On May 28, the Islamic State released a new speech by its official spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi under the title: 'And the disbelievers will know to whom the final abode belongs' (a quotation taken from Qur'an 13:42). In summary, the speech touches on the following themes:
. The coronavirus epidemic as the punishment of God against the Tawagheet (idol tyrants) and the disbelievers. Abu Hamza compares this punishment to the punishments God sent as signs against the Pharaoh and his followers in the time of Moses
. The Crusaders and the apostates may have gathered in a coalition and destroyed the territorial abode the Islamic State once ruled, but the group continues on its path of true faith and fighting. Now the enemies of Islam regret how much they spent on waging war against the Islamic State and the epidemic is wearing them out economically. The enabling of the mujahideen by God is near. May God continue to impose the plague and pains and torments on the Tawagheet of today as He sent upon the Pharaoh, but keep the Muslims safe from the epidemics. The group also criticizes coronavirus epidemic measures like closing mosques on the grounds of protecting people's health.
. The Muslims in general must work to support the mujahideen and the religion. They should realize the world is split into two camps: the camp of faith and the camp of hypocrisy.
. The Muslims should also realize the nature of some of the projects today that were not previously announced lest they should have made some people turn to the Islamic State at the time. Examples include the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan while making the apostate Taliban the force that will fight the Islamic State in the area. In Iraq, the apostate Sahwa forces are hoping to benefit from the current premiership of PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi, but they have forgotten what the Islamic State soldiers previously wrought on the Sahwa forces and how the Americans betrayed them previously. In West Africa, the apostate al-Qa'ida is acting as the force for the Crusaders and apostate governments to fight the Islamic State. Previously, the Islamic State had put off fighting al-Qa'ida in that area and tried to reason with its members, but their treachery and attacks made fighting inevitable.
. The Islamic State fighters should persist in their jihad, and not allow their enemies to go a day without facing disruption to their lives in some way. They should also work to protect the Muslims' honor and work to free the prisoners. Regards from Abu Ibrahim al-Qurashi to the mujahideen and the prisoners.
. The speech concludes with a strong attack on the Qatari government for things like hosting the al-Udeid airbase, the apostate Sahwa forces in Syria, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Iraqi Hashd (in particular within the context of the deal that saw al-Zabadani returned to Syrian government control).
Below is the speech translated in full. Note the religious text references in brackets are parenthetical insertions (though not originally my own, as they were included in the al-Naba' newsletter transcript of the speech).
And the disbelievers will know to whom the final abode belongs
Audio speech by the official spokesman for the Islamic State
al-Sheikh al-Muhajir Abu Hamza al-Qurashi (may God Almighty protect him)
Praise be to God. We praise him and seek help in him and seek his forgiveness, and we seek refuge in God from the evil of our souls and the evils of our deeds. Whomsoever God guides, there is no one to mislead him, and whomsoever He misleads, there is no guide for him. And I bear witness that there is no deity but God alone with no partner for Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. As for what follows:
God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'So We sent upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice and the frogs and the blood, detailed signs, but they were haughty and a criminal people, and when there occurred upon them the punishment, they said: oh Moses, pray for us to your Lord in what pledge He has given to you. If you remove from us the punishment, we will certainly believe for you and we will send with you the Banu Isra'il. So when We removed the punishment from them for a time they should reach, they violated what they promised, so We took revenge on them and drowned them in the sea, for they declared Our signs to be false and they were heedless of them'- (al-'Araf 133-136).
And the Exalted has said: 'And We allowed the Banu Isra'il to pass the sea so Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in transgression and enmity until, when the drowning befell him, he said: 'I have believed that there is no deity except the One in which the Banu Isra'il have believed, and I am of the Muslims.' Now? And you had disobeyed before and you were of those who sow corruption? So today We will save you by your body to be a sign for the one after you. And indeed many of the people are heedless of our signs'- (Younis 90-92).
