and divide your gathering, kill him" (narrated by Muslim). And in another narration by Muslim: "Strike him with the sword, whoever he may be."
9. God Almighty has ordered to come together, unite and do away with division and disagreement. And the dirt of the group is better than the purity of the division, and division is of the traps of Satan, as splitting the Muslims is a reason for weakness. And in unity under the pure banner of the creed, a pure movement, is much good, instead of a multiplicity of movements and desires leading to arrogance and disdain, while His blessing is removed from jihadi operation.
10. Our stance on idolatrous sights and shrines as well as idolatrous sanctuaries is what has been established on the authority of the Prophet (SAWS): "Do not leave a statue standing unless you have destroyed it, or a grave standing unless you have levelled it."
11. To the distinguished and noble women: God is God in modesty, covering, loose garment and veiling the head and face, while remaining in the house, adhering to the curtain and not leaving except for need: this is the guidance of the mothers of the believers and the distinguished female companions (may God be pleased with them).
12. Go forth and enjoy Islamic rule, just and gentle as it is. And be happy in a land in which the Muslims have force, triumph, rulings and conclusion. For the Lord- Exalted is He- has enabled His allies going forth in His path and they have spread the authority of the Shari'a and lightened the burdens that have oppressed the people from rotten, temporary laws. And they are striving to implement the hudud, for a hadd applied is better for the people of the land than forty days of rain for them at dawn.
13. We listen to advice from young and old, free and slave. There is no difference in our eyes between red and black, and we apply righteousness on ourselves before others besides us, just as our Lord- Almighty and Exalted is He- has said: "Oh you who believe, be firm in justice, witnesses to God, even if against yourselves, parents or relatives" (Nisa 135) [Qur'an 4:135].
In conclusion we say: "Oh people, many eras have passed upon you, and you have tried all systems of rule, and you have tasted their bitterness and were burnt in their fire and voracity, And now is the era of the Caliphate on the Prophetic methodology and the rule of the Islamic State and the pledge of the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Qurashi (may God protect him), whose dawn has become preeminent. And you will see by God's power and success the extent of the wide, extensive division as regards the unjust governments of disbelief that have taken away the potentials of the people, muzzled their mouths and considered their rights and dignity invalid, as opposed to the Islamic Caliphate that has taken divine revelation as a life program."
Maktabat al-Himma
NB: Almost identical to the charter IS issued for Mosul in June 2014
Specimen 11M: al-Yarmouk Battalion ID card
Islamic State
Diwan al-Jund
Al-Yarmouk Battalion
Delivery date: 12 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH
ID Card
Kunya: Abu Khalil al-Khani
Personal number: 1200013136
This card is for ID purposes, not appropriate as an assignment card.
Specimen 11N: Work card, al-Qa'qaa' Battalion
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Assignment card
Brother's name: Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Maghrebi
Work entrusted with: Media guy
Division affiliation: Idad al-Fatiheen Institute
Issue of card date: 20 Safr 1437 AH
Card expiration date: 20 Jumada al-Awal 1437 AH
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Al-Qa'qaa' Battalion: Admin official
NB: Idad al-Fatiheen Institute is in al-Bab, Aleppo province. From it comes the al-Qa'qaa' Battalion. Thanks to a local contact in north Aleppo countryside for this card.
Specimen 11O: Unspecified school card
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Ta'aleem
And say: Lord, increase me in knowledge
School card
Specimen 11P: Order from General Committee on media production from battles and expeditions
Islamic State
General Committee
14 Dhu al-Qa'ada 1435 AH [10 September 2014]
Statement for distribution no. 10
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Imam of the Mujahideen, our Prophet Muhammad, and all his family and companions. As for what follows:
The General Committee has decided to prohibit photography with phones, cameras and other things besides them during expeditions and what concerns battles, except by the responsible media personnel authorized to document and photograph these battles, in order to prevent unregulated efforts. And violators will be tracked down.
And may God reward you best from the Muslims, wa as-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu.
And praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
- It is asked to publish this statement for distribution on all main and divisional bases and centres in the wilayas.
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
Baqiya, because it has not been polluted by forbidden gain or a distorted program.
