On Telegram there a number of prominent channels belonging to officials in Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and supporters of the organization. One of these channels is 'Osama al-Sahrawi', whose channel I noticed was promoted by 'al-Idrissi' of HTS. I connected with 'Osama al-Sahrawi', who describes himself as one of the military personnel of HTS, and conducted a brief interview with him today.
Q: How do you assess the current situation in the field of al-Sham generally?
A: The situation in the field is very good by the grace of God. The mujahideen are now developing themselves for the coming battles if God wills.
Q: Why have the mujahid factions lost many areas?
A: The mujahideen lost these villages, localities and towns because of topography of the land and because of the Russian and Iranian pigs who took the land through the scorched-earth policy.
Q: How do you assess the Turkish role currently?
A: We do not rely on the Turks. As Sheikh Jowlani (may God protect him) has said, we do not rely on them at all.
Q: Some people talk about the possibility of the Commission [HTS] dissolving itself. What is your opinion on these words?
A: These words are the words of hypocrites and people who hinder. Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham is the force of the Sunnis in al-Sham and by the permission of God- Almighty and Exalted is He- so long as there is a pulse in our veins we will defend this Ummah.
Q: What is your opinion on the spread of the coronavirus? Is it a punishment from God Exalted and Almighty is He?
A: Yes it is the punishment of God (Almighty and Exalted is He) against the disbeliever states and now corona is destroying the soldiers of Assad on the Idlib countryside fronts.
Q: Finally what is the future of the jihad in the field of al-Sham? Is the Taliban movement a model for the jihad in al-Sham?
A: If God wills dear brother. I ask God to open up the land and the hearts of the servants.