So Exalted is God Almighty, who has made in His wisdom the mention of Pharaoh and his transgression in the Book an example to be heeded to the rise of the Hour, to be heeded by all who have a heart or have listened and are witness, and that they may avoid the fate of all who transgress, are haughty, tyrannical and sow corruption in the land and kill the servants. But the Tawagheet of this age, have made the sign of Pharaoh as an example and program for them that they follow in fighting the monotheists, and wage war against the law of the Lord of the Worlds. So Praise be to God who has eternalized the mention of Pharaoh and his ilk to the rise of the Hour.
Were it not for that, there would have come out from the Tawagheet of this age of ours or from their allies, one who says that Pharaoh is a man of the just ones, who waged war against the Prophet of God Moses- upon him be prayers and peace- because he wanted to change the religion of his people and bring forth corruption in the land! Just as Pharaoh claimed for himself. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'And Pharaoh said: let me kill Moses and let him pray to His Lord. Indeed I fear that he will replace your religion or that he will bring forth corruption in the land'- (Ghafir 26).
Or they say that his war against the monotheists and oppression of the oppressed was an act of heroism, and that his perishing and his soldiers as they chased those fleeing with their religion from their oppression was martyrdom, just as they claim today regarding those who wage war on Islam and its people, and perish as they fight in the path of the Taghut.
But they are turning away from contemplating what struck those before them from the criminals about whose affair and outcome God Almighty informed them, shutting out their hearing of the truth, and not heeding the signs. Indeed they do not even heed what is striking them from torment, and they do not review themselves or repent of their crimes, such that they increase the anger of God Almighty upon them. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'So what is the matter with them concerning remembrance as they turn away? It is as though they are donkeys summoned, who have fled from a lion. Indeed every person among them desires to be given scriptures spread about' (al-Mudatthir 49-52). And the Exalted has said: 'And indeed We will make them taste from the lowest torment beneath the greatest torment. Perhaps they will return. And who is more wrongdoing than the one who has been reminded of the signs of his Lord then turns away from them? Indeed We will take revenge on them' (al-Sajda 21-22). And the One to be exalted said: 'And no sign comes to them from their Lord, except they have been turning away from it. For they have declared the truth to be false when it came to them so there will come to them signs of what they used to mock. Have they not seen how many generations We destroyed before them? We enabled them in the land what We did not enable for you and We sent the sky upon them in showers and We made the rivers run from beneath them so We destroyed them by their sins so We established after them other generations' (al-'An'am 4-6).
So this is the Sunna of God Almighty that does not alter or change. The Exalted and Almighty warns by His wisdom the Tawagheet of every age, so He reminds them of what He sent from His anger and His painful torment on all the peoples that waged war on His religion and allies, and He makes them taste some of His might, in the hope that they may return from their tyrannical transgression and disbelief, and in order for there to be in that support for His monotheist servants. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'And We sent before you messengers to their people, so they brought them the proofs so We took revenge on the those who committed criminality and supporting the believers was a right upon us'- (al-Rum 47).
So by the mercy from the Exalted and Almighty He grants support to His believing servants, and the Exalted Lord has declared war on all who oppose His monotheist allies, as came in the Qudsi hadith on the authority of Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of God (SAWS) said: 'Indeed God Almighty has said: Whoso opposes a trustee of mine, I have declared war on him.' And just as God Almighty tormented Pharaoh and his ilk, followers and supporters and soldiers who were hostile to the monotheists and the Messengers of the Lord of the World, so the Exalted sent upon them the flood, locusts, lice, frogs and blood as detailed signs, but they were haughty and a criminal people. Likewise the Exalted and Almighty sent in His power on the followers of Pharaoh- the Tawagheet of this age and their partisans and their followers and elected people and slaves and soldiers and donkeys- a torment from Himself, which is the weakest of the Exalted's creations, not seen by the eyes. And it has bewildered the entire world and at the head of them the tyrannical Tawagheet, who have transgressed against and inflicted the pain of torment on the monotheists, and have been a cause in the destruction of the abode of the Muslims, and the massacre of children, women and elderly, in a land that was ruled by the law of God Almighty despite the will of the followers of Pharaoh and Haman, the Tawagheet of this age.