Specimen 11Q: Further notice on media production
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
No. 94
Date: 12 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH/26 September 2015 CE
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: all wilayas, diwans and committees
Subject: statement for distribution
Praise be to God alone and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no Prophet. As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu:
Previously the Committee even published a statement for distribution about unauthorized efforts in dealing with the media, and we have seen some violations of this statement for distribution recently. Therefore the General Supervisory Committee has decided the following:
1. It is absolutely forbidden to undertake independent efforts in working on or publishing written, audio or visual releases in the name of the Islamic State on the Internet network.
2. It is forbidden to cooperate by any means with satellite channels and international or local media foundations that get in touch with members of the Dawla, whatever the form of cooperation or incentives these foundations offer. Dealing with them is confined to the central Media Diwan in the Islamic State.
3. It is forbidden to issue any statements or positions affiliated with any side known for their affiliation with the Islamic State, like military amirs, admin officials, media officials, Shari'i officials and others besides them.
4. Amirs, soldiers and all known for their affiliation with the Islamic State are warned against opening personal accounts in their names on social media sites, or taking positions vouching for sides or supporting specific sides, and any violator of these instructions will be tracked down and held to account.
5. All walis and amirs of the concerned sides must convey this statement for distribution to all soldiers affiliated with them.
And God is the guarantor of success for all good, wa as-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
Copy to:
General Supervisory Committee (eastern provinces) for notice
Specimen 11R: Notice to those who own trucks and cars for goods, Deir az-Zor Province (2015)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan [al-Zakat]
Statement for distribution
To the brothers who own trucks and cars for goods
It is forbidden for trucks and cars for goods to go outside the lands of the Islamic State except by an official document from the Diwan al-Zakat establishing that he has paid his Shari'i zakat (according to the nisab by silver standard). And whoever violates that will expose himself to Shari'i consequence. And may God reward you best.
Specimen 11S: Notice to doctors who leave Islamic State terriotry, Deir az-Zor Province (2015)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Siha
Wilayat al-Kheir
Medical administration
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the one who was sent with the sword as a mercy to the worlds.
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
God Almighty has said: "And We have not wronged them, but they wronged themselves."
To: the medical administration in Wilayat al-Kheir
To: all doctors and female doctors in Wilayat al-Kheir
Every doctor or female doctor who leaves the lands of the Islamic State for the land of disbelief without permission from the medical administration for more than 15 days will have his/her personal clinic confiscated.
And may God reward you best.
Specimen 11T: Notice to those who own combines, Deir az-Zor Province (2015)
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Kheir
Centre of the Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat
Special instructions for owners of combines
1. Every owner of a combine must go to the zakat office, register in it and sign the attached pledge.
2. He must hand in his personal ID to the office for when the harvest ends.
3. He must receive the numbered document that shows he has gone and registered with the Diwan. And then he must bind it and hang it on the combine in a place where it can be seen with the eye.
4. He must receive the harvest timetable from the Zakat office.
5. The combine's owner and driver are responsible for the accuracy of the information, and in the event that the information is untrue, the matter will be referred to the judiciary.
6. Any violation of the aforementioned instructions will expose the one who commits them to Shari'i inquiry.
Specimen 11U: Notice to those who own combines (2)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan [al-Zakat]
Statement for distribution
To the brothers who own combines
It is forbidden for any combine to operate within the lands of the Islamic State except after going and registering with the Zakat office within one's wilaya, and whoever violates that will expose himself to Shari'i consequence.
And may God reward you best.
Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat
Specimen 11V: Notice to farmers and grain merchants, Deir az-Zor Province (2015)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan [al-Zakat]
Statement for distribution
To the brothers who are gain merchants and the brothers who are farmers:
Implementing the Almighty's words: "And give its due on the day of its harvest" [Qur'an 15:141]
It is absolutely forbidden to sell and buy grains and fruits that must be subject to zakat like wheat, barley, lentils, coriander, maize , pepper whether green or dried out, hummus, pistachio, olives, grapes and others besides them, except with a stamped document from the Zakat and Sadaqat office, so we ask you to be bound by and comply with the decision.
And that is in implementation of the words of God- Almighty and Exalted is He- "Oh you who believe, obey God and the Messenger and those in authority from you" [Qur'an 4:59].
