The independent jihadist group Ansar al-Tawheed based in northwest Syria has launched a recruitment campaign for its new military formation called 'Jaysh al-Ansar' ('Army of the Supporters'). The recruitment campaign features contact details via Telegram and WhatsApp. I translate the recruitment advertisement below (any parenthetical insertions in square brackets my own). Note that on expressing a desire for recruitment via contact, the army asks for your name, origin, whether you are a veteran mujahid, whether you were with a faction or if you are a new person mobilising. Then a date should be set for interview and contact, and it should also be noted whether you have someone from Ansar al-Tawheed to vouch for you (tazkiya).
Recruitment Announcement
2 Shawwal 1442 AH
There is no deity but God
Jaysh al-Ansar
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Proceeding from the words of God Almighty: 'And among the people are those who sell themselves seeking to please God, and God is merciful with His servants.'
And from the hadith of Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) from the Messenger of God (SAWS): that he said: 'Among the best of all people for them is the man who clings to the reins of his horse in the path of God and flies on board it. Whenever he hears a cry for war or a call for help, he flies to it, seeking death or killing as it is expected...'
Your brothers in Jama'at Ansar al-Tawheed fi Bilad al-Sham announce the opening of the door of recruitment for Jaysh al-Ansar, asking the Lord that it should be a nucleus for the Islamic conquests that God has promised His servants.
- He should succeed in the acceptance test.
- The brother should be between 16 and 30 years old.
- He should be free of ailments, especially permanent disability.
- The brother should have tazkiya from one of the members of the group [i.e. Ansar al-Tawheed].
- He should have good manners and high zeal.
- He should be subject to a military and Shari'i course.
- The brother should comply with what he is entrusted with from the arrangements of the army, as the army arises on the basis of development and continual courses.
And God is the One who guides to the straight path.
And praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.
Contact numbers:
006283176184658 [Whatsapp]
00306995094386 [Whatsapp]
@GechAnsar [Telegram]
Ansar al-Tawheed