And today oh Crusaders you have been afflicted at the hand of God by that which is of the type of your deed, after you waged war on the religion and allies of the Exalted, and you gathered against the Islamic State. So just as the corpses of the monotheists were thrown in the roads by the bombing of your aircraft, and the Muslims clung to their homes in fear of your missiles, here today by the grace of God Almighty you see how the corpses of your brothers have been thrown in the roads and garbage piles, and a quarantine has been imposed on you so you do not go out from your homes.
And just as you besieged the abode of the Muslims in Mosul, Sirte, al-Baghuz and other places, and you prevented the entry of food and drink to them, so today- by the grace of God Almighty- the tables have turned on you and you have begun seeking aid after many of you lost all they own.
And if you were rejoicing one day in what afflicted us from killing and destruction, we were only afflicted- thanks be to God Almighty- with goodness and benefit, while we rejoice today in what has afflicted you from the torment of God Almighty who has tormented you in this world, and we ask the Exalted and Almighty to impose us on you so a greater torment afflicts at our hands. Then the greatest torment will be for you on the day of Judgement, the day of Resurrection and Regret, if you do not repent and believe in God Almighty. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'Say: are you lying in wait for us except for one of the two goods, and we are lying in wait for you that God should strike you with a torment from among Him or at our hands, so lie in wait. Indeed we are lying in wait with you'- (al-Tawba 52).
It will not be long before our Lord- Almighty and Exalted is He- will show you anew what you hate, from the support and enabling of the Exalted's religion in the land, and the implementation of His law in it, and indeed you consider it to be far off, and we consider it to be near, but you do not understand. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'And We intend to bless those who have been oppressed in the land, and make them leaders and make them inheritors, and enable them in the land, and show the Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers among them what they feared' (al-Qasas 5-6).
And if your predecessor Pharaoh was destroyed before he should see the enablement of the oppressed Muslims in the land, so our Lord- Exalted in His Majesty- has shown you before at the hands of the soldiers of the Caliphate what you feared, and put you by the Exalted's greatness in fear and terror of them even as they were a world away from you, as the Almighty and Exalted enabled us in the land, while you looked on like the one out cold from death. So you gathered all your dogs in a Crusader coalition, as the Tawagheet of the Arabs who falsely claim to be affiliated with Islam and its people tried to get ahead of you in it. And the competition between you was in pouring out your hatred on the monotheists in all you possess from arms, such that what you declared forbidden and criminal in your laws of disbelief in war, you spent billions of dollars on, so your aircraft bombed stones and people, young and old, and you destroyed the abode of the Muslims over their heads, and you only hated them because they believed in God the Mighty and One to be Praised, because we preached the truth and we disavowed you and what you worship besides God Almighty, because we preached the creed of loyalty and disavowal, because we preached the path of Ibrahim- prayers and peace be upon him- and we disavowed your Taghuti systems that you worship besides God Almighty.
And be certain, that all you crimes you have committed- so long as you are proud of them- will not divert us- by the permission of God Almighty- from the course of faith, and we will proceed on the path of light and guidance, not concerned or afraid or hesitating or altering, because we have not fought and will not fight for the sake of political gains, and not to implement a social or economic theory or philosophical precept, but the religion of the Lord of Creation, who in His Almightiness and Exaltedness has commanded for it to be established in His land, and for His servants to be ruled by it, and for there to be fighting in its path, so we will not barter on our religion, and we will not flatter and not be soft, and we will not relent or resign, until the Exalted Lord rules between us and you.
So hear it, oh Tawagheet of the world, hear it from us well: we will not lay aside the weapons and the war will not end until there is no more fitna in the land, and religion belongs wholly to God and you are laid low.
And today- by the praise and blessing of God- you have begun to regret all you have spent in the war against the monotheists, and here today we see you as you intensely bleed wealth in a despairing attempt to save your economies that the fever of the epidemic has exhausted. And many of your allies have come to the verge of bankruptcy, seeking support and begging for loans, after they made their wealth go to waste as dust particles in order to turn away from the path of God.
God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'Indeed those who have disbelieved spend their wealth to turn away from the path of God, so they will spend it then there will be regret upon them, then they are overcome, and those who have disbelieved will be gathered to Hell'- (al-Anfal 36).