And in implementation of the words of God- Almighty and Exalted is He: "And cooperate on the basis of piety and awareness of God, and not on the basis of sin and enmity" [Qur'an 5:2].
And whoever violates that will expose himself to Shari'i consequence.
Specimen 11W: Repentance call, Manbij area
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
No. 1
Date: 10 Safr 1437 AH [22 November 2015]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Announcement to the citizens of the amir al-mu'mineen (may God aid him):
Implementing the Almighty's words:
"Except those who repent, correct their actions and make evident, I will accept their repentance. And I am the Accepter of Repentance, the Merciful" (al-Baqara 160) [Qur'an 2:160]
And continuing to implement the orders of the amir al-mu'mineen Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (may God protect him and cultivate him) in accepting the repentance of the apostates even if they killed thousands upon thousands of us when he said in a speech to the soldiers of the Islamic State: "Do not oppress or be treacherous, rather we advise you to refrain from the one whose hard cash is renounced and who throws away his arms from your face- the one of those who fought you from the battalions, whatever his crimes amounted to, however great his sin. And let forgiveness and pardon overcome, so that you may be free to take on an immoral enemy still lying in wait for the Ahl al-Sunna entirely." And implementing the recent speech by the mujahid brother Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Adnani- may God protect and care for him- when he said in a speech to all the factions and battalions: "Whoever throws away his arms in repentance, he is safe, and whoever sits in the mosque in repentance, he is safe, and whoever enters his house and closes his door in repentance, he is safe, and whoever refrains from fighting us from the factions or battalions in repentance, he is safe: safe are they over themselves and their property whatever their enmity to the mujahideen previously and whatever their crimes amounted to..."
The public relations office in Wilayat Halab- Manbij area- announces the opening of the repentance office.
And accepting the repentance of members of the factions, battalions, brigades and all from these people who committed or touch upon one of the nullifiers of Islam like supporting, aiding and assisting America against the Muslims and fighting under its banner and orders, or fighting under the banner of the military council and national council that calls for democracy and secularism (meaning, the rule of the people for the people), and does not want the rule of God- even soldiers belonging to the Ahl al-Sunna who still fight with Bashar the Nusayri and members of the PKK.
And we warn all sheikhs of the tribes and seniors as well as those of the heard word and those who have pride in the religion of Islam and seek God's contentment that they must save the sons of their tribe and their brothers and their relatives from the apostasy that they have fallen upon as we have specified above, and they must connect with them until they come repenting towards God. Perhaps God will replace their evil deeds with good ones and they will live what remains of their age span as monotheists on the land of the Caliphate: for them is security and guarantee without exception.
To apply, connect and coordinate, go to the public relations and repentance office.
And God is the one behind the intention.
Islamic State
Wilayat Halab
Amir of Manbij
Specimen 11X: Da'wa meeting invitation, Sirte (Libya)
Invitation to attend the Da'wa meeting
The Da'wa and Masajid Centre invites you to attend the da'wa meeting:
Under the auspices of the Shari'a
Which will take place if God Almighty wills on Thursday corresponding to 19 November 2015
Place: Sirte family park in al-Mal'ab square
Time: directly after afternoon prayers
Aspects of the Da'wa meeting:
High-quality recitation, nasheeds, questions and answers, lecture, visual display, games, messages.
Your attendance leaves a good mark on our souls.
Specimen 11Y: Confiscation of a truck bearing medical goods, Sirte (Libya)
Shari'i court Wilayat Tarabulus: Sirte
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"So judge by what God has revealed and do not follow their whims" [Qur'an 5:49]
Document on matter of confiscation
It has been established among us that the cargo undertaken by the one called "Ramadan Attiyeh Masbah al-Usta" in transporting it from Tripoli to Benghazi and is a designation of "goods earmarked for dialysis " is the property of a tyrannical state and is to be placed in the "Benghazi Medical Centre."
Therefore we have ordered to confiscate the cargo and place it in the "Ibn Sina" hospital affiliated with the Islamic State so that the Muslims who live in the land of Islam in the shade of the Caliphate may benefit from it.
So the cargo will be confiscated and the one called "Ramadan Attiyeh Masbah al-Usta" will be released as he did not commit any crime. And his car will be released as it is property of a Muslim sinless as regards property.