So praise be to God who has made you regretting what your hands have spent to wage war on the monotheists, and praise be to God who has sent upon you His torment and painful punishment for you to be preoccupied with yourselves and to keep your idolatry away from the Muslimms, as you are still in bewilderment and confusion because of the deadly virus, and you are still unable to cure it, fearing the outcomes of its affair. And you used to claim that you possessed the world in what is in it, and you said as your disbelieving predecessors said before: 'Who is stronger than we are in force today?!' But God is more powerful and greater, and God is mightier and more exalted. He alone is the One who imposes upon you His torment, and the Exalted alone is the one capable of removing it, so repent to your Lord and ask Him to respond to you, and seek His relief for Him to relieve you, and do not be haughty upon the Exalted so He increases His might and torment upon you, so then you pray to Him but there is no response to you, for God is mighty in His revenge, wise in His command and judgement.
God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'Oh you people, for you is a similitude so listen to it: indeed those you pray to besides God will never be able to create a fly even if they gathered for that purpose, and if the fly should steal from them something, they cannot recover it from him. Weak are the one pursuing and the one pursued. They have not shown the true appraisal to God. Indeed God is powerful, mighty'- (al-Hajj 73-74). And the Exalted has said: 'And had We had mercy on them and removed the harm among them, they would have persisted in their tyrannical transgression, wandering. And We have seized them with the torment but they did not submit to their Lord, nor were they themselves humbled'- (al-Mu'minun 75-76). And the One to be Exalted has said: 'And those before them plotted, but to God is the plot entirely, knowing what every soul earns, and the disbelievers will know to whom the final abode belongs'- (al-Ra'ad 42).
So perhaps you will return from your transgression and you will fear, after you have seen the signs of God Almighty in your lands. But what is the matter with you that you do not heed the signs that have come down on your predecessors or the other nations that were destroyed before you. Indeed you have proceeded from corruption to corruption, and you have relished humiliation, lowliness and atheism. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'Corruption appeared in the land and sea through what the hands of the people have earned, such that it should make them taste some of what they have done. Perhaps they should then return'- (al-Rum 41). So perhaps you should return after this and fear the Mighty King and take heed. On the authority of Ata' bin Abi Rabah on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar (may God Almighty be pleased with them both): he said: 'The Messenger of God (SAWS) came upon us and said: 'Oh group of the muhajireen: there are five things, which, if you should be tested with them, and I seek refuge in God that you should live to experience them. The obscenity has not appeared in a people at all such that they announce it, without their spreading among them the plague and pains that had not come upon their predecessors, and they do not cheat the measure and balance without their suffering from famine, calamity and the tyranny of the authority upon them, and they do not prevent zakat of their wealth without their being prevented from the rain from the sky, and if there were no cattle, there would be no rain at all. They do not break pact of God or the pact of his Messenger (SAWS) without God's imposition of an enemy upon them from those besides them and their taking some of what is in their hands. And so long as their imams do not rule by the book of God and seek good solely from what God has revealed, God will bring their force against each other.'
So God, we call on You to impose the plague, pains and diseases on the followers of Pharaoh, the Tawagheet of the Arabs and the non-Arabs, the enemies of Islam, for they have not abandoned corruption without openly showing it off and waging war against the servants through it. And oh Lord, we call on You to keep the Muslims safe in every place from the epidemics, illnesses ad evil of diseases.
And we ask the Almighty to take revenge on the sorcerers of the age, the 'ulama of the Tawagheet who flatter them, justify every falsehood issued from them. And we have seen them in the recent tribulation of the epidemic how they are keen on calling for the closure of the mosques and preventing the Friday prayers and congregations, and the Hajj and 'Umra and other things of the laws of Islam, on the pretext of fearing the infection, at the time in which they are silent about the gatherings of gross immorality and impudence, and those in the clubs and halls dancing, and the gatherings of idolatry and disbelief in the churches of the Christians and the temples of idols to which they rush in competition, as though the infection only transmits in the mosques of the Muslims! And all that is in obedience to their allies the Tawagheet who claim through their false claims to be preserving the health of the people and their safety. At the same time they imprison hundreds of thousands of the Muslims in their prisons, in which they inflict the torment on them, and in which the different epidemics and diseases spread. And these criminals have forgotten in the shade of their preoccupation with implementing the orders of their Tawagheet even that they should order the people to return to God Almighty, and repent and turn in repentance to the Exalted, and seek forgiveness from sins and faults. And God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'And it has not been for God to torment them while you are among them and God has not been tormenting them while they seek forgiveness'- (al-Anfal 33).