Islamic State
Judge of the Injustices court
Wilayat Tarabulus: Sirte
Edited and published on Wednesday
On 4 Rabi' al-Awal 1437 AH
Corresponding to 16 December 2015 CE
Specimen 11Z: Call for services employees to attend Shari'i session, Sirte (Libya)
Islamic State
Wilayat Tarabulus
Public Services Centre
Sirte city
Statement for distribution
To the brothers in the services centres in the town, we inform you that there will be a Shari'a session next Tuesday in the al-Waqaduqu halls complex at 5 p.m.
Thus all working employees are informed of the nessity of attending, and whoever refrains will be exposed to inquiry.
Islamic State
Public Services Centre
The Amir
Wilayat Tarabulus
Specimen 12A: Shari'i session with Hisba for violation
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Hisba
Shari'i session
Type of violation: forging travel [passes/passports]
The bearer of this card is subjected to a Shari'i session with the Hisba
From date: 9 Safr 1437 AH corresponding to / /201 CE
Until: 9 Rabi' al-Awal 1437 AH corresponding to / /201 CE
And after this date the card will be invalid
And may God reward you best
Specimen 12B: Travel permit for medical reasons
Sick person pass card
In cooperation with the Hisba
To the brothers in the Islamic State checkpoints..
After examining the condition of the sick person...
On milady date...
It was made clear that the sick person is suffering from
And that on examining the reports of the hospital
It is allowed for the sick person to travel for treatment to...
For the Hisba in particular
Person accompanying the sick person:
Date of issuance:
Medical reports official
Abu Ahmad al-Samrawi
Islamic State
Wilayat Raqqa: Health centre
Note: In the event this cars is used by another person, his ID will be confiscated and the owner of the card will be exposed to inquiry and consequences.
Specimen 12C: Announcement for the colleges of Sirte University
All students of the colleges in the university (males and females) must attend the lecture that the Diwan al-Da'wa wa al-Masajid will give on Tuesday corresponding to 8 December 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the House of Wisdom theatre.
All students must comply with attendance in the specified place and time.
Specimen 12D: Prices for goods (incl. contraband) and exchange rates in Manbij (January 2016)
Exchange rates [from foreign currency to Syrian pounds]
Dollar: 396-397
Turkish lira: 133-135
Saudi riyal: 105
Jordanian dinar: 545
Gold: 11800 (21 carat)
Combustible fuels
Iraqi petrol: 200
Regime petrol [from Homs]: 425
Filtered oil: 150
[above per litre in Syrian pounds]
Gas: 225
Gas cylinder: 7500
Normal stove: 22000
Small Abdalia [local Aleppo brand] stove: 3500
Big Abdalia stove: 6500
Groceries [per kg in Syrian pounds unless otherwise stated]
Tomato: 350
Potato: 110
Cucumber: 400
Radish: 75
Cabbage: 200
Bunch of parsley: 75
Eggplant: 400
Thyme: 800
Basil: 85
Bucket of beef fat: 500
Kg of mutton fat: 500
Case of sugar: 11700
Kg of tea: 2100
Kg of lentils: 400
Split lentils: 250
Kg of mutton meat: 2200
Kg of beef: 1800
Derbi potatoes for kids [popular Syrian snack]: 10 per small pack
Seles natural juice [popular brand]: small (250), medium (350), large (450)
Oranges: 100
Apples: 225
Bananas: 250
Somali bananas: 350
Animal butter: 6300
Cooking oil: 6200 [presumably jerrycan]
Jerrycan of olive oil: 11500
Dates: 125
Bread (12 rolls): 200
Case of flour: 5000
Chicken: 575
Kg of wheat from 55 and barley from 80, also according to cleaning and every shop.
Chaff: 35
Clothes [in Syrian pounds]
With regards to the winter weather, the most important thing is al-falat or the new blouse from 5000 to 8000 according to type.
The blouse on the bundle: from 1000 to 2500
And gloves for the one riding the motorcycle from 300 to 500
Stockings from 150 to 300
Building materials [Syrian pounds]
Bag of cement: 1600
10 blocks: 70
15 blocks: 77
20 blocks: 82
Motorcycles [Syrian pounds]
Observing their prices in approximation:
Magneto 125,000-150,000 used [?]