And to the Muslims in every place
We remind you again of your obligation towards your religion and brothers, from supporting them with life and wealth, and defending their honor, and striving to join them and participate with them in their jihad in the path of God Almighty. The Exalted Lord has said: 'Oh you who have believed. Am I to show you a business that will save you from a painful torment? You believe in God and His Messenger and wage jihad in the path of God with your wealth, and lives. That is best for you if you knew. He will forgive for you your sins and make you enter Paradise under which rivers flow and fine dwellings in Paradise of Eternity. That is the great attainment. And another that you like is victory from God and a near conquest and give good tidings to the believers'- (al-Saff 10-13).
Until when will you remain refraining from supporting your religion and jihad against the enemy of God and your enemy?! And what is your excuse before God Almighty in your refraining? Prepare for the question a response ad for the response correctness.
For by God, by God, you must support your religion, for the truth has been made evident and the falseness of falsehood revealed, and no longer hidden is the disbelief of the one who stands in the camp of the atheists who have announced in all clarity war on the monotheists.
And we are today but two camps: the camp of faith in which there is no hypocrisy, and the camp of hypocrisy in which there is no faith. And you have observed how the parties and governments of apostasy have been united in one trench with the Crusaders, Jews, Rafidites, Nusayris, idolaters, secularists and all the paths of disbelief. For they have gathered upon us from every direction, and not one of those disbelieving apostate parties has hesitated to fight us, for the near is before the far.
Indeed even the one who has claimed that he is on the path of jihad! For sometimes with their claim that we are renegade Khawarij, and sometimes that we are partisan extremists. But no by God, they have not been honest in this or that. Perhaps they should consult together in what is between them and come out against us with one opinion, and openly announce that it is a war against the Muslims and to replace the law of the Lord of the Worlds.
For we today have declared it in all clarity that we- praise and thanks be to God- are on the methodology of the best of men, our Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him) who was sent with the sword before the Hour such that God alone should be worshipped, and it was said to him when he (prayers and peace be upon him) was sent: 'No one has brought the likes of what you have brought except he has been opposed.' And our deeds avail our profession.
And we have been and remain- praise be to God alone- a thorn in the sides of the parties that deviate from the Shari'a, and replace the religion of God Almighty, and we have been and remain- praise be to God alone- a stumbling block before their efforts to mislead the Muslims, corrupt their doctrines and drive them to the precipices of democracy, nationalism and loyalty to the idolaters.
And if the Islamic State had only prevented tens of thousands of youth of the Muslims from fighting and dying under the banners of disbelief and blindness that would result in their losing their religion and this world of theirs- that would have sufficed for it. But consider also that we established the religion, and ruled the land by the Lord of the Worlds, and appointed the Imam to unite the group of the Muslims, despite the will of the Crusaders and despite the will of their apostate followers! And that is the reason for their hostility to us and the reason for their gathering against us.
And here today they plan to implement new projects of betrayal they delayed announcing for some years, and they were concealing them in fear of their followers turning away from them and joining the Islamic State, and all of them revolve around the alliance with the Crusaders to fight the monotheists, and prevent the establishment of the rule of the law of the Lord of the Worlds, in the path of obtaining contentment from them, and their acceptance in giving them some gains and positions.
Among these projects: agreeing on the withdrawal of the American army from Afghanistan, which is a cover for the current alliance between the apostate Taliban militias and the Crusaders to fight the Islamic State, and the principle to establish the national government that brings together the apostates of the Taliban with the idolatrous Rafidites and others of the sects of disbelief and apostasy. And this agreement was not to be implemented except after the Crusader campaign against the soldiers of the Caliphate in the Nangarhar region, in which also the apostates of the Pakistani and Afghan armies participated, and others of the apostate militias.
And they reckoned after that that they had destroyed the Islamic State, and the land was empty for them to do what they want, but their hopes were frustrated by the grace of God Almighty alone, and the soldiers of the Islamic State proved their dreams to be a lie, for their operations- praise be to God- still endure and continue in the heart of the capital of the Taghut, and other areas of Khorasan, making rough the beds of the Crusaders and apostates, and shaking their pillars, and demolishing their delusions.
And the mujahideen are still determined to fight them, until they cleanse the land of their idolatry, and establish the religion of God Almighty alone in that land, by the permission of the Exalted Lord.
And they are still eager to foil all the plots of the apostates, and bring down their disbelieving governments, and their immoral laws. We ask God Almighty to bless their jihad, and magnify their damage on their enemies, and make them conquerors over them.
As for in Wilayat al-Iraq, the apostates of the Sahwa forces have returned to bring out their heads from the holes that they entered years ago, as they hope America will allow them to reorganize their deviant factions, and grant them a region that they rule by the Shari'a of the Taghut, in exchange for being soldiers for them ready to fight the State of the Muslims, and obstruct the activity of its soldiers there, just as their brothers do in al-Sham today. And these suggestions have grown in strength after the close collaborator of America and its beloved spy- the Taghut 'Mustafa al-Kadhimi'- took control of the Rafidite government. May God uglify him and whoso is loyal to him: they hope he will be less hostile to them than the other representatives of the Rafidite parties like al-Maliki, al-Ja'afari, al-Abadi and Abd al-Mahdi, who preceded him in his position, and resembled him in his disbelief and apostasy.
And perhaps it has been a long time for these people so they have forgotten what befell them in the previous years at the hands of the soldiers of the Islamic State, who cleansed the land of their filth and made them a lesson for whoso comes after them from men.
And we are ready and prepared- by the permission of God Almighty- to reproduce the lesson again and again, and fighting the Rafidites, Crusaders and all the nations of disbelief will not distract us from that. And perhaps they have forgotten how America betrayed them before, after its use for them in fighting the monotheists had worn out, then handed over their necks to the idolatrous Rafidites who inflicted on them the evil torment, in killing, imprisonment and displacement.
And perhaps they pretend to forget that the apostate al-Kadhimi was and is still at the head of the intelligence apparatus, the sword of the Rafidites imposed on the necks of the oppressed of the Muslims, and their compliant tool in concocting accusations against them, to arrest them, torment them and kill them, under what they call the cover of the law. So what is the matter with them that they do not understand? And what is the matter with them that they show no reason?!
And we warn them from making themselves again wood for the fire of the Rafidites and the Crusaders, and perhaps the recent operations of the soldiers of the Caliphate in the different areas of Iraq will wake them up from their dreams, and remove from their heads the whispers of the Shayateen who intimate to them that the land has been emptied of its lions, and the time has come for the foxes to act like lions in them. And happy is the one who has taken heed in one besides him, and benefited in his experiences.
As for the Rafidites we say to them: prepare to confront the monotheists face to face after your American masters have begun to withdraw their forces from Iraq, for by the permission of God Almighty your false delusional media claims will not benefit you, or your campaigns and claimed victories. And what has struck you during the past weeks at the hands of the soldiers of the Caliphate is but a small part of a vast amount.
So know oh Rafidites of Iraq, oh Nusayris of al-Sham, oh accursed Majous Iran, oh Houthis of idolatry, the worshippers of tombs and idols, oh you who help each other to fight the monotheists: your war with us is long, and you cannot prevail in it, and you are not competent for it by the permission of God Almighty. For we have been determined that no day should pass without there flowing in it your filthy blood by the Exalted's permission. And you have observed, oh Nusayris of al-Sham, ho your convoys go out to fight us and do not return, being seized by ambushes and detachments of the lions.
As for in Wilayat Gharb Ifriqiya where the Crusaders and apostates have been unable to defeat the Islamic State in its different areas, the apostates of the al-Qa'ida organization are offering themselves to represent them in fighting the soldiers of the Caliphate, in return for the Tawagheet there accepting negotiation with them and the Crusaders' abandoning the fight against them!
For they have taken leave of all the sects of disbelief and apostasy in those lands, in order to direct their force entirely to fight the soldiers of the Islamic State, and prevent them from waging jihad against the armies of the Crusaders and their apostate allies in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Algeria. Indeed they have moved from the stage of taking leave to the stage of alignment and supporting against the Muslims: the Sunna of their brothers in the best of the branches and regions.
But the news that comes one after another of the conquests of the Islamic State, and inflicting damage on the armies of apostasy, and the news of the inability of the Crusaders and apostates to resist them have afflicted them badly and made their beds rough.
Also the repeated attack of the mujahideen on the apostate army in Algeria has enraged them, as they abandoned fighting it years ago, and indeed have made themselves guard dogs for it, preventing the one besides them from that even by fighting him!
Then what broke their back was that big groups of their followers abandoned them, and joined the Islamic State, after the truths that were concealed from them in past times became clear to them. So here they are today killing those who abandon them to join the soldiers of the Caliphate in Wilayat Gharb Ifriqiya, and accusing them of being Khawarij, and making fair game their blood and wealth, in transgression and error. At the same time they do not stop those of their followers who join the apostate factions of the secularists, nationalists and others, and they consider them brothers to them and are loyal to them in religion.
And indeed the soldiers of the Caliphate delayed fighting them and endured their harm for years, and even called their followers to truth in goodness, and debated their amirs and the students of 'Ilm among them in the way that is best.
But after their treachery, fighting has become inevitable, as one must fight iron with iron. And if they return to fight us, we return to them again, and we have more defeats for them- by the permission of God Almighty- and there is no power or force except in God the Mighty and the One to be Praised.
And to the soldiers of the Caliphate in every place:
May God Almighty bless you and your jihad and recent operations, which have shaken the governments and parties of disbelief and apostasy in every place.
How excellent you are by God! So the world has experienced the truth of your energy, and the enemies of Islam- by the grace of God Almighty- have become at a loss as to how to stop you and resist you, and have expended the utmost of what they have in the path of that, and the contrary of what they thought- by the grace of God Almighty- has become clear to them.
So know, oh our brothers and loved ones in God, that the path is long, so there must be provisions. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'And have provisions, for indeed the best provisions are taqwa and show taqwa oh people of authority'- (al-Baqara 197). And the Exalted has said: 'That above of the Hereafter, we make it for those who do not want supremacy in the land or corruption, and the outcome is for the pious'- (al-Qasas 83).
So we advise you and ourselves to show taqwa towards God Almighty, inwardly and outwardly, and indeed among the greatest of that in which the believers can show taqwa towards God is their blood, wealth and honor, because they are of greater sanctity in the view of our Lord (Almighty and Exalted is He) than everything. And it was what the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) advised his Ummah in the farewell speech: 'Indeed your blood, wealth and honor are sacrosanct upon you, like the sanctity of this day of yours in this month of yours and in this land of yours'- (muttafiq alayhi).
So by God, by God, for the blood and wealth of the Muslims, beware of infringing upon them except by the right of Islam, and be eager to defend them from the hands of the disbelievers and apostates. And by God, by God, for the honor of the Muslims, beware of foolishness and stupidity, and do not speak about them except good.
And likewise we advise you to appreciate the burden of trust that has been thrown upon your shoulders, for we have borne a great trust, which the heavens, earth and mountains refused to carry and shunned. So by God, by God in what you have been asked to protect, by God, by God, you must support the oppressed and raise the oppression from the oppressed. For the eyes of the monotheists in the east and west of the earth await your vanguards, and their hopes after God Almighty are in you.
And know that the entire world is coming upon great things, and what you see today is but foundations for greater transformations, which the lands of the Muslims will witness in the coming time by the permission of God Almighty. And there will be in them an opportunity greater than that which God Almighty facilitated for you a decade ago in some of the lands, which witnessed what you know of the events.
So prepare for the coming stage what you can from force and steeds, and terrify the enemies of God and your enemies and others behind them you do not know. God the Exalted is well informed and aware of them.
And we advise you to be harsh upon the disbeliever enemies of God. Address them with the sharp swords, and ignite the expeditions and do not stop the raids. And do not let a day pass for the apostates and their Crusader masters without disturbing their life. Ambush them on the roads, burn their convoys with IEDs, destroy the checkpoints and barracks, and let the slogan of one of you be: 'May I not escape if the servants of the Tawagheet escape.'
And roll up the sleeve of earnestness, and continue your night with your day, and expend the most precious of what you possess, lives and lifeblood to make the word of Tawheed highest and fight the enemies of God and the religion.
And we inform you that Sheikh Amir al-Mu'mineen and Caliph of the Muslims Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi- may God Almighty protect him and grant him conquest at his hands- sends you his salam, and sends his blessings to you for the expedition of attrition, and advises you to be patient and steadfast, and always remember God Almighty and try to get near to the Exalted in acts of obedience.
He also advises you to make plans and multiple the operations, and take revenge for the Muslims and their honor, and remove the oppression from them, and strive to save your siblings- the male and female prisoners- in every place, so expend all capabilities and do not spare one in that.
And to our siblings- the male and female prisoners- may God Almighty make them steadfast- the Amir al-Mu'mineen- may God Almighty protect him- advises you to be patient over the tribulation that has afflicted you and that your hearts and tongues should not slacken from remembering God Almighty. And seek help in patience and prayer, and let one of you be certain that God Almighty will not break the hearts of the believers.
And know that your brothers after putting their reliance on God Almighty have not forgotten you for a day, for they are expending all they have to rescue you, and take revenge for you against your jailers and interrogators. So be patient and steadfast. God the Blessed and Almighty has said: 'With adversity is ease, and with adversity ease.'
And to the Tawagheet who rule the lands of the Muslims, who have not left any of the doors of disbelief and betrayal without entering them, or any path to help the Crusaders in their war against the Muslims without supporting the through it, your wealth- by the grace of God- has begun to be exhausted. And you have been spending it to turn away from the path of God Almighty, and your Crusader allies have begun to be confined to their own problems. And you were reckoning that they would keep you from us to the rise of the Hour. But who will keep you from us after today?! And who will intervene between you and us?!
So by the permission of God Almighty, we will continue to be hostile to you, and continue striving always to fight you, and inciting the Muslims to that, until you repent to God Almighty from your disbelief, and cease your oppression, and keep your hands away from the blood, wealth and honor of the Muslims.
And we do not distinguish between the one of you who openly flaunts enmity to the religion and its people, and the one who conceals that, and disguises the evil of his belief by bribing the apostate Ikhwan who sow corruption, in order for them to appoint him as an imam and guide for them, as he leads them like the blind straight to Hell, like the Tawagheet of Turkey and Qatar.
For we have not forgotten for a day that the 'al-Udeid' airbase that the Tawagheet of Qatar built to host in it the American army, has been and remains a base for the leadership of the Crusader campaign against the Muslims in Khorasan, Iraq, al-Sham and Yemen.
And we have not forgotten for a day that the Tawagheet of Qatar have been the planner, executor, and financer of the project to transform the fighting factions in Iraq to collaborator Sahwa forces for the Rafidites and Crusaders, with their sole goal to fight the monotheists.
And we have not forgotten for a day that they are the financers of the Sahwa forces in al-Sham, and directed them through the apostate Ikhwan and the 'ulama of evil who are under their command, in order to deviate the rifles of the factions from the chests of the Nusayris to the backs of the Muslims.
And we have not forgotten for a day that they were and still are financing and supporting the Rafidite government in its war on the Ahl al-Sunna, nor that they are the financers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the militias of the Rafidite Hashd with more than a billion dollars, to continue in the slaughter of the Muslims and destroy their land and violate their honor, in what was known at the time as the deal to hand over the town of al-Zabadani to the Nusayris. And we will not forget for a day your crimes, and for every term is a decree.
Our Lord, do not blame us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord do not place a burden on us as You placed on those before us. Our Lord, do not make us bear what we do not have strength for. Pardon us, forgive us and have mercy on us. You are our Lord, so grant us victory against the disbeliever people. And God is predominant over His affair but most of the people do not know.
And praise be to God the Lord of the Worlds.