Magneto 150,000-200,000 new [?]
Birds [Syrian pounds]
Pair of pigeons from 100 to 75,000 and more depending on type of pigeon
Hen and rooster: 800-1000 approximately
Egg at 35 pounds and every 3 for 100
Cigarettes [Syrian pounds]
Box of Mu'asal al-Tuffahatain [e.g. here]: 6000
Box of Gitanes: 4500
Box of Gauloise: 4500
Box of Gitanes Light [?]: 2200
Box of Master: 2100
NB: Not an Islamic State document, but via a local news page for Manbij (Manbij Umm al-Dunya). Some of the references are a bit unclear and have been marked with [?]. In some cases the food prices are cheaper than rebel-held areas further west (e.g. Azaz), but the cigarettes, being forbidden contraband in IS-held Manbij, seem to be around double the price.
Specimen 12E: Zakat card from Ramadi belt area
Islamic Caliphate State
Wilayat Anbar
Ramadi Belt Area
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
Diwan al-Zakat wa al-Sadaqat
Name of the poor one:
Specimen 12F: General notification on satellite TV (November 2015)
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
No. 44
Date: 4 Safr 1437 AH/16 November 2015
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: All wilayas, diwans and committees
Subject: Banning the satellite [TV]
Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family...As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu
I ask God Almighty to protect you with His protection, and grant you success to His satisfaction: indeed, great He is as the Lord, and great He is as the supporter.
God Almighty has said: "And they will continue fighting you until they turn you away from your religion if they can..." (Surat al-Baqara Aya 217) [Qur'an 2:217].
And God Almighty has said: "Oh you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from the fire" (Surat al-Tahrim Aya 6) [Qur'an 66:6].
And it is not concealed from you that our enemies are exerting much effort in the path of devaluing this Ummah, especially in its manners and creeds. And that is being done by a number of means and among the most important and rapid of them is the media represented in the satellite [i.e. satellite TV], or, if you like, it is among the strongest weapons in this time as it is used to terrify the sons of this Ummah, instill education for decadent programs, creeds and manners, and strive to strip this Ummah of the pure creed and true direction. Therefore the following is decided:
1. Warning against the satellite and its danger in Friday sermons and da'wa lectures.
2. Urging the Muslims to get rid of this apparatus and renounce it, and to return to the Noble Qur'an.
3. Urging the Muslims that family sessions should return, sessions of 'ilm [Islamic knowledge] and remembrance [see here]
4. Urging the Muslims in the bases and reception rooms to abandon screens and nasheeds, and to embrace remembrance of God, Almighty and Exalted is He.
5. Affirming the lying nature of the apostate and collaborationist news channels, and the honesty of the Muslims' media news.
6. Spreading news of the likelihood of banning this apparatus within 6 months under the authority of the Caliphate, especially among dealers in this apparatus and shop owners.
May God reward you best.
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee
Specimen 12G: Ban on satellite reception apparatuses [i.e. satellite TV]
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisba
No. 14
Date: 20 Safr 1437 AH/2 December 2015
Ban on satellite reception apparatuses
Praise be to God and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of for what follows:
God Almighty has said: "Indeed those who would like for immorality to spread among those who believe, for them is a painful torment in this world and the Hereafter, and God knows but you do not know" (al-Nur 19) [Qur'an 24:19]. Ibn Attiyeh said in al-Muharrar: "So their love for spreading immorality among the believers is firmly rooted in its own way in their hostility to the people of faith, and a 'painful torment' in this world is the hudud punishments, and the Hellfire in the Hereafter." And among the clearest reasons for the spreading of immorality in our times is the satellite reception apparatuses known as the "dish" or the "receiver", as they transmit day and night including war on God (Almighty and Exalted is He) and His Messenger (SAWS), as well as spreading doubts and inciting sinful desires and vices.
God Almighty has ordered to cut off the causes of corruption and not to follow Satan's footsteps, for the Almighty and Exalted has said: "Oh you who believe, do not follow Satan's footsteps, and whoever follows Satan's footsteps is ordering for immorality and vice" (al-Nur 21) [Qur'an 24:21]. Al-Alusi said: "Don't follow Satan in any of the deeds that include spreading immorality and liking it." And someone may assert that in these channels is something of use or benefit like the channels that falsely call themselves 'Islamic' or the news channels: but God- Almighty and Exalted is He- has said: "They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: 'In them are great sin and benefits for the people, but their sin is greater than their benefit" (al-Baqara 219) [Qur'an 2:219]. Ibn Taymiyya said: "Indeed the Shari'a has brought realization and fulfillment of the interests, as well as obstruction and diminishment of corruptions according to capability, and its aim is to give preference to the better of two goods if they both cannot be together, and to repel the worse of two evils if they both cannot be repelled."
In the so-called "Islamic channels" is content including corruption of doctrines and waging war on the mujahideen- something not concealed from the one who has insight. And the news channels contain disbelief, false rumours, lies and calumnies that only God can count.
According to the preceding: it is decided to prohibit the selling, circulation, marketing, use or repair of satellite reception apparatuses (dish) in all the lands of the Islamic State. This is to preserve our sons and daughters and protect the religion of the people from corruption. And all who violate this are rebelling against God (Almighty and Exalted is He) and His Messenger (SAWS) and the guarantor of the matter of the Muslims. They will be exposed to consequence and reprimand.
And God is the guarantor of success and the One who guides to the straight path.
Islamic State
Diwan al-Hisba
Specimen 12H: Leave permit, Ramadi area
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Leave permit
It is allowed for the brother Abu Faruq who works in the 7 kilo sector to take leave on Wednesday corresponding to 9 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH [23 September 2015] at 12 p.m. The period of his leave will be three days on condition that he return to his work on Sunday corresponding to 13 Dhu al-Hijja 1436 AH [27 September 2015] at 9 a.m. The weapons the brother bears are of Kalashnikov type. Its number:
Note: this form can only be used inside Wilayat al-Anbar.
Islamic State
Wilayat al-Anbar
Ramadi sector: Amir
Stamp of the amir
Specimen 12I: Special instructions, Ramadi area (wider Anbar province?)
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
1. Going to Abu Qasura's reception room is absolutely forbidden.
2. Going to al-Hajj Saleh's reception room is absolutely forbidden.
3. Going to the media guys' reception room is absolutely forbidden.
4. No going to the new admin centre except after obtaining an order from the amir of the sector who will send the brother after obtaining an order of agreement from the admin centre.
5. No going out to any place for any brother unless he is carrying weapons and is wearing an ammo pouch.
6. No using of anything except after obtaining agreement from the owner of that thing.
7. No leaving the reception rooms on approach of aircraft.
8. Phone connections from within the reception rooms are absolutely forbidden and the phone will be taken off the brother who violates this.
9. A special box for the media guys will be set up and placed in the new admin centre. And the requests of every sector will be placed in the box, and these requests will be placed on a form on which will be written the request, and the name of the reception room and sector. The brother coordinating this matter is Abu Hamza al-Jazrawi.
10. One must comply with the regulation on not going and registering with the hospital after 9 a.m. whether for treatment or visit, except in cases of emergencies.
11. All photos of brothers, killed or not, must be deleted, as well as videos from mobiles. If this contravened, the mobile will be confiscated and the brother will be held to account on the basis of his rebellion.
NB: Dating uncertain. Note that points 1-4 and 9-10 have been crossed out in pen, perhaps indicating that they were annulled.
Specimen 12J: Prohibition on using mobile phones
Islamic State
Caliphate on the Prophetic Methodology
General Supervisory Committee
No. 482
Date: 29 Rabi' al-Awal 1436 AH/ 20 January 2015 CE
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To: all the wilayas
Subject: Prohibition on using the mobile
Praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers, peace and deliverance be upon the Messenger of God, as well as his family. As for what follows:
As-salam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu...
The Truth (Almighty and Exalted is He) says: "Take your heed..." [Qur'an 4:71]. And for reason of taking up the causes and affirming our prior orders, it is decided to prohibit the bearing of the portable phone device (mobile) or use it in general or personal connections or any family/domestic connection. That is to protect the religion and souls.
Likewise it is forbidden to use mobile devices in Internet connections or any type of connections. Any brother seen with an open mobile device in his possession in the base or in the car will be held to account with 20 lashes, and it is not to be tolerated. May God reward you best.
Islamic State
General Supervisory